
Antibodies of IgM and IgG class to rubella virus in blood serum

  • Antibodies of IgM and IgG class to rubella virus in blood serum

    AT IgM to the rubella virus in the serum is normal. For Ig IgG, values ​​greater than 35 IU / ml are considered to be diagnostic.

    For the diagnosis of rubella, the ELISA method is used, which makes it possible to identify specific AT classes of IgM and IgG.The dynamics of detection of AT when using the ELISA method corresponds to the results of RTGA.AT IgM appear in the acute period of infection: on the first day of rashes - in 50% of patients, after 5 days - more than 90%, in 11-25 days - in all patients. The presence of specific antibodies of IgM class indicates a recent infection with rubella( within 2 months).After 6 weeks after the rash, Ig class antibodies are detected in 50% of patients, but in some cases they can persist up to 1 year. In case of congenital infection, IgM is detected immediately after birth, they persist up to 6 months in 90-97% of newborns. False positive results of the study of AT-class IgM can be obtained in patients infected with parvovirus B19.

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    Fig. Change in the spectrum of AT with congenital rubella.


    Fig. Dynamics of the main rubella markers.

    Detection of AT-class IgM is used to diagnose an acute period of the disease. After vaccination, Ig Ig is detected after 15-25 days in 60-80% of cases. When reinfection, the content of ATM IgM does not increase( it is necessary to investigate the dynamics of AT IgG - a 4-fold increase in titre in paired sera confirms the diagnosis).A low concentration of Ig IgM can be detected in infectious mononucleosis and other viral infections( eg, CMV infection, measles, herpetic infection).

    AT-class IgG is detected 3 days after the appearance of rashes in 50% of patients, after 8 days - more than 90%, on the 15-25th day - almost in all patients. In patients who have recovered, IgG is retained for up to 10 years or more. The definition of the titer AT class IgG is also used to assess the intensity of postvaccinal immunity( appear on the 25-50th day after vaccination) and determine the infection in the anamnesis. The absence of ATG Ig in neonates excludes congenital infection. The dynamics of the main rubella markers is shown in Fig.

    When evaluating the vaccination, its effectiveness is indicated by the values ​​for ELISA: the content of the Ig-class Ig is higher than 15 IU / l.