  • Special types of child care

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    Stay close to the child Bathe the baby in a baby bath or basin until he can sit on his own. Never leave a child alone for a second, a small child can drown even in five centimeters of water. If you need to leave the room, wrap the baby in a towel and bring it with you.



    Remove the towel from the child

    One arm under the backrest and grasp the child as far as possible. While holding the other leg and buttocks with the other hand, gently place the ( 4) in the tub.

    Washing the child's body Holding the child's head and shoulders with one hand, wash his body with the other( 5).Pay special attention to the armpits and upper legs, the groin area. But in infancy, the child does not need to bathe for a long time. When he becomes older, then you will wash him more carefully.

    Extracting the baby from the bath

    To get the baby out of the bath, hold it by the shoulders with one hand, and the other with the buttocks. Raise the child in the same position as you put it there.

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    Wiping out the baby Once you get the baby out of the bath, put it on a large soft towel. Fold first one end, then the other, but do not cover the child's face. Pat your baby dry( 6), paying special attention to the neck, armpits, upper legs, genitals and buttocks.

    Dressing a child After discussing a child, put on a clean diaper. Then put on, covering the open parts of the body with a towel.


    To avoid diaper rash and the baby was comfortable, try changing the diaper as soon as the baby has become wet or dirty. You can do this sitting or on the changing table. In the second case, always hold the child with one hand and do not leave it alone.

    When changing the soiled diaper in front of its part, remove as much as possible stool. After removing the diaper, clean the baby thoroughly as in the normal case.

    Fabric diapers can be folded in a variety of ways, suitable for your child. A rectangle is suitable for newborns.

    Folding the diaper Fold the diaper in half in the form of a rectangle. Bend the short side a third. For the girl, put this thicker part under the buttocks( 1).For the boy, on the lower part of the abdomen. Align the edges.

    Folding the diaper between the

    of the legs Pull the edges of the diaper between the child's legs ( 2).

    Sticking the side of the diaper Pinch the edges with your hand under the diaper to protect the baby's skin. Fit the diaper and chop the other side( 3).If the diaper is soaked, put on the underpants on the top.


    PAPER Fill the two containers with a sterilizing solution. Describe the diapers in one container, obkakannye-in another. Soak for at least six hours.

    When you have time to wash, pull the diapers with forceps from the containers, wring out and wash in the washing machine according to the manufacturer's instructions. Dry in the street or in the dryer so that they are soft.


    Disposable diapers change faster and easier. Although they have a different form, most are worn as follows.

    Place the diaper under the child Move the opened diaper under the baby's body, lifting its legs behind the ankles.

    Fold and secure The top of the diaper is brought to the stomach between the legs. Unclip the protective cover and secure the sidewalls on the front,