
Laser skin resurfacing: recovery time, indications and contraindications, reviews

  • Laser skin resurfacing: recovery time, indications and contraindications, reviews

    Women seem to be endowed with an innate talent to constantly be in search of new ways to prolong their youth. And on what procedures they just do not go to get rid of unnecessary wrinkles, age spots and similar age changes.

    Speech today will be about the method of rejuvenation and simultaneous disposal of many skin troubles, which women inevitably encounter during their lifetime - laser skin resurfacing. What it is? This is a kind of cosmetic surgery, which in one session allows you to rejuvenate for about ten years.


    - unevenness on the face, for example, scars, marks from wounds and acne;

    - an abundance of pigmented spots;

    - pronounced wrinkles associated with age-related changes;

    - expanded pores.


    - inflammatory foci on the face;

    - pregnancy;

    - menstruation;

    - Patients with a pacemaker;

    - period of exacerbation of any existing chronic diseases;

    - suffering from epilepsy;

    - diabetics;

    - oncological patients;

    - spring-summer period;

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    - Patients who naturally have dark skin, you need to be careful in applying this procedure to rejuvenate.

    It is worthwhile to talk separately about how to restore the skin after laser resurfacing. Having decided on this procedure, you should clearly understand that after its completion on the skin remains a burn with all the ensuing consequences.

    As a rule, you should take care of such skin carefully, with special medications prescribed by your doctor, in order to prevent any complications, thereby contributing to the healing and regeneration of the skin.

    The following preparations are prescribed for treatment: Bepanten-plus, Solcoseryl, Panthenol, Levomecol, Radevit and sea buckthorn oil. It is important to strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist and not be lazy to apply on the skin of medicinal means.

    Face hygiene also has its own characteristics after the procedure. In the first seven days the patient should be excluded cosmetic means. Washing from the tap should be replaced by spraying the face with sterile water. To exclude the appearance of pigmentation on the skin, it is forbidden to go out on the street, without previously applying a protective cream on your face.

    The first weeks after laser resurfacing on the skin will be redness, increased sensitivity, formed crusts, blisters, peeling. Do not try to remove the crusts on your face by yourself on any pretext.

    Tune to the fact that the recovery time of the skin after laser resurfacing will take at least three months. To walk around in the bandage for the first three days - in this case just a necessity, which allows to prevent undesirable consequences. As soon as the skin becomes less sensitive and crusts appear on it, the bandage can be removed. Then the patient will have to take care of the skin.



    "I've neglected visits to a cosmetologist for two years already, at home I tried to make face masks regularly, I used creams. But the condition of the skin of my face completely stopped me arranging: the tone, freshness, and wrinkles were already painfully expressive.
    On good reviews I chose my particular cosmetologist and went to a consultation. I did not expect, but after a long inspection, I was offered laser skin resurfacing. I made up my mind.
    The procedure did not take much time, was done with an anesthetic cream previously applied. During the procedure, I did not feel pain, and after the treated sites contracted, they were reddened. The burning sensation lasted for several days.
    I did everything the doctor told me. There were no complications, in general everything was not so scary.
    At the moment after the procedure it's been half a year already that I have as a result: the skin has become smooth, not dried. Small wrinkles generally left. Although this procedure is not fast, it is still worth it. The main thing is to have the opportunity to fall out of public life for a couple of months. "


    "Now I'm over forty. To the problems of youth( acne scars), age-related skin changes were added: wrinkles and pigment spots, loss of tonus. So tired to mask it all with a voice-frequency cream that decided to change everything radically, get rid of the above shortcomings by removing them with a laser.
    Yes, I agree that it is difficult at first time to comply with all the necessary recommendations, feel uncomfortable with the fact that you have burned the whole face. But for me it's just trivia now, when I'm looking in the mirror now, looking younger, my skin was much worse in my youth! "

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