  • Useful and medicinal properties mummy

    A number of scientists believe that the mummy , or sometimes called "mountain wax", is part of the product of a wild honey bee, also called "mumiye asil" or "mumiyon", "mumiya".This product has been used in folk medicine since antiquity. About the healing properties of the mummy knew and wrote more Avicenna( ibnSina).

    In folk medicine of antiquity the mummy was used in a variety of traumatic injuries. Recently, the mummy has attracted the attention of doctors.

    In Uzbekistan, a special expedition was organized with the participation of geologists and physicians to find the mummy. Balm of Central Asian mountains was found in caves at an altitude of 2000-3000 meters above sea level.

    In recent years, the word "mummy" has been found on the pages of newspapers and magazines, which is called a miracle balm, an elixir. Indeed, such an opinion existed in the past among the peoples of the East, and even now the mummy as a remedy is widely used in some Asian countries. This attracted the attention of Soviet doctors, forcing them to study the balm.

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    The first broad cycle of scientific research was the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences of the Tashkent surgeon A. Sh. Shakirov. The doctor examined the mummy, tested its effect on animals and in the clinic for fractures of bones. The high efficacy of the drug has been established, which contributes to the successful healing of fractures and improves the overall condition of patients. Research Shakirova initiated the scientific study of mummies in other areas of medicine. Interest in the mummy - odorous, resinous substance mined in the mountains - increases from year to year. Ancient physicians attributed to him many healing properties. Now in a number of clinics in our country the mummy is also used to accelerate the healing of bones after fractures and the treatment of other diseases. However, until now the origin of the mummy remains a mystery. On this account, there are many hypotheses. Some researchers link the nature of it as honey of wild bees, mulberry juice, juniper, and even excrement of various animals.

    Extract from the doctoral dissertation A. Sh. Shakirova( stored in the Lenin Library, in Moscow).

    . .. According to ancient doctors, the highest quality mummy is black, shiny, soft. It smells like oil, but has a specific specific smell. Under the mummy they understand the different natural formations on the walls of grottoes resembling resin substances. .. or they report that bees seal their honey and tap with wax and cover the sealed place with something black, with a sharp smell of herbs like wax. .. orthe mummy is made from herbs. .. or it is a fermentation product of manure. ..

    At present, there are several theories of the origin of the mummy: one oil, the other biogenic( decomposition of the slurry extract of various animals, decomposition of the resin juniper, lichens and other plants,and wild bees).So far, expeditions of Soviet specialists found that the mummy is of a filthy type from brown to black with a specific acute odor. The balm seeps from the faults of rocks, accumulates on the vaults and walls of caves, often hangs from the ceiling with dark icicles.

    More than 70 sources with messages about mummies were discovered by Sh. Shakirov in the literature of the past. Mumiye, as indicated in the eastern manuscripts, gives strength to the whole organism, and especially to the heart. It was also used in diseases of the liver, stomach, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, paralysis, inflammatory processes, also helps with poisoning, scorpion bites, bladder ulcers, elephantiasis, stuttering, sluggish organs, resorbs tumors, normalizes the functions of external and internal organs, strengthens the sexualactivity, helps with headache, migraine, diabetes, has a general strengthening effect on the body. But mainly contributes to the successful healing of bones and wounds."Only the mummy saves from death," says the ancient eastern proverb.

    Mummy is a bitter taste of a solid mass of dark brown or black with a shiny surface. When heated, the mummy softens. The composition of this product includes many organic substances and various trace elements. This viscous sticky mass, the warmth of the hands is softened, has a tarry specific odor, dissolves in water with a small precipitate.

    In its composition the mummy contains about 28 chemical elements, 30 macro and microelements, as well as 10 different metal oxides, 6 amino acids, a number of vitamins - B12, P-617, B, etc., essential oils, bee venom, resinous substances,each of which can affect the relevant metabolic processes of the body, enhance regenerative processes in various tissues. As an anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, restorative, as well as restoring the decreased function of peripheral nerve trunks or analyzing centers of the brain, it positively participates in the biosynthesis of the DNA cell, which leads to increased fission and an increase in the number of cells.

    Mumiye has a therapeutic effect on a variety of diseases, and this mechanism of action of the remedy appears to be very complicated, influences multifaceted on the entire vital activity of the organism, on its various processes, etc.(for example, in any pharmaceutical medicine only 5--6 elements chemically selected by artificial means are combined, and here there are 50 components selected by nature).To determine the quality of the mummy it mnut - the good at that quickly softens, and the poor quality remains firm.

    The mummy is a low-toxic substance, ingestion of. 50 mg / kg or intravenous and subcutaneous administration of a 4% mummy solution in an amount of 250 mg / kg of body weight does not cause any toxic effects in experimental animals. Mumiye has a bactericidal and becteriostatic effect. Under the influence of mummy intake, mineral metabolism is intensified, bone fractures are healed, bone callus is formed 8-17 days earlier than usual.

    The Uzbek Research Institute of Traumatology and orthopedics are working to study the possible use of mummies for medical purposes in humans. Observations of a large group of patients with information ulcers, etc., have shown that the mummy has a high therapeutic effect.

    Mumiye contributed not only to faster wound healing and the formation of bone calluses, but at the same time the blood is normalized in patients, the general condition improves, there is a good sleep, appetite, pain disappears, and the functions of the affected limb are quickly restored.

    Mumiye is prescribed once a day in the morning on an empty stomach at a dose of 0.15-0.20 g. The course of treatment is 10 days, after which it is recommended to take a break: for 5-10 days, then the treatment can be repeated again. The number of courses varies from 3 to 4.

    Doses of mummies for children: at the age of 3 months to 1 year - 0.01-1.0.02 g, up to 9 years - 0.05 g, 9-14 years - 0.1g per day.

    The therapeutic properties of the mummy are subject to observations by doctors in a number of medical institutions in the country. For a number of years, research has continued on the mummies at the Leningrad Chemical and Pharmaceutical Institute( LHFI, at the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy Technology of Medicine), as well as at the Moscow HFI and in the cities of Tashkent, Dushanbe, Samarkand, etc.

    This expensive tool is especially used by the peoplemedicine and clinics in Tajikistan, Tashkent and the Caucasus.

    With regular and correct application of the mummy, success will always be ensured. In folk medicine, the mummy is the size of a wheat grain( 0.15-0.2 g), and it is prescribed 1-2 times a day, most often before bedtime.

    During the treatment of mummies, it is contraindicated to take alcohol.

    Contraindications for use in moderate doses, the mummy does not have, but, on the contrary, the protective adaptogenic properties are positive, relieve the feeling of fatigue and act on the human body in a general strengthening, contribute to the addition and restoration of lost strength and energy.

    A number of researchers recently consider that since the mummy includes biologically active substances, the use of this product is contraindicated for patients in old age, considering that these biologically active substances develop( multiply) cells of suspected tumors if they are present in the body of the elderlyof people.

    The most valuable drug mummy has been vitally justified for a number of centuries, and its application is scientifically grounded by experimentalists in the clinical application to patients.

    It is applied inward directly by cooking with juices, water, honey, tea, milk, etc. due to the good dissolving of

    .It is also applied externally by lubrication, by instillation with various juices, alcohol, honey, etc.

    Below we give the dosage and application of mummies against a number of diseases when good results are achieved.