  • Treating nipple cracks

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    Cracks in the nipples after birth are found in almost half of the women. Their occurrence may be due, on the one hand, to the developmental defects of the nipples, the special tenderness of the skin and its easy vulnerability, on the other hand, to improper feeding techniques and insufficient nipple care. Cracks can quickly become infected( mainly staphylococcus), affected by yeast fungi, especially when there is a thrush in the baby.

    Treatment should ensure not only the elimination of infection and healing of cracks, but also the preservation of lactation. Therefore, medicinal plants that have disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties( sage, chamomile, turn), rich in tannins( a medicinal groove, a spiny erector, a thick-leafed octopus, an oak bark) and astringents( a snake mountaineer, St. John's wort) are used. In addition, in the treatment of nipple cracks, vegetable oils( dog-rose, sea-buckthorn berries) are used. An effective tool for the treatment of nipple cracks is the Kalanchoe juice.

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    Infusion of medicinal plants for washing nipples is usually prepared as follows: take 1 tbsp.l.medicinal raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water. After each feeding, the nipples are washed with infusion of medicinal herbs, then for 20-30 minutes the breast is held in the air to dry the cracks. After that, the nipples are treated with Kalanchoe juice or vegetable oil( sea buckthorn or dogrose).

    For the treatment of nipple cracks, St. John's wort oil is used.

    It is required: 0,5 kg of fresh flowers with leaves of St. John's wort. Preparation: finely chop and pour 1 liter of fresh sunflower oil. Insist in a warm dark place for 3 weeks, drain.

    Application: Wet wipes and apply to nipples.

    For diseases of the mammary gland used infusion of St. John's Wort:

    Required: 2 tbsp.l.chopped herb St. John's wort.

    Preparation: pour a glass of boiling water, cool, drain.

    Usage: during the day in 3 divided doses 30 minutes before meals for 8 weeks.

    Often after giving birth, women have inadequate milk secretion - the most common reason for the artificial feeding of children in the first months of their life. There are a number of medicinal plants that stimulate or inhibit lactation. The stimulants include an anise ordinary, dill vegetable, fennel ordinary( dill pharmacy), fenugreek hay, cumin, oregano, lemon balm.

    Required: 1-2 tsp.crushed anise fruit.

    Preparation: pour a glass of boiling water, insist 15 minutes, drain.

    Application: 0.25 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

    Requires: 1.5 tbsp.l.seeds of dill.

    Preparation: pour a glass of boiling water, cool, drain.

    Application: drink during the day in 3 divided doses.

    Seed fennel can be taken orally for 1 tsp.before eating, drinking a glass of water. Use and cumin: 1 tbsp.l.the fruit is boiled in 200 ml of sour cream for 5 minutes and taken without a strict dosage with insufficient lactation.

    More efficiently stimulate lactation collections of medicinal plants:

    1. Required: fruits of anise, dill, fennel, herb oregano in equal parts.

    Preparation: 1 tsp. Chopped mixture of brewed a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, strain. Application: 1 glass 2-3 times a day.

    2. Required: 1 tbsp.l.(with a slide) of fruits of anise and dill, 2 tbsp.l.seeds of fenugreek and fennel.

    Preparation: grind, mix thoroughly.

    1 tsp. Collect a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, drain.

    Application: 1 glass 2-3 times a day.

    3. Requires: 2 tbsp.l.leaves of nettle, 1 tbsp.l.fennel seeds and anise.

    Preparation: 2 tbsp.l.mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 2 hours.

    Use: Drink during the day.

    4. Required: 1 tbsp.l.herbs of sweet clover, fennel seeds, anise fruits, 2 tbsp.l.leaves of nettle.

    Preparation: 2 tbsp.l.mixture pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, strain.

    Application: 0.5 glasses 2 times a day, one hour after a meal.

    5. Requires: dandelion root, cumin fruit, dill seeds, nettle leaves in equal parts.

    Preparation: 2 tbsp.l.mixture pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, strain.

    Application: 0.5 glasses 2 times a day 1 hour after meals.

    For the suppression of lactation the following medicinal charges are used.

    1. Required: 1 tbsp.l.leaves of walnut, 2 tbsp.l.cones of hops and sage leaves.

    Preparation: 1 tsp. Collect a glass of boiling water. Application: drink 1 glass 3 times a day.

    2. Required: 1 tbsp.l.cones of hops, 2 tbsp.l.herbs of sage.

    Preparation: pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, drain.

    Application: 100 ml 3 times a day.