  • Loss of a child

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    Regardless of whether a child's parents lose before or after birth, the very fact is a great grief. It seems impossible to get used to the death of a long-awaited child and continue to live, but, as many families experience, grief is part of the recovery process.

    Naturally, parents are shocked and can not believe in the death of a child. They think that they had a terrible dream that what is happening is unreal and that after a while they will wake up and the child will still be with them.

    Awareness of reality gives rise to anger and a sense of deep grief that results in endless tears, loss of appetite and sleepless nights. The feelings of a woman are greatly amplified due to a rapid drop in the level of hormones, as the body returns to the state before pregnancy.

    Parents have a desperate need to see and hold their child, and many of them take themselves to the extreme because of a sense of guilt for what they did not do enough to save. They are overwhelmed with anger, they curse death, each and every one - a hospital, medical personnel, each other.

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    When the anger and deep grief subsided, in their place will come depression. What is the point of continuing to live if the world is so unfair?

    Adopting a situation is the final stage in the process of experiencing loss, it comes with time. Awareness of loss does not mean that the pain and anger have disappeared, but now they should be pushed aside and continue to live. The death of a child always changes everything, but it makes sense to move forward, to become stronger.


    The experience of the experience of the child is different for each parent. In some, a return to everyday life takes a very long time, others tend to return to the usual rhythm, try and can push this sad event to the background. It is important for each parent to experience their feelings on their own, and not to do as others advise. Losing a child can make a huge difference in the relationship of a married couple. Men tend to hide their feelings, so the orphaned father will feel the loss as sharply as his wife, although he will not express his grief openly. A woman can interpret his behavior as indifference, feel offended and shut up in himself. The only way to overcome this condition is to talk frankly with each other about your feelings.

    It is important for both parents to have as much assistance and support as possible. Many help the picture of the child or the ability to hold it in your arms after giving birth. The memory of a child's life, regardless of its duration, also gives an opportunity to survive grief.


    Thanks to the achievements of modern medicine, the number of babies dying before the fights, that is, stillborn children over the age of 24 weeks of pregnancy, is exceptionally low. When this happens, it is often not known why the child died before the birth, among the reasons are called abnormal fetal development or placental peeling. The mother may notice when something is wrong - the child has stopped moving or the doctor will not be able to hear the baby's pulse. To test the heart fetus is used ultrasound examination.

    If a child dies in the uterus, the mother has difficulty with normal birth, since she knows that the baby is dead.

    It is better to try to avoid caesarean section, as this can lead to complications in the mother and affect future childbirth.

    Very rarely a child dies during labor, this case is called "intrapartum death".This is often due to a lack of oxygen, which is caused by a variety of causes, including placental insufficiency, anemia of toxic origin and a tight cord around the neck.

    The death of a newborn( neonatal death) often occurs due to breathing problems, especially if the baby is premature or has serious developmental problems.

    Syndrome of sudden death of baby

    "Death in the cradle" is a sudden and unexpected death of a baby under the age of one, which remains unexplained after a thorough investigation, including after the autopsy, the study of the place of death and the history of the child's development. The cause of sudden death is usually multifactorial, but since parents are advised to put children to sleep on their backs and not on their stomachs, the number of deaths associated with sudden death syndrome has been steadily falling since the early 1990s.