  • The test "what the mirror will tell you about"

    It was already nagging utterance that it is important to love yourself. Everything is good in moderation. The way you really treat yourself will help determine the test.

    Mirror is a magic glass that can tell not only about how you look today, but also about how you treat yourself.

    1. The first thing that comes to your mind when you throw

    a fleeting glance at the large mirror in the living room:

    a) you need right now to come up and admire yourself;

    b) I wonder if I look good today or not? ;

    c) yes, it would not hurt to wash it.

    2. Which of these items is always in your handbag? AD) cosmetic bag with everything necessary for make-up;B) a small mirror;C) gel pen and notepad.

    3. In your opinion, the room of crooked mirrors is an attraction. ..

    a) funny;B) completely stupid;C) just hilarious.

    4. On the street you notice a girl who shamelessly

    admires her reflection in all the windows. You:

    a) regret it: the poor thing is not at all sure of herself;B) snitch and turn away from imagination;

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    c) in the depths of her soul envy her - she's so good!

    5. What do you first look for when standing in front of a mirror? A) whether the eyes are shining;B) whether the dress is sitting well;C) did not wrinkle the skirt behind.

    6. In men, you are most impressed:

    a) affectionate, gentle and skillful hands that can deliver real pleasure;B) relief muscles, inflated chest and dice;C) the ability to conduct an interesting, subtle and ironic conversation.

    7. Do you think that cesarean section:

    a) relieves terrible pain during delivery;B) leaves a terrible scar;

    c) is necessary if there is a medical indication.

    8. On the beach, a girl sunbathes topless. This spectacle:

    a) pleases you: finally, women have freed themselves from obsolete stereotypes;

    b) annoying: not everyone has such a body to show it off;

    c) does not cause any feelings - this is a personal matter for the girl.

    9. Imagine that a kind "uncle" gave you a bag of money, but put a condition: you can spend them only for yourself. Your actions:

    a) enroll in a fitness center with a swimming pool and go there until the money runs out;B) make a liposuction, change the shape of the nose or enlarge the breast;

    c) go to the most luxurious resort, where you will relax and relax in full.

    10. Which of these outfits do you choose for performing in front of your colleagues:

    a) stylish and expensive dress;B) business suit;

    c) clothes in which I will feel comfortable, such as jeans with a T-shirt.

    The answers are "a". Love up to dizziness!

    Yes, you really like yourself and in the mirror look often and with great pleasure. You are confident and resolute, you know how to be beautiful. And, that's a sin to hide, consider yourself almost perfect. This, of course, is not bad, but. .. Do not bully your nose! Make an effort and look at yourself a little more critically: this approach will help you better learn not only your positive but also the negative sides. Understand that a beautiful face and an impeccable figure - that's not all: although they are met by clothes, they see off after all in mind. Develop, improve your cultural level and do not consider appearance a measure of the value of a person. And then they will say about you: "An exceptional woman!"

    "b" answers predominate. Am I any more lovely in the world?

    For you it is very important how your reflection looks, who looks at you from that side of the mirror glass. This forces you to monitor yourself, monitor and take action at the right time. Without hesitation, you will begin to starve to lose an extra kilogram, settle in the gym to reduce the waist by two or three centimeters. You never give yourself indulgence! Do not overdo it: for another person, some feature in your appearance that you persistently consider a disadvantage( for example, your snub nose!), Can make you unique. Pamper yourself: allow yourself to sometimes eat a cake or read a book, sitting in a soft chair.

    The answers "in" prevail. That's the way it is!

    You belong to those people who know how to get along with small deficiencies of your body: cellulite, slightly bigish nose, small height. You seem to challenge: "I am what I am, and you will have to accept and love me. Do not want to - do not, thank you, goodbye. "Alas, no matter how erudite and witty you may be, intellect can not compensate for a poor person and a bloated figure. You do not like to change your habits. But sometimes you need to force yourself to enroll in a gym or collect all the will into a fist and go on a diet. And, looking in the mirror, smile at your reflection: this is not a manifestation of narcissism, but just a love for yourself.