
Redness and flaking of the skin around the eyes: what to do if the skin around the nose, eyes, or mouth turns red

  • Redness and flaking of the skin around the eyes: what to do if the skin around the nose, eyes, or mouth turns red

    Redness and flaking of the skin around the eyes: what to do to avoid it

    Redness and flaking of the skin around the eyes is very common. Redness is accompanied by unpleasant itching, tingling, tearing. The causes of this phenomenon can be very different: from simple fatigue to a serious illness. What do you need to pay attention to and how to deal with such a state?

    Causes of redness and peeling

    One of the reasons is the impact of the environment. The skin of the eye is not protected by anything, therefore it reacts sharply to dust, smoke, frost, wind, rain, heat and other natural phenomena. As a result, irritation and painful symptoms appear.

    Peeling and redness may be signs of an allergic reaction. If in addition to these symptoms there is itching and swelling, then it's time to take antihistamines.

    Injury, ingress of dirt, sand, dust or other foreign objects into the eye area will also provoke redness and peeling.

    A long stay behind the computer monitor, the TV will affect the state of the eyes.

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    Poor lighting during operation: too bright or too dim. Overwork, both physical and mental.

    Contact lenses can cause irritation, especially if used improperly.

    Insect bites lead to the appearance of red spots on the skin, and later peeling.

    Cosmetics can cause such a reaction. The composition may be a substance that you are allergic to, or expired.

    If these symptoms do not go away when all of the above reasons are eliminated, then the problem can be with health. In this case, contact a specialist. The cause may be ciliary mite, barley, as well as a lack of vitamin B.

    Folk recipes

    To remove irritation and soothe the skin can decoction of medicinal chamomile or dill, as well as lotion from parsley.

    Parsley finely chopped and wrapped in gauze or bandage. Apply to the eye area for ten to fifteen minutes.

    Dill or chamomile should be boiled and boiled. Then, using a tampon, wipe the eye area.

    With this phenomenon, honey can perfectly handle. You can simply lubricate the irritated places with honey, and you can add olive or almond oil and yolk.

    If you are convinced that there are no serious diseases, then you can start treatment yourself.

    More walk in the fresh air, rest, drink the course of vitamins, try to get enough sleep, spend less time at the computer, at the time give up cosmetics, do not abuse alcohol, avoid cigarette smoke and do not smoke yourself, do soothing soaps and masks.

    Redness and peeling of the skin around the mouth

    It is often possible to find a phenomenon such as redness and flaking of the skin around the mouth.

    The reasons may be:

    • allergic reaction, including on cosmetics;
    • environmental impact: heat, frost, wind;
    • improper diet and, as a consequence, lack of vitamins;
    • hormonal failure;
    • viral or bacterial diseases.

    In the treatment of folk remedies, you can use the same recipes as for the skin around the eyes.

    Redness and peeling of the skin around the nose

    This phenomenon can be observed in case of allergy, respiratory illnesses of the respiratory tract, dermatological diseases, alcohol abuse, smoking and trauma.

    If the cause of redness is not serious, then you can manage it yourself. For example, reddening due to frostbite can be removed with boiled potatoes. It must be kneaded, put in gauze or cloth and warm up the nose.

    Redness can remove infusion from chamomile. Periodically make lotions, especially at night. And, of course, exclude all the factors that led to this situation.

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    Redness and flaking of the skin around the eyes is a very common phenomenon. Redness is accompanied by unpleasant itching, tingling, tearing. The causes of this phenomenon can be very different: from simple fatigue to a serious illness. What do you need to pay attention to and how to deal with such a state?

    Causes of redness and peeling

    One of the reasons is the effect of the external environment. The skin of the eye is not protected by anything, therefore it reacts sharply to dust, smoke, frost, wind, rain, heat and other natural phenomena. As a result, irritation and painful symptoms appear.

    Peeling and redness may be signs of an allergic reaction. If in addition to these symptoms there is itching and swelling, then it's time to take antihistamines.

    Injury, ingress of dirt, sand, dust or other foreign objects into the eye area will also provoke redness and peeling.

    A long stay behind the computer monitor, the TV will affect the state of the eyes.

    Poor lighting during operation: too bright or too dim.

    Overstrain, both physical and mental.

    Contact lenses can cause irritation, especially if used improperly.

    Insect bites lead to the appearance of red spots on the skin, and later peeling.

    Cosmetics can cause such a reaction. The composition may be a substance that you are allergic to, or expired.

    If these symptoms do not resolve if all of the above reasons are eliminated, then the problem may be with health. In this case, contact a specialist. The cause may be ciliary mite, barley, as well as a lack of vitamin B.

    Folk recipes

    To remove irritation and soothe the skin can decoction of medicinal chamomile or dill, as well as lotion from parsley.

    Parsley finely chopped and wrapped in gauze or bandage. Apply to the eye area for ten to fifteen minutes.

    Dill or chamomile should be boiled and boiled. Then, using a tampon, wipe the eye area.

    This phenomenon can be perfectly handled by honey. You can simply lubricate the irritated places with honey, and you can add olive or almond oil and yolk.

    If you are convinced that there are no serious diseases, then you can start treatment yourself.

    More walk in the fresh air, rest, drink the course of vitamins, try to get enough sleep, spend less time at the computer, at the time give up cosmetics, do not abuse alcohol, avoid cigarette smoke and do not smoke yourself, do soothing soaps and masks.

    Redness and peeling of the skin around the mouth

    It is often possible to find a phenomenon such as redness and flaking of the skin around the mouth.

    The reasons may be:

    • allergic reaction, including on cosmetics;
    • environmental impact: heat, frost, wind;
    • improper diet and, as a consequence, lack of vitamins;
    • hormonal failure;
    • is a viral or bacterial disease.

    In the treatment of folk remedies, you can use the same recipes as for the skin around the eyes.

    Redness and flaking of the skin around the nose

    This phenomenon can occur in case of allergy, respiratory diseases, dermatological diseases, alcohol abuse, smoking and trauma.

    If the cause of redness is not serious, then you can manage it yourself. For example, reddening due to frostbite can be removed with boiled potatoes. It must be kneaded, put in gauze or cloth and warm up the nose.

    Redness can remove infusion from chamomile. Periodically make lotions, especially at night. And, of course, exclude all the factors that led to this situation.

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