
Anti-cellulite massage at home - cans, honey

  • Anti-cellulite massage at home - cans, honey

    If one wonderful morning, coming to the mirror, you saw that your skin, which looked like a peach before, now resembles an orange, then you need to take urgent measures, this is cellulite!

    Scientists believe that this skin condition is characteristic only of women. Under the influence of hormones, the skin becomes not smooth and even, but with depressions, its relief is striking.

    How to determine yourself, do you have cellulite? To do this, you need to squeeze the skin of the thigh with both hands, if an "orange peel" appears, then this is cellulite, which you need to get rid of.

    Causes of the appearance of

    Causes of the appearance of cellulite

    The cause of the appearance of cellulite can be a genetic predisposition, hormonal disorders, impaired blood supply to peripheral parts of the body, eating disorders and a largely sedentary lifestyle.

    Also the cause of the initial, so-called adipose cellulite, can be the accumulation of water among fat cells. And already for this reason, supply of skin tissues with oxygen is disrupted, cell nutrition and excretion of slags worsen.

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    Polysaccharides accumulate in the subcutaneous tissue, adhering fat cells, resulting in seals under the skin, which further disrupt blood circulation.

    As a result of the decrease in oxygen metabolism, lymphostasis is formed, and the cellulite process begins to develop rapidly.

    Application of creams and gels

    Application in massage of creams and gels

    In order for anti-cellulite massage at home to be more effective, various creams, oils and gels are used.

    Many widely advertised products released by the perfume industry are exposed as anti-advertising by useless, but scientific studies and practical experience confirm that vitamin A, caffeine, and algae products significantly reduce cellulite formations and improve the skin. Therefore, when buying a cream or gel against cellulite, be sure to carefully study its composition and choose the one that contains the above components.

    Recently, thermoactive creams and gels have appeared on the market, causing a rush of blood in the places of application. Such creams and gels are also very effective in combating cellulite. After their application, a strong thermal effect is manifested, blood circulation intensifies and the skin reacts more actively to massage.

    Massage with spoons

    Anti-cellulite massage with spoons

    Home anti-cellulite massage can be performed using improvised means. A renowned German physician practicing in cosmetology, Renee Koch recommends using ordinary spoons for this.

    Durable spoons, best of all, nickel-based, need to be cooled and lubricated with anti-cellulite cream. It can be successfully replaced with liquid honey, which tones well the skin and excellently removes slag.

    The technique of anti-cellulite massage with the help of spoons consists in the following: attaching the spoons to the buttocks, massage the skin with both hands with vigorous circular motions, gently pressing, from the center to the sides, and then with the same movements from the bottom up.

    Next, massage the thighs and legs with the same movements, but remember that the inner side of the thigh is massaged from the bottom up, and the outer one - vice versa, from the top down. Such massage is performed daily for 30 minutes, while constantly warming up the muscles should not cool down.

    Dr. Koch asserts that such massage will not only save you from cellulite, but will tighten the skin and smooth wrinkles.

    Hand massage

    Anti-cellulite massage with the hands of

    To perform this massage, there are several rules:

    • massage is done by light, smooth movements, first slowly, and then gradually speeding up the pace;
    • muscles should be relaxed, and the hands should not be cold. If you do not use cream or gel for massage, then you can sprinkle your hands with talc;
    • with massage of the body movements must be from the bottom up, directed towards the heart;
    • does not massage the groin area and popliteal cavity;
    • it is impossible to carry out anti-cellulite massage for heart, skin and varicose veins.

    Stroking. These movements begin and end any massage. Gently with your fingertips, follow the body in the required place. With these movements you will warm up the muscles and improve blood circulation in the capillaries.

    Rubbing. This is a stronger stroking by placed fingers, tightly fitting to the skin. Raziranie drives away excess fat, improves skin tone, activates the withdrawal from under the skin fluid. Legs should be massaged from the bottom up, and the hips - in circular motions.

    Kneading. Superficial kneading is pulling and releasing the skin to soften it. Deep kneading is done differently. With both hands, a large area of ​​the skin is seized along with the subcutaneous layers and kneaded as a dough. At the same time, hands, gradually moving, approach each other. Cleansing is removed cellulite and returns to the muscles lost tone.

    Slapping. This is a blow to the skin of varying intensity. To do this, you need to squeeze your hand into a fist and hit them on the skin.

    Hooks. This is the most effective type of massage. It causes a rush of blood, which activates the activity of the vessels, which has a beneficial effect on the tissues of the skin. Grips are recommended to be carried out for 10 minutes every day.

    Massage with a sponge

    This massage is done with a bath or shower. On the loofah, apply a body scrub or sea salt and in her circular movements for 10 minutes, the cellulite skin area is rubbed. Scrub exfoliates dead skin particles, cleans it well, gives the skin softness and velvety. In addition to scrub for cleaning, you can use coffee, corn or semolina, sugar.

    Massage with vacuum banks

    Massage with vacuum jars

    In any pharmacy you can now buy special vacuum jars made of rubber. Usually they are sold in a set of 2 pieces.

    This massage stimulates all metabolic processes in the skin, improves blood circulation and cleaves fats, softening their formations, which ultimately reduces cellulite. This kind of massage is considered the most effective.

    How to do anti-cellulite massage with vacuum jars? For this, the jar is compressed by two fingers and is applied to the skin. As a result of the vacuum formed, the jar "sucked" to the body. Without lifting it from the skin, circular movements are made around the site until the jar "detaches" from the skin. Then the process is repeated again. Having some skill, such massage can be performed with both hands using both jars. To improve the slip on the body, the jars can be lubricated with anti-cellulite cream or essential oil.

    Application of essential oils in massage

    For anti-cellulite massage, essential oils such as almond, bergamot, peppermint, lavender, anise, orange, grapefruit and mandarin are recommended. Their use in the massage invigorates, relieves stress, gives a very pleasant sensation, which is characteristic for aromatherapy. Essential oils have a unique ability to normalize and harmonize metabolic processes in the body.

    All kinds of anti-cellulite massage can be alternated, which will give a good effect for getting rid of cellulite.