
Causes, stages and consequences of hypertension and methods of dealing with them

  • Causes, stages and consequences of hypertension and methods of dealing with them

    Hypertension is a pathological condition of the body, in which the main symptom is high blood pressure. According to statistics, the frequency of illness in men and women is about the same, and almost every third resident of developed countries suffers from it.

    How is normal blood pressure created?

    Normally, the blood leaves the left ventricle of the heart in the aorta, and the blood is pushed out to the vessels further from the large arteries to the small arterioles at each heart beat. The level of normal pressure is affected by several factors:

    • The volume of blood in the vessels.
    • Tonus of blood vessels.
    • Baroreceptors located in the kidneys and vessels.
    • Hormonal background.

    Normally, the average blood pressure is between 120/80 mm Hg.st., and can fluctuate in different people from 100/60 to 140/90 mm Hg. Art. The magnitude of the pressure depends on the influence of external and internal factors. In the afternoon, blood pressure is slightly higher than at night, and this is considered the norm.

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    Of course, in some situations, blood pressure may increase, for example, with fast walking or running, when lifting weights, during physical exertion, but in a healthy person it quickly returns to normal. During the day, blood pressure can rise a few dozen times, but in these cases it is too early to speak of hypertension as a diagnosis.

    Stages of development of hypertension

    When hypertension is a narrowing of the vessel, resulting in a difficult flow of blood. To push through another portion of blood, the heart has to exert more force, and the pressure on the walls of the vessels increases.

    Hypertension has 3 stages:

    1. Light form or stage 1, at which the pressure rises to 160/90 mm Hg. Art. Characterized by the fact that the pressure rises periodically.
    2. Moderate form or 2nd stage, at which the pressure rises to 180/100 mm Hg. Art.and is characterized by a longer time of high pressure.
    3. Heavy form or stage 3, which is characterized by a pressure above 180/100 mm Hg. Art.and stable state( BP does not descend below these figures).

    In the case of hypertension of the 1st degree, the causes are not divided from the causes of hypertension of the 2nd degree, since without appropriate treatment one stage smoothly passes into the other.

    Why does hypertension occur?

    In cases of hypertension, the causes are very different, and at the beginning of the disease, many patients write off symptoms such as headaches, memory impairment and dizziness for usual fatigue. And only when this condition becomes chronic, many begin to think about the reasons for this state.

    With hypertension syndrome, the reasons are as follows:

    1. The main cause of hypertension is considered to be numerous stressful situations. However, most people do not cope well with stress. This applies mainly to young people. Stress as a cause of hypertension at a young age is characterized by the release of a large amount of the "hormone of fear" or adrenaline into the blood, which it is necessary to excrete from the body.
    2. The second main cause of hypertension is the diet, which in modern society is rarely balanced. Abuse of carbohydrates and fats leads to hard work of the liver with subsequent disruption of the function of splitting of these products. As a result, high-density cholesterol begins to be deposited on the walls of the vessels, causing them to narrow and increase blood pressure. This is the most common cause of hypertension of the 2nd degree.
    3. Insufficient water intake( consumption of a large quantity of sweet carbonated drinks) can also lead to high pressure. Normally, the normal blood composition has 70-80% of water and only 30-20% of blood elements. Acid drinks acidify the blood, causing aggregation( gluing together red blood cells) and obstruct the movement of blood through the vessels.
    4. In case of hypertension, the causes are a sedentary lifestyle, and as a consequence, the appearance of excess weight or obesity. Violation of all types of metabolism with excess weight causes the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of the vessels.
    5. Diabetes mellitus can cause hypertension, as the hormone insulin responsible for glucose uptake also has vasodilating properties. When a healthy person has enough insulin in their blood, there is no persistent increase in pressure, and if there is a lack of blood pressure due to spasm of blood vessels, the pressure rises.
    6. Hereditary predisposition may also be the cause of hypertension. The risk of developing hypertension is higher in those whose parents were sick with hypertension.
    7. Another reason for hypertension is diselementosis, when increased intake of table salt keeps water in the extracellular space, and potassium and magnesium, so needed for the heart and blood vessels, are washed out of the body.

    The best prevention of hypertension is to eliminate the causes that lead to its appearance. It is useless to treat hypertension unless you change your lifestyle. First of all, you need to learn to control stressful situations, and for this you need to maintain the nervous system.

    To change your diet is also possible for those who do not want to spend their entire lives on medicines. More fresh vegetables and fruits, a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, sufficient intake of water( up to 2 liters a day) are all measures to prevent hypertension.

    Lfk with hypertension includes swimming, morning exercises, therapeutic massage, walking. Those who, due to the circumstances, once engage in sports, can do at least gymnastics. Gymnastics for hypertension is already sparing, with a set of light exercises, but for those who are just beginning to increase pressure, you can make a full set of exercises.

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