
How to deal with mosquitoes at the dacha with folk remedies and chemistry

  • How to deal with mosquitoes at the dacha with folk remedies and chemistry

    Everything is good in the country, except mosquitoes. These buzzing and biting insects are quite capable of turning rest into torture, especially if you are prone to allergic reactions. In addition to the fact that the itch of mosquito bites is not enough for anyone, so mosquitoes also suffer a lot of diseases and parasites. Today we will tell you how to deal with mosquitoes in the country.

    The activity of mosquitoes depends on the weather. In hot weather mosquito activity decreases. Favorite food of mosquitoes are children and strongly sweating adults.


    Modern chemical control agents are represented by fumigants and repellents.

    Fumigants kill insects and are electrical and pyrotechnic. Electric fumigants are designed to kill mosquitoes indoors, and pyrotechnic ones are better used outdoors. They are steaming spirals that ignite, and they smoke, secreting a substance that repels insects.

    Repellents only repel mosquitoes. They are applied to the skin and clothing of a person. The action of repellents is limited to two to three hours.

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    Folk remedies for getting rid of mosquitoes

    And how to repel mosquitoes in the country by natural means?

    There are many plants, the scent of which scares off mosquitoes. Plant a walnut, cherry tree in your dacha. The smell of the leaves of these trees scares off insects. Of flowers, clove, thyme, geranium, and mint have such an effect.

    Electronic anti-mosquito repellent( ultrasonic)

    Electronic repellents are modern and ecological means of fighting mosquitoes. These devices emit sound waves that people do not perceive, and they scare away mosquitoes. They do not emit any chemicals and are completely harmless to humans. The devices are powered from both the battery and the mains. The range of action of the repeller can also be different.

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