
Jacket crochet: charts and description of knitting for women and girls

  • Jacket crochet: charts and description of knitting for women and girls

    Jacket crochet: schemes and description of knitting of different models: shanel, Japanese, children's

    Jackets can be knitted with crochets and crochet, and the possibilities of design of the main parts are endless, as when knitting is created not only the silhouette, details and cut,.A jacket that needs to hold a shape is better to crochet with dense yarn. More free by the silhouette - it is better to knit with knitting needles. Crochet crochet: diagrams and description can be found in various magazines on needlework.

    The technology for decorating beads, collars, pockets and laths for knitting jackets with both knitting needles and crochets is the main difficulty, as careful processing of these details gives the product an exquisite look, unlike homemade handicraft.

    There are many styles and kinds of knitting in jackets. Here are the most popular:

    • warm crocheted crochet hook for women,
    • openwork jacket of motifs,
    • summer patterned jacket, etc.
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    In the style of Chanel

    The classical style of Chanel does not go out of fashion, so it's very interesting for many women how to tie a crocheted jacket in the style of chanel. We present to your attention one of these elegant pieces of clothing. Jacket of 46th size, made from yarn of bright colors.

    It will need:

    • Yarn with an admixture of angora - 370 grams of purple and 330 grams of orange flowers;
    • Five medium buttons;
    • Hook # 6.

    The knitting density is 12 loops per 10 centimeters. Begin knitting the jacket from the back, typing 61 air loop, according to the scheme:

    At the same time, we observe the order of the purple and orange stripes. We subtract from two sides in each 16th row two times one loop after the first edge. Having reached the height of 38 centimeters at the armhole, we begin to reduce one loop at the edge. At a height of 58 centimeters we close the hinges.

    Now we knit the right and left shelves of the jacket, as well as the sleeves, and connect the parts of the product. Attention on the video:

    In Japanese

    For lovers of Japanese knitting, we offer a soft blue female jacket crochet: Japanese schemes are different for their originality and help in creating such a beautiful jacket.

    This jacket can be worn in summer or early autumn, it definitely will not be hot. You will always feel comfortable in it. The soft blue color of the jacket reminds the sky on a hot summer day. The diagrams are presented below.

    Children's jacket

    Finally, consider how to tie a jacket for a girl crocheted.

    Very nice openwork jacket, for a girl 5-6 years.

    For him we will need:

    • Yarn half of wool and acrylic 200 grams;
    • Hook No. 3
    • 4 buttons.

    Begins knitting the jacket with a set of 44 loops of rubber band, and then knits along the pattern until we reach the height of the coquette of 13 centimeters.

    Then the fabric is divided in half, the place of the armhole is marked and only the shelf and back are tied.

    In places of the armhole, 8 loops are added additionally. The required length is 25 centimeters, it is knit together in one piece. For every third row we make an increase in order to expand the wedges of the jacket.

    Having reached the required length, we knit the slats on the shelves, 3 cm wide, while leaving in the weave holes for the buttons. When the jacket is ready, we tie it around the perimeter with the technique of "rasche step".

    Done, let your girl wears on you such a wonderful and cute jacket! Video for better understanding of the article:

    Jackets can be knitted with crochets and needles, and there are an infinite number of possibilities for design of basic parts, as when knitting is created not only the silhouette, details and cut, but the jacket material itself. A jacket that needs to hold a shape is better to crochet with dense yarn. More free by the silhouette - it is better to knit with knitting needles. Crochet crochet: diagrams and description can be found in various magazines on needlework.

    The technology for decorating beads, collars, pockets and straps for knitting jackets, with both spokes and crochets is the main difficulty, as careful processing of these details gives the product an exquisite look, unlike homemade handicraft.

    There are many styles and types of knitting in jackets. Here are the most popular:

    • warm crocheted jacket for women,
    • openwork jacket of motifs,
    • summer patterned jacket, etc.

    In the style of Chanel

    The classical style of Chanel does not go out of fashion, so it's very interesting for many women how to tie a crocheted jacket in chanel style. We present to your attention one of these elegant pieces of clothing. Jacket of 46th size, made from yarn of bright colors.

    It will require:

    • Yarn with an admixture of angora - 370 grams of purple and 330 grams of orange flowers;
    • Five medium buttons;
    • Hook # 6.

    The knitting density is 12 loops per 10 centimeters. Begin knitting the jacket from the back, typing 61 air loop, according to the scheme:

    At the same time, we observe the order of the purple and orange stripes. We subtract from two sides in each 16th row two times one loop after the first edge. Having reached the height of 38 centimeters at the armhole, we begin to reduce one loop at the edge. At a height of 58 centimeters we close the hinges.

    Now we knit the right and left shelves of the jacket, as well as the sleeves, and connect the parts of the product. Attention on the video:

    In Japanese

    For lovers of Japanese knitting, we offer a soft blue female jacket crochet: Japanese schemes are different for their originality and will help in creating such a beautiful jacket.

    This jacket can be worn in summer or early autumn, it definitely will not be hot. You will always feel comfortable in it. The soft blue color of the jacket reminds the sky on a hot summer day. The diagrams are presented below.

    Children's jacket

    Finally, consider how to tie a jacket for a girl crocheted.

    Very nice openwork jacket, for a girl 5-6 years.

    For it we will need:

    • Yarn half of wool and acrylic 200 grams;
    • Hook No. 3
    • 4 buttons.

    The knitting of the jacket begins with a set of 44 loops with an elastic band, and then knits along the pattern until we reach the height of the coquette of 13 centimeters.

    Then the cloth is divided in half, the place of the armhole is marked and only the shelf and back are tied.

    In places of the armhole, 8 loops are added additionally. The required length is 25 centimeters, it is knit together in one piece. For every third row we make an increase in order to expand the wedges of the jacket.

    After reaching the required length, we knit the trims on the shelves, 3 cm wide, while leaving the holes for the buttons in the weave. When the jacket is ready, we tie it around the perimeter with the technique of "rasche step".

    Done, let your girl wears on you such a wonderful and cute jacket! Video for better understanding of the article: