  • Graduated hairstyle for long hair: photo, video and diagram

    Many have heard of a graded haircut, but very few people know what it is. Briefly, this is a haircut at a certain angle on a graded technique( from it the words graduiren - graduate, from Latin Gradus - step, step, degree).In this case, the length of the hair on different parts of the head will be different. So the upper layer of hair can have a length to the eyebrows or chin, and the bottom - to remain long. If the master can avoid a sharp drop in length in the strands, the hair will look just great. Photos of graduated haircuts for long hair can be viewed below.

    How does it look from behind?

    Many women who decided to graduate haircut, worried about what the final version of the hairstyle will look like at the back of the head and how many centimeters from the bulk of the hair will be cut. It's up to you! You can ask the hairdresser not to make the lower strands too short, or you can, on the contrary, shorten the length so that the effect of the steps is more noticeable. Here's what kind of rear can have a graded haircut:

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    And again bangs!

    The bang has long been an integral part of such classic hairstyles as quads, beans, ladder. On numerous photos and videos, a graded haircut for long hair with bangs looks just great! Examples of successful models are given below.

    And if without a bang?

    В град.haircut can do without a bang. As, for example, in the photo below. Strands in the face still look great!

    How to shear?

    The scheme is offered to your attention below. In fact, the technique of doing this hairstyle is not so complicated. The rule here is: the more noticeable the step should be, the stronger( up to 90 degrees) it is necessary to delay the haircut at the nape of the head with a haircut.

    General rules and tips from the stylists

    1. Graduated haircut does not go to the owner of fine hair, as the result is that the volume of hair will decrease even more. An alternative is to make a ladder on the top of the head, so that the back of the head looks larger.
    2. Grad.hairstyle looks great on girls with thick hair, as the gradualness in the haircut gives the hairstyle some accuracy.
    3. Long curls should be cut in a graded way just below the ears.
    4. The curls on the crown should not be too short to make it look like a poodle's hair.
    5. Grad.haircuts for short hair can be easily laid every morning with a regular comb and hair dryer.
    6. Multilayer hairstyles have an amazing rejuvenating effect. This has long been noticed by Hollywood stars. Look at how many famous women in the world of fashion, film and show business wears a similar hairstyle.

    Graduating on a round face

    There are several important points here. First, the parting should not be in the middle, but on the side. It will distract the sight from the round form of the head.

    Secondly, chubby can not greatly shorten the front strands. If the hair, moreover, thin, it is generally better not to do the mating to avoid "icicles" at the ends.

    Thirdly, with a graduated hairstyle and round face, it is better to wear an elongated bang.

    How to style?

    Graduated haircut on hair of any length is best laid with a flat brush, drying hair from the tips to the roots. In this case, it is necessary to start with the lateral strands, moving gradually to the occipital part. This simple technique will make the hairdress look radiant and smooth. It looks wonderful to lay a graded haircut on dyed or melted hair.
