  • Hair loss after childbirth: causes and treatment

    The birth is behind, a small miracle along with you and it seems that all problems with appearance and health should already end. But in practice, very often problems with appearance disturb young mothers and after childbirth.

    Many women sadly notice that the hair began to drop out strongly after the birth of the baby. Everyone reacts to this problem in different ways, some calmly, reasonably believing that this phenomenon is temporary, others are beginning to actively combat this. Both are right. Hair loss after birth is not an anomaly, but rather a natural physiological process, conditioned by the same hormones.

    Causes of

    The causes of hair loss after the birth of a child can be either the birth itself or many other factors associated with childbirth. These include:

    1. Lack of sleep and stress;
    2. Lack of vitamins and calcium in the body of a woman;
    3. Defective food;
    4. A decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen that occurs in the body of a woman during pregnancy and is responsible for the beauty of hair and nails.
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    The last reason is the most basic one. The hormone estrogen stops the process of natural hair loss during pregnancy, as a result of which a large amount of old hair accumulates on the woman's head. After childbirth, they all immediately begin to fall out, and it seems to the woman that after giving birth several times stronger than usual, hair falls out.

    How long will this last?

    Even realizing that hair loss after the birth of a child is a temporary phenomenon, many women still wonder how long this will happen. Usually the hormonal background of a woman comes back to normal in 6-7 months after birth, but this period depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body and the lactation period.

    How to stop

    When hair loss, focus on eliminating the causes, namely:

    • to establish the correct balanced diet. Many young mothers in caring for the baby stop paying attention to the quality of food, and sometimes completely forgetting to eat. To reduce severe hair loss, the animal's diet must include animal proteins.
    • for a while to stop using hair dryers, ironing, metal combs and other mechanical effects on your hair.
    • whenever possible, try to get enough sleep and rest, more to be in the open air.

    The next thing to do is take vitamins.

    Vitamins for hair

    Vitamins, necessary for hair health, can be obtained both from vitamin complexes in the form of tablets, and from the rich in these vitamins food. These include vitamins E, C, B vitamins, as well as multivitamins with iron, sulfur and zinc.

    When hair falls out, it is better to consult a doctor about what vitamins to drink. He will appoint the necessary vitamin complexes for the normalization of the hormonal background and for the overall strengthening of the body.

    Usually the following vitamins are recommended:

    • Multi-tabs Multi-tabs Perinatal - multivitamins in combination with iron;
    • Vitrum Prenatal Forte , containing 10 minerals and 13 vitamins;
    • Elevit Pronatal , which includes 12 vitamins, 3 microelements and 4 minerals;
    • Iodomarin is a drug for the prevention and treatment of thyroid diseases;
    • Ferretab Comp - a remedy for the treatment and prevention of anemia;
    • Potassium iodide - is a drug that affects the formation of thyroid hormones.

    All these drugs for moms are often recommended by doctors, but do not rush to take pills immediately.

    Products containing the necessary vitamins and minerals

    From natural and balanced foods, you can get all the vitamins needed by the body from hair loss.

    Vitamins from hair loss can serve as:

    • sunflower, olive or corn oil, rich in provitamins and omega acids;
    • poultry meat, beef, low-fat pork, fish - a source of protein for the structure of cells;
    • dairy products, rich in calcium and trace elements;
    • fruits, especially apples containing a large supply of vitamins;
    • vegetables can be cooked, but are better raw;
    • fresh herbs;
    • dried fruits.

    Thanks to these products, your hair will fall out less. Eliminating all the causes of hair loss and adjusting the balanced diet from the foods listed above, you will greatly contribute to stopping hair loss. If, in spite of the measures taken, your hair still falls out, what folk medicine will do.

    Traditional medicine

    With strong hair loss it is useful to make firming therapeutic masks, prepared from natural ingredients. They nourish and strengthen the roots of hair.

    Natural masks for strengthening the head of hair

    1. Simple mask. Slightly warmed kefir grease hair, wrapped in a plastic cap and towel, after 20-25 minutes wash off using a small amount of shampoo. Shampoo from yolk. Separate egg yolks from proteins, beat in a bowl and wash their head with a shampoo.
    2. Nourishing mask. Yolk is mixed with egg, honey and soft yeast, applied to dry hair and washed off after 20 minutes.
    3. Bread Mask. A glass of crumb of stale black bread is poured over with boiling water, insist for 40 minutes and wash the head with shampoo. Shampoo from honey. Infusion of 30 grams of chamomile, filled with 100 grams of boiling water, insisted for an hour. Then you need to strain it and add a dessert spoonful of honey. With the resulting solution, moisten slightly damp hair and after 30 minutes rinse with warm water.

    Here are listed the most simple and popular masks, which are recommended to use, if after birth you lose a lot of hair. If you wish, you can easily find many more recipes of natural masks, suitable for you.

    In addition to masks in folk medicine are widely used various decoctions and herbal tinctures, which it is customary to rinse your head after bathing. Other methods to combat hair loss look at the video

    After you stopped hair loss, do not rush to stop using masks and vitamin complexes for your hair, because they always need extra care, regardless of the degree of density.

    In rare cases, it is necessary to resort to the treatment of alopecia after childbirth with the help of medications. In such cases, nothing remains, except how to contact a specialist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment that will help you get rid of this problem and enjoy the joy of motherhood.