  • Gastric contents

    Color. Normally gastric juice is yellowish white. The admixture of blood gives the gastric juice various shades of red: with fresh bleeding - scarlet, if the blood was in the stomach for a long time - brown. Bile gives the gastric juice a green color, as bilirubin of bile passes into biliverdin. At an achitis biliverdin is not formed and gastric juice with an admixture of bile has a yellow tint.

    Odor. Normally, gastric juice has no smell. The putrefactive odor appears when hypoecretion or lack of hydrochloric acid, stagnation and fermentation of the contents of the stomach, stenosis, decay of the tumor, decay of proteins. In the absence of hydrochloric acid, there can be a smell of organic acids - acetic, lactic, oil.

    The amount of gastric juice. Determine the amount of fasting contents, the volume of basal secretion, the volume of gastric contents extracted 25 minutes after the test breakfast( balance) and the hourly secretion voltage. The hourly voltage is the volume of gastric juice allocated per hour. For example, the hourly voltage of the I phase of secretion is the sum of volumes 2, 3, 4 and 5 portions after the introduction of the probe( without a test meal).The

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    sum of volumes of 8-, 9-, 10- and 11-th portions or 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-th portions after the introduction of a test breakfast is considered to be the hourly voltage of the II phase of secretion.

    Acidity. To judge about the acid-forming function of the stomach determine a number of indicators.

    ■ Total acidity is the sum of all acidic products contained in the gastric juice: free and bound hydrochloric acid, organic acids, acid phosphates and sulfates.

    ■ Bound hydrochloric acid - undissociated hydrochloric acid of protein-hydrochloric acid complexes in gastric juice;with gastritis, bleeding ulcer, tumor decay, the amount of proteins in the stomach increases, and the content of bound hydrochloric acid may increase.

    ■ Free hydrochloric acid - dissociated into H + and Cl- ions.

    ■ Hydrochloric acid production is the absolute amount of hydrochloric acid released over a certain time.

    ■ Acidic residue - all acidic components of gastric juice, in addition to hydrochloric acid, that is, acid salts and organic acids.

    Reference values ​​of gastric secretion are given in the table.

    Table Reference values ​​of gastric secretion [Fishshon-Riss Yu. I., 1972]

    Table Reference parameters of gastric secretion [Fishshon-Riss Yu. I., 1972]

    Pepsin concentration. The reference values ​​of the concentration of pepsin, determined by Tugolukov's method, are: on an empty stomach 0-21 g / l, after test cabbage breakfast - 20-40 g / l. Pepsin concentration is an important indicator in the diagnosis of Achilles - a condition in which gastric acid lacks hydrochloric acid and pepsin. Achilles can be identified with Addison-Birmer anemia, which is not characteristic of other forms of vitamin B12-deficient anemia. Achilia, accompanying a special form of gastritis - a rigorous gastritis, requires additional studies for the exclusion of stomach cancer.

    In clinical practice, unstimulated( basal) and stimulated gastric secretion is studied. As stimulants are used enteral( cabbage broth, meat broth, alcoholic breakfast) and parenteral( gastrin and its synthetic analogues, for example, pentagastrin, histamine) stimulants.