
Pattern dress young lady-peasant woman with her own hands for beginners

  • Pattern dress young lady-peasant woman with her own hands for beginners

    A rustic dress is a very beautiful and truly feminine outfit. Therefore, below is a pattern of dress young lady-peasant woman.

    The model of this dress will suit both slender ladies, and complete. But the magnificent women of small size should abandon this model.

    The amount of fabric depends on the length of the skirt and sleeve, as well as the shape of the skirt. This dress is suitable for any fabric, as well as chintz, chiffon, silk and poplin.

    You only need to purchase the fabric after a preliminary layout. Below are the calculation formulas for cutting in different versions.

    This dress, even for beginner tailors, will not be difficult to sew.

    How to cut

    Before making the patterns shown in figure 1, you need to determine the shape of the skirt and the length of the sleeve. The style of the skirt can be "sun" or "tatyanka".

    To sew a skirt-sun, you need to cut the notch. Also it will be necessary to make a separate shelf and back, cutting a dart. This is to ensure that at the waist the dress is less bulky, and there was an opportunity, if desired, to sew the braid to the side seam.

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    But a simpler version of the cut of the skirt is "tatyanka".We will consider it first.

    Style of the skirt "tatyanka"

    So, let's start.

    Fabric consumption

    ( Skirt length + 2 cm) +( length of the bodice + 6 cm) +( sleeve length + processing)

    As you can see from this formula, you need to add more allowance to the bottom of the sleeve and bodice.

    The remaining allowances, except for the armhole, will be 1 cm. The clip needs to be cut without allowance.



    Fold the fabric, aligning the edges in half, cut off the rectangle of the skirt. Next, fold the fabric along the width of the part half-fold back. Place the pattern half-buried on the fold and cut out with allowances.


    Fold the remainder of the fabric along the width of the sleeves. To cut out.


    " "

    " The fabric is folded in half by the front side inwards, aligning the edges, but the fold must be along the cross-section.

    Measure the length of the skirt along the edge of the fold, attach a pattern for the "sun" and measure the length again. Press down the pattern of the notch, pin it with pins and circle.

    Measure the length of the skirt from the stroke line in different directions several times. So smoothly the bottom line is obtained.

    After cutting, you need to get rid of the slices( see the photo below).

    It turns out that the consumption of fabric will be:

    2( 2 lengths of skirt + notch + 3 cm. Bend) +( length of bodice + 6 cm.).


    Sewing is very simple. First you need to sew details of the bodice and sleeves, perform the upper cut of the kuliska. You can treat the sauce of the bottom of the sleeve with a cusp.

    Next, you need to try on the bodice. This is necessary in order to understand whether or not extra straps are needed on the upper cut, and to know the amount of the overlap. To find out, you need to tie a belt around your waist. When the value of the admission is determined, it is necessary to cut off the excess allowance.

    Then you need to connect the back with one half of the skirt, and the shelf - on the other.

    Up from the waist to make a few lines of rubber thread. Treat the shoulder seams and stitch the zipper.

    Process the bottom of the skirt. That's all! Your outfit is ready! Video selection