Treatment of joints with folk remedies
It is recommended to constantly drink juices, herbal tea, unnatural coffee. The best drink is distilled or melt water with fresh natural lemon juice( a teaspoon per glass of water).Useful fruits, vegetables, greens, nuts( except peanuts), dried fruit, honey, peanut butter, sour cabbage, salads, etc.
In spring, dandelion flowers are collected in such a quantity that they can fill a half-liter glass jar. Flowers are poured with ammonia, the jar is sealed with a tightly fitting lid and placed for a week in a dark place for infusion. Filter the liquid part and use it in the form of rubbing.
Joint pain can be a manifestation of various diseases - rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, deforming arthritis and many others. The use of acupressure does not relieve these diseases, as they require long and serious medication, but massage can greatly alleviate suffering.
If pain is localized in the joints of the upper shoulder girdle, it is recommended to massage already known points of general action.
2.4-He-gu [397].
Sh-Tien-tu [401].
13. C - Da-chuy [399].
These points are recommended to be massaged no matter what joints of the upper shoulder belt cause concern.
After this, depending on the location of pain, you can proceed to massage the following points.
1.7 - Le Chue. The point is located above the styloid process in the depression at the anterior edge of the tendon of the long muscle, which removes the thumb of the hand.
2.5 - Yang-si( "Sun-lit stream").The point is located on the radial side of the dorsal surface of the hand, between the tendons of the short and long extensors of the big toe, on the vertical line drawn from the 2.4 ( He-gu) point [397], at the center of the so-called anatomical snuffbox( deepening at the base of the thumb:becomes noticeable when the thumb is withdrawn).The location of the point corresponds to the passage of the radial artery and the superficial branches of the humeral nerve. The point is found with the first finger pointing up and the other fingers straightened. The point is stimulated in the treatment of headache, noise in the ears, rhinitis, tonsillitis, toothache, dyspepsia in children( no earlier than 3 years of age).
2.6 - Pian-li( "Gradual Slope").The point is located above the back surface of the radius, above the wrist joint by 3 tsunya, between the short and long extensors of the big toe. At the location of the
, the branches of the radial nerve and radial artery are located. The point is found with the arm bent at the elbow joint.
The indications for using the point are: tinnitus, deafness, impaired motor and sensitive upper limb function, toothache, laryngitis, tonsillitis, neuritis of the radial nerve, visual disturbances, rhinitis, psoriasis.
5. 4 - Lin-dao. The point is located 1.5 pounds above the proximal fold of the wrist joint between the flexor tendons of the fingers on the meridian of the heart.
5.7 - Shen-men [405].
6 4 - Wan-gu. The point is located on the ulnar side of the hand in the depression between the base V of the metacarpal bone and the trihedral bone.
10.4 - Yang-chi( "Pond Yang").The point is located on the back surface of the wrist joint at the ulnar ridge of the tendon of the common extensor of the fingers. In this area, the rear artery of the hand and the back branch of the ulnar nerve are distributed.
The massage of the point is carried out with feverish conditions, pain in the wrist joint, rheumatism, diabetes mellitus, impaired motor and sensitive function of the hand and forearm.
Massage of two more points is recommended for pain in wrist joints.
9.4. - Shi-men. The point is located at 5 tsuni above the middle of the proximal wrist fold between the long palmar muscle and the radial flexor of the wrist.
9.7-Dal-lin [4O6].
First of all, it is necessary to massage the points 24 ( He-gu) [397] and 13.14 [Da-zhui] [00], and then proceed to massage the following points.
2.11-Qu-chi [399].
2.12 - Chou-liao. The point is located 1 pound above the ulnar groove at the outer edge of the triceps muscle.
5.4 - Lin-dao [408].
9.3 - Qu-tse. The point is located in the middle of the elbow fold, at the ulnar margin of the tendon of the biceps arm muscle.
10.5 - Wai Guan. The point is located on the back of the forearm, 2 pounds above the center of the proximal wrist fold between the ulna and the radius.
10.10 - Tian-ching. The point is located 1 punch above the ulnar process of the ulna. The point is determined with a bent elbow joint on the back surface of the shoulder.
As in the previous case, you need to massage the points of general action: 24 ( He-gu) [397] and 13.14 ( Da-chuy) [399], and then proceed to massage the following points:
1.2-Yun-men [403].
2.14 - Bi-nao. The point is located 7 tsunami above the ulnar fold at the point of attachment of the deltoid muscle to the humerus.
6.15 - Jian-chung-shu( "The middle of the shoulder").The point is located in the middle of the distance between the acromial process of the scapula and the large tubercle of the humerus in the depression formed when the arm is raised.
The point is used for pain in the scapula and cervical region. It is part of the collar zone, and therefore, is used for headaches associated with vascular spasm, vertebral-basilar insufficiency( impaired blood circulation in the brainstem), coughing, shortness of breath, bronchial asthma, decreased visual acuity.
6.9 - Jian-zhen( "Cleanliness of the shoulder").The point is located back and down from the shoulder joint, between the humerus and the scapula at the posterior edge of the deltoid muscle at the apex of the axillary fold posteriorly to 1 poon. The location of the point corresponds to the posterior edge of the deltoid muscle, in the depths there are a branch of the posterior artery, which also raises other nerves.
The point is used for diseases of the joints of the upper extremities, nerves of the upper limbs, as well as for ear diseases, headaches.
6.10 - Nao-shu( "Point of the shoulder").The point is located posterior to the fossa of the shoulder joint on the posterior surface of it on a vertical line with the axilla. In this area the deltoid muscle, the suprapatricar artery, the branches of the supraclavicular nerve and the outer and posterior cutaneous nerves of the shoulder are located.
The point is used for pain in the shoulder and shoulder area, inflammation of the shoulder joint, cervical radiculitis.
6.13 - Qu Yuan. The point is located in the indentation from the inside of the upper edge of the scapula at the level of the spinous process of the 2nd thoracic vertebra.
10.14 - Jian-liao. The point is located between the acromial process of the scapula and the large tubercle of the humerus, in the fovea between the posterior and middle parts of the deltoid muscle.
10.15 - Tyan-liao. The point is located at the upper angle of the scapula at the level of the spinous process of the 1st thoracic vertebra.
11.21 - Jian-ching. The point is located in the middle of the distance between the recess under the 7th cervical vertebra( the most protruding on the base, neck) and the outer edge of the humeral process of the scapula at the highest point of the shoulder.
Pain in the ankle
The order of the massage points for pain in the ankle remains the same: first massaging the points of general action 2.4 ( He-gu) [397] and 18.14 ( Da-Zhuy) [399], then go to massageother points,
3.41 - Tse-si( "Free Hollow").The point is in the cavity at the fold of the foot between the tendons of the long extensor of the thumb and the long extensor of the remaining fingers. At the location of the point are the branches of the peroneal nerve and anterior tibial artery.
The point is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, motor and sensitive violations of the lower extremities of the central peripheral type, diseases of the ankle joint and joints of the foot, increasing blood pressure.
3.42 - Chun-yang. The point is located at the highest point of the arch of the foot, between the joints of II-III wedge-shaped and II-III metatarsal bones at the site of pulsation of the dorsal artery of the foot.
3.44 - Neutin. The point is located between the heads of II and III metatarsal bones.
7.26 - Guan-yuan-shu [407].
7.60-Buy- harrier [407].
8.3 - Tay-si. The point is located in the center of the depression between the calcaneal tendon and the center of the inner ankle.
8.7 - Fu-lju( "Back stream").The point is located at the site of the gastrocnemius muscle in the Achilles tendon above the upper edge of the inner ankle by 2 tsunya. In this area are branches of the posterior tibial artery, branches of the tibia and the medial gastrocnemius nerve.
Massage point is recommended for kidney disease, testicular inflammation, lower limb paralysis, low back pain, toothache, inflammation and bleeding from hemorrhoids, asthenia, arterial hypertension.
11.39 - Xuan-chung( The Hanging Bell).
The point is located 3 tsunya above the upper edge of the outer ankle at the anterior edge of the fibula. Refers to points of general action. The location of the point corresponds to the branches of the anterior tibial artery, the superficial peroneal nerve and the lateral gastrocnemius nerve.
Indications for the use of the point: chronic gastroenteritis, back pain, external surface of the foot, knee and ankle joints, intercostal neuralgia, cervical muscle myositis, allergic edema of the upper respiratory tract, kidney disease, neurosis, migraine, eczema, psoriasis.
11.40 - Qiu-syu. The point is located in the depression at the anterior margin of the outer ankle and the outer edge of the tendon of the long extensor of the hand.
In these diseases, you must also massage the 2.4 ( He-gu) [00] and 13. ( Da-chuy) points [397].
After that you can go to massage other points.
11.35 - Doo-bi. The point is located at the level of the lower edge of the patella, slightly higher than the tibial bone. The point is used for inflammation, pain in the knee joint.
7.40 - Wei-chung( "Average savings").The point is in the center of the popliteal fossa. Refers to points of general action. At this point, the popliteal artery and vein, the tibial nerve and the branches of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh are distributed.
The point is used for incontinence and urinary retention, lumbosacral radiculitis, myositis, pains in the lower extremities, knee joint and neck, arterial hypertension, functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract( constipation, diarrhea), allergic skin diseases, insufficiencycerebral circulation, neuroses.
11.34 - Yang-lin-chuan. The point is located anterior and downward from the head of the fibula to 2 tsunya from the lower edge of the patella.
4.9 - Yin-lin-chuan( "Source on the Hill").
The point is located in the cavity, at the posterior edge of the inner condyle of the tibia, below the lower edge of the patella in 2 tsunya. Refers to points of general action. The point is located in a triangular gap between the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles at the attachment site of the tailor's muscle. In this area, the posterior bolus of the tibial artery and nerve pass.
The point is massaged with intestinal colic, flatulence, decreased appetite, urinary incontinence, kidney pain, lumbosacral radiculitis, insomnia, headaches.
13.34 - Liangcu. The point is located 2 tsunya above the upper edge of the patella, in the gap between the rectus femur and the lateral wide fascia.
Movement is the elementary motor acts that are characteristic of a particular joint. The nature of motion depends on the physiological mobility of the joint. The volume of motion is determined by the structure and the difference in the angular dimensions of the joint surfaces: flexion and extension around the front axis;longitudinal - rotation, pronation, supination;sagittal - reduction and withdrawal;with combined movement around all axes - circular motion.
In some cases, movements account for 20-30% of the entire session time. They are used to restore the performance of joints after physical exertion, injuries and diseases. Movement also has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system.
Movement is particularly widely used in medical, sports and hygienic types of massage.
Physiological effects of movements on the body:
- the elasticity of ligaments and muscles is enhanced;
- stimulates blood and lymph circulation in the joint region;
- mobility in joints is activated( with organic mobility);
- the secretion of synovial fluid is enhanced;
- movements that are performed at a slow pace, have a calming effect on the central nervous system;
- the trophic( nutrition) of the internal organs is activated, the intensity of digestion, the protective properties and the resistance of the organism as a whole;
- movements also help with stiffness( ankylogs, contractures), shortening and wrinkling of the bag-ligament apparatus, as well as with microtrauma and hemarthrosis.
Types of movements
Movements are divided into:
- active;
- passive;
- movement with resistance.
Active movements in the joints are performed after a corresponding massage of the muscles and joints without the participation of an external force: the patient himself at the command of a massage therapist.
These movements are used in cases when it is necessary to excite, activate the work of the central or peripheral nervous system, strengthen the weakened muscular apparatus( after injuries, diseases and surgical interventions).
The duration and intensity of active movements are individual for each specific case and depend on the tasks and possibilities of the massed.
Passive movements are performed after the massage of the muscles and joints under the influence of an external force, that is, by the masseur himself.
These movements are used in the treatment of joint stiffness( after injuries or surgical interventions), shortening and wrinkling of the ligamentous apparatus, muscle contractures, salt deposits that form around the joint and restrict its movement. Thanks to passive movements, hemorrhages quickly resolve, muscle fiber contraction becomes more active, muscles become more elastic.
Motions with resistance are those movements in which resistance is overcome by a massage therapist or massaged. In this case, the resistance should correspond to the strength of the muscle during its contraction: at the beginning of the movement, the resistance should be weak, then strengthen and at the end of the movement again weaken.
There are two types of resistance:
1) When the movements are performed by a massage therapist, and the massaged is resisting.
2) When the movement produces massaged, and the masseur provides resistance.
In the first case, when the resistance is massaged, it must be warned that it does not strain the limbs, but smoothly overcomes the resistance provided by the masseur. In the second case, the resistance of the masseur should also be smooth, and unexpected and sudden relaxation should not be allowed.
These movements are necessary for strengthening, maintaining the tone and working capacity of muscles and joint-ligament apparatus.
Head movements are inclinations to the right and left, forward and backward, rotation in one direction or another.
When doing this, the massager sits, and the massage therapist stands behind him, puts his palms to his head from two sides above the ears, then gently and gently tilts the head of the massaged to the right and left, makes circular motions in both directions( Fig.).
Then the masseur transfers one palm to the forehead, and the other to the back of the head, performs careful slopes of the head massaged forward and backward( Fig.).
Body movements include right and left inclinations, flexion and extension( deflection), right and left turns, circular motions.
When performing movements with the torso, the massaged one assumes a sitting position. The masseur is behind him, placing his hands on the patient's shoulders, gently bending his torso forward, then gently straightening, slightly bending backwards( Fig.).
After performing these exercises, the masseur transfers his hands to the area of the deltoid muscles and turns the torso massaged to the right and left, thereby causing the spine to rotate.
Movement in the shoulder joint is the withdrawal and reduction, pronation and supination, circular movements of the hands.
When this method is performed, the patient is sitting, the masseur is behind him, putting a different hand on his shoulder, and with the same name hand holding the forearm near the elbow joint( Fig.).
With the guidance and repositioning, the masseur fixes the forearm to avoid movement due to the mobility of the scapula and raises the hand massaged upwards, then downwards. Then, from the horizontal position of the shoulder, he takes his hand back and forth, turns inside and out( pronation, supination), makes circular movements with his hand.
The movements in the elbow joint consist of flexion and extension, pronation and supination( Fig.).
The patient sits with his forearm resting on the table. The masseur takes a one-handed hand massed by the shoulder as close as possible to the elbow joint, the other hand - by the forearm in the wrist area, then produces as much as possible full flexion and extension at the elbow joint.
In case if the massaged lies, the masseur puts one hand under the elbow joint, and the other disposes under the wrist, performing the same flexion and extension movements.
In addition, the masseur makes a turn of the palm down - pronation and up - supination.
Brush movements include retraction and reduction, flexion and extension, circular movements.
Masseur with one hand fixes the forearm above the wrist joint, and the other takes the fingers of the patient. Then he makes the lead and bring the brush massaged, flexing and unbending, circular movements in both directions.
Finger movements are flexion and extension, dilution and reduction.
Masseur with one hand holds a metacarpal joint, the other does flexion and extension of each finger of the patient, then performs the reduction and dilution of the fingers( Fig.).
Movement in the hip joint consists of flexion and extension, withdrawal and reduction, pronation and supination, circular movements.
Flexion and extension in the hip joint is performed with the position of a massaged prone on the back. The masseur puts one hand on the knee joint and holds the other on the ankle joint, then bends the leg in these joints, trying to bring the hip to the stomach. When straightening the legs to avoid a possible fall, the masseur brings the hand that lies on the knee joint, under it.
With lead and lead, the massaged lies on its side. The masseur brings his arm under the upper leg, then raises his straightened leg, while resting his other hand on the crest of the ilium.
Pronation and supination( inward-outward rotation) are carried out with the position of the massage lying not on the back. The masseur puts one hand under the lower leg below the knee joint, the other rests against the crest of the ilium, then turns the leg alternately inside and out( Fig.).
To perform circular motions, it is necessary for the massaged person to assume the supine position on the back. The masseur has one hand on his knee joint, the other takes a foot from below. Then bends the leg massaged in the knee and hip joints in one direction or the other.
The movements in the knee joint consist of flexion and extension. When these movements are performed, the person being massaged takes a lying position on his chest. The masseur stands perpendicular to the massaged one hand puts on the lower part of the thigh to prevent injury, the other holds the shin under the ankle joint. Then bending is performed;the hand, sandwiched between the thigh and the shin, the masseur removes from the hip and presses it on the shin, trying to reach the heel to the gluteus muscle;then smoothly translates the shin to the initial position( Fig.).
This exercise can be performed even when the massage is on the back. This movement occurs not only in the knee joint, but also in the hip joints( Fig.).
Movement in the ankle includes flexion and extension, pronation and supination, rotational movements.
These movements are performed when the position is massaged lying on the back. The masseur fixes the ankle with one hand, the other takes the foot from below, then bends and unbends, pronation and supination, as well as rotational movements of the foot in both directions.
The movements of the toes are flexion and extension.
Massaged lies, the masseur with one hand holds the foot, the other does flexion and extension of each toe individually.
1) Before you begin to perform movements, you need to make sure that the muscles and ligamentous apparatus of a particular joint are fully prepared for the load.
2) The load on the joints should not exceed the capacity of the massaged.
3) All movements must be performed slowly and evenly.
4) Performing movements should not cause a painful massage, especially if stiffness in the joints is observed.
5) When carrying out movements, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the joint and the axes around which movements are possible.
6) Movement with resistance should be carried out taking into account the reaction to them from the massed, for example, to monitor the heart rate, respiration.
Before the massage, the patient should take a supine position.
I. Massage of the upper back.
The back area from the bottom angles of the shoulder blades to the shoulder is massed, stroking techniques are used( 1-2 types) and rubbing on the fascia of the trapezius muscle, which include the following techniques: a circular pincushion of the thumb, circular pads of four fingers, a circular phalanx of bent fingers,finger.
2. Neck massage.
Techniques for stroking and squeezing are used. The next stage is kneading, including such types as ordinary, double annular, circular pads of four fingers, a circular phalanx of bent fingers. It is recommended to massage along the spinal column from the beginning of the cover of the hair to the seventh cervical vertebra.
3. Massage of the shoulder( biceps, deltoid and triceps muscles).
When massaging the biceps muscle, stroking, squeezing and kneading techniques are used( ordinary, double annular, circular, beak-like, circular phalanges of bent fingers).
When massaging the deltoid and triceps muscles, stroking, squeezing and kneading techniques are used( ordinary, double circular, circular with four-finger pads, a circular phalanx of bent fingers, a circular beak-shaped one).
4. Massage of the forearm( flexors, extensors).
When massaging the flexors of the forearm, strokes, squeezing and kneading techniques are used, which in turn is divided into ordinary, circular phalanges of bent fingers, circular beak-shaped( brushes to and from oneself).
When massaging extensors of the forearm, in addition to stroking and squeezing, kneading is performed.
5. Squeezing, stroking on the triceps brachii muscle.
When the triceps muscle is massaged, the squeezing techniques are performed, in the end, stroking is performed.
6. Massage of the elbow joint.
When performing the massage on the inner and outer parts of the elbow joint, it should be borne in mind that the tricks are performed at different positions of the arm.
If the inner part of the joint is being massaged, the arm should be placed along the trunk. In this case, a circular stroking of the base of the palm is performed and rubbing is circular with the pads of four fingers, a circular phalanx of bent fingers, a circular beak-shaped, circular pincushion of the thumb and a circular palm-like base.
If the external part of the elbow joint is massaged, the arm should be bent at the elbow joint and be in front of the patient. A circular stroking with the base of the palm is performed, then rubbing is made-circular with the pads of four fingers, circular, beak-shaped, circular with the rib of the thumb, circular with the base of the palm.
Sprains are called various lacerations, in which the joints do not move or damage. The ligaments, the places of their attachment, the synovial membrane of the joints, the cellulose, the surrounding joint, the cartilage, the tendons, the muscles, the vessels, the nerves can be injured. In this case, incomplete ruptures, detachment in the places of attachment of ligaments to bones, detachments with parts of bones can be observed. When stretching, acute pain occurs when trying to make movement, then the injury site swells and the joint becomes inflamed. If the damage was rather severe, then it can be accompanied by a complication in which an inflammatory process usually occurs in the joint and, as a consequence, stiffness of the joint.
1. Reducing pain.
2. Achieving more intense blood and lymph flow in the damaged area.
3. Ensuring the normal operation of the joint.
When stretching the ligaments, you should start performing massage and thermal procedures one day after getting the injury. First of all, you need to warm up and only after that perform massage techniques. When doing massage, it is necessary to observe the following rule: do not cause pain to be massaged, as this can lead to deterioration of the state of the injured area.
Before massaging the injured area, massage the areas above. For example, if the ankle-ligament apparatus of the ankle is stretched, the shin should be massaged, if the knee joint is damaged, the thigh, the wrist injury, the forearm, the injured elbow joint, the shoulder, etc.
It is recommended to perform an aspiration massage 1-2 times inday for 5-10 minutes. After the massage of the injured area is added, the time of the receptions will increase to 15 minutes.
To massage the outer part of the joint, you need to turn your hand palm up.
First it is necessary to conduct different types of grinding. Rubbing should be done by pads of fingers. To do this, you need to wrap the elbow joint in such a way that the four fingers are located on the outside, and the large one is on the inside. Rectilinear and circular grinding spend, leaning first on the thumb, and then on the other fingers. Circular grinding should be carried out with phalanxes of fingers compressed in a fist and an edge of a palm.
Then perform active and passive movements: flexion and extension, turning the brush so that the palm is first up, and then - down.
This is the largest and most powerful joint of the human skeleton, whose regular self-massage can prevent such an unpleasant disease as the deposition of salts.
It can be performed in the sitting and standing position, in the second case, the center of gravity of the body is transferred to the leg free from the massage.
The first stage is a circular stroking of the , which is performed with both hands. With a massage of the right knee, its outer surface is stroked with the right hand, with the left hand - the inner surface.
The second stage is rubbing. You need to start with a gummed rectilinear grinding( Fig.).
Then go to the rectilinear and circular rubbing, which you need to do with the pads of four fingers with the support of the thumb and the thumb pad with the support of the others.
These techniques can also be performed with weights( Fig.).
Rectilinear rubbing should be performed using the base of the palm and the toes of the thumbs, while the palms are firmly pressed against the lateral sections of the joint.
It is necessary to finish with circular rubbing.
The third stage is active movement. It is necessary to bend the leg in the knee and hip joints, trying to bring the hip to the breast as close as possible. Repeat the movement 6-7 times. And then do the same exercise, but grasping the shin with your hands and pressing your hip to your chest. Repeat 4-5 times.
The final stage self-massage knee joint - stroking with both hands.
In cases of joint damage requiring prolonged immobilization, typical muscular hypotrophies develop rather quickly: a) with knee joint injuries, the quadriceps muscle of the thigh is hypotrophic, the calf muscles;b) if the hip is damaged, the gluteus maximus muscle;c) humerus - deltoid and large pectoralis muscles;d) elbow - the triceps muscle of the shoulder and the muscle - the extensors of the fingers.
• When joints are dislocated after repositioning and fixing the joint, massage is prescribed in combination with physical exercises.
• In case of dislocations in the elbow, wrist joints and joints of the fingers, massage is prescribed 3-4 days later, in the shoulder - after 7-10 days, in the knee - after 10-12 days. In the early days, only the muscles are massaged, and then the area of the joint. Segmental-reflex effects are applied: if the joints of the upper extremity are damaged, cervical-thoracic paravertebral zones of innervation of Th6-Thl, CI-C3 spinal segments are massaged;with damage to the joints of the lower limb - lumbosacral and inferior thoracic paravertebral zones of innervation S3-S 1 , L5-Ll & lt;Thl2-Thl1.Massage of the muscles lying proximal and distal to the affected joint: stroking, rubbing, kneading, light vibrations. With a favorable clinical picture, massage of the area of the affected joint is shown( stroking and rubbing), trituration of the capsular-ligament apparatus.
• After repositioning the thigh with stretching to massage, you can proceed no earlier than 6-7th day. The muscles of the pelvic girdle and the entire damaged limb are massaged.
• In case of surgical interventions for a habitual dislocation, massage and physical exercises are prescribed from the 10th day after the operation. Massage techniques are carried out carefully from the segments adjacent to the operated joint: embracing stroking, kneading and light vibrations. The capsular-ligamentous apparatus of the joint is affected by circular stroking and rubbing with the pads of the fingers, using a tongue-shaped kneading and flicking with the tips of the fingers.
For the purpose of eliminating muscular hypotrophy massage:
a) with dislocations of the hip joint - gluteal muscles, hip muscles( leading and extensors);
b) with dislocations of the knee joint - quadriceps femoris muscle;
c) with dislocations of the shoulder joint - deltoid and large pectoralis muscle;
d) with dislocations of the elbow joint - the triceps muscle.