  • Treatment of infections with folk remedies

    This group of diseases includes those associated with the introduction of the so-called pyogenic microbes, mainly streptococci and staphylococci into the genitalia( the first have a chain-shaped under the microscope, and the second - a grovelike form).In addition, the inflammatory process can be caused by a microbe called an Escherichia coli. These microbes are extremely common in nature. They can be found in the air, in the water, on the skin of any part of the body. In order for them to enter the body and cause the disease, a breach of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes is necessary, while gonococci are grafted on intact mucosa and no tissue damage is required to infect gonorrhea.

    Streptococci, staphylococci and E. coli may be present in the vagina of a healthy woman without causing an inflammatory process. One presence of these microbes does not yet cause the appearance of inflammation( sometimes even with a slight disruption of the integrity of the mucous membrane).However, if, in the presence of these microbes, a woman suffers from a general infectious or other disease that significantly weakens the body, then the inflammatory process of the genital organs may or may become worse. Such a process occurs sometimes after childbirth, especially in cases when a woman during her pregnancy violated the hygienic regime and, in particular, at the end of her pregnancy lived a sexual life.

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    The postpartum inflammatory process, and sometimes the general infection of the blood, is observed during childbirth, which sometimes takes place at home, when the environment can contribute to the penetration into the birth canal of staphylococci, streptococci and other pathogens. However, most often these microbes penetrate the woman's body and cause an inflammatory septic process in abortion, especially criminal( community-acquired).

    Inflammatory changes in the genitals under the influence of a septic infection occur with increased fever, abdominal pain, menstrual cycle disorder, and bleeding. Appears purulent leucorrhoea, leaving on the clothes yellow spots.

    Unlike gonorrheal infection, septic infection affects not only the genitals, it extends to the fiber surrounding these organs. Under the influence of this infection, cellulose is often suppressed, abscesses are formed in the small pelvis, which themselves are opened and emptied of pus, and sometimes it is necessary to open them. For the recovery of these patients requires long-term treatment and bed rest. However, full recovery, without residual effects, does not always occur. In most cases, the body remains some changes, in which the patient has to be treated in polyclinics, and sometimes at resorts. A more serious condition in patients is observed when a septic infection enters the bloodstream and a common infection occurs. This is most often the case with clandestine abortion( see chapter "Spontaneous and Artificial Abortion").

    Streptococci is considered to be the most common pathogens of bacterial infections in humans. Based on antigenic differences, most of the streptococci isolated from humans are classified as groups A, B, C, D, F, G.

    Group A streptococci are extremely important because they often cause infectious diseases in humans and play a significant role in the development of rheumatismand glomerulonephritis.

    Group B streptococci frequently colonize female genital tract and mucous membranes of the pharynx and rectum.

    Group C and G streptococci are referred to commensals, but in some cases they are able to cause pharyngitis.

    Group D streptococci often cause urinary tract infections in patients with structural abnormalities and in more than 10% of cases - the etiological factor of bacterial endocarditis.

    The main method of diagnosing streptococcal infection is bacteriological. Recently, slides express tests have been developed( the answer can be obtained within 10 minutes) on the basis of the immunochromatography method( sensitivity - 97%, specificity - 95%), which allows to detect Arg-hemolytic streptococcus of group A in washings from the nasopharynx and p-Hemolytic group B streptococcus in the vaginal discharge. Serological diagnosis is based on the detection of the titer AT to the polysaccharide of group A streptococcus by the ELISA method, as well as by ASL in the serum of the patient.

    Staphylococcus is one of the most common microorganisms; in humans it mainly causes purulent diseases and complications in somatic and surgical diseases. The leading method of diagnosing diseases caused by staphylococcus is bacteriological. Serological diagnosis is aimed at identifying the titer of AT to staphylococci in the serum of the patient.

    Pneumococcus( Streptococcus pneumoniae) most often becomes a causative agent of pneumonia. In young children, it can cause meningitis, and in adults occasionally sepsis. Laboratory diagnosis of pneumococcal infections is based mainly on bacterioscopy( detection of gram-positive diplococci with a capsule of more than 10 pairs in the field of vision in smears stained by Gram and Romanovsky-Giemsa) and bacteriological( culture growth of pneumococci in a dilution of 105 μl / ml and above)Serological diagnosis plays an auxiliary role.

    Influenza rod( Haemophilus influenzae) infects only humans and is localized, primarily in the upper respiratory tract. Over the past 30-45 years, the incidence of systemic forms of infection caused by a bacillus of influenza type b, increased by 4 times, and more often began to recognize cases of lesions in adults. The allocation of the influenza rod in bacteriological cultures from the nasopharynx is of no diagnostic significance because of the wide spread of carrier sticks among healthy people( 90%).To diagnose infection, examine blood, urine, pleural and joint fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.

    Helicobacter pylori is a gram-negative rod most often having an S-shaped shape. Helicobacter pylori occurs on average in 87% of patients with peptic ulcer and 75% of patients with acute gastritis. After penetration of bacteria into the stomach, their adhesion to the cells of the gastric epithelium occurs in the intercellular spaces. The latter is due to bacterial chemotaxis to the urea and hemin yield sites used for the life of bacteria. The urea-cleavable urea is converted into ammonia and carbon dioxide, which create around the bacterial colonies a protective layer that protects them from the unfavorable pH of the gastric juice.

    The following diagnostic methods are used to diagnose Helicobacter pylori.

    Mycoplasma infections of the urogenital system currently occupy a leading position among sexually transmitted infections. They are often combined with defeat gonococci, Trichomonas and opportunistic pathogens.

    The diagnosis of urogenital mycoplasmosis is based on anamnesis, clinical examination and laboratory results.

    If you think you have contracted an infectious disease, or if your current or former partner has told you that he or she has this disease, you should immediately go to a doctor or an infectious disease specialist. The purpose of your visit is to make sure that you are either infected with an infectious disease or not. If it turns out that you are sick with some serious illness, then the establishment of an accurate diagnosis at an early stage of its development will help you to recover faster.

    Whether you like it or not, but in case of infection with an infectious disease, you should put your regular sexual partner in awareness of this unfortunate fact. The mere fact that you have contracted such a disease does not yet indicate the unfaithfulness of your partner. Remember that you could have contracted it even earlier and the illness for a long time could go unnoticed by you. Of course, in exceptional cases you have to tell about your illness and your real partner, and your former sexual partners. Talking to them about this should be confidential and only so that they too can be checked by a doctor. And this step is not contrived, because here it is not just about responsibility, but about the life of another person. And this means that, with a few exceptions, you should still open your real partner and former partners so that they also go to the doctor.

    Of course, communication with a partner or an ex-partner on this topic is not a pleasant experience. However, when talking, do not try to blame your partner. In such cases, it is best to talk only about the consequences, which as a result will bring you and your partner less harm. Remember that when you tell your partner about the news of such a plan, you do it not to tell him bad news, but for his own good, namely, to help him keep his health. You must take the situation seriously. By the way, the staff of the dispensary can also recommend that you talk with your partner yourself.

    To be honest, it's best to have one permanent sexual partner in life. If you still get an infectious disease on the side, then remember that you almost certainly will give it to your regular partner. Therefore, in a conversation with him, try to remain honest only in order not to spoil the existing relationship.

    It turns out that "many so-called hereditary diseases do not arise from the breakdown of genes, but because of a miscarriage", which prevents the implementation of the hereditary program( the causes are viral diseases, radiation, environmental disasters).As a result, "parents who are well off in their hereditary relationship give unsuccessful children"( IA Arshavsky).According to physiologists, in our country about 90% of physiologically immature children are born - and these data by IA Arshavsky, an outstanding scientist of our country, collected by him before the Chernobyl disaster!

    Much more pure congenital diseases and anomalies do not arise as a result of hereditary inferiority of germ cells, but as a result of unfavorable exo( external) and endogenous( internal) influences during the intrauterine period of development. Their effect is most pronounced in the early stages of pregnancy - for the first time 8-12 weeks, when the development of the embryo, its gradual transformation into an embryo and fetus occurs most rapidly, and for this reason the fetus is particularly sensitive to harmful effects. The role of a mechanical trauma of the mother( falling, bruising) in the development of congenital diseases and anomalies is usually overestimated, it is small or even doubtful, if there was no damage to the child's place. More important are mechanical injuries in case of unsuccessful attempts at abortion. Trauma during labor can lead to severe neurologic disorders, various injuries, including the osteoarticular system, as well as intracranial hemorrhages, accompanied by secondary changes in the musculoskeletal system. Radiation can seriously affect the development of the embryo, especially in the shortest time of pregnancy. "(Yakovleva AA Problems of Childhood Artology).

    For the fetus, especially in the early phase of development, a certain danger is posed by viral infections of the mother, such as rubella, mumps, measles and influenza. Dangerous also toxoplasmosis, candidiasis and other diseases caused by protozoan microorganisms.

    Recent scientific studies of Australian geneticists have shown that a lack of folic acid, as well as vitamin B12 in the body leads to genetic mutations comparable in their negative effects to radioactive radiation.

    The negative role of sulfanilamide preparations, solar and other radiation, X-ray irradiation and a number of chemical substances on the occurrence of congenital malformations is well known. The same action is possessed by some contraceptive and aborting agents, as well as some hypnotic drugs.

    Science has proven that over 400 drugs penetrate the placental barrier. Everyone remembers the tragic story with "thalidomide" - widely advertised "harmless sleeping pills for pregnant women", which led to the birth of 10,000 crippled children in Western Europe. It turned out that clinical trials were conducted only on lower animals. Many years of testing on monkeys could not afford pharmacologists. Here are the children and "paid off" for this savings. This is only one of the reasons why pregnant women( and, in my deep conviction, all others) need to learn non-medicinal methods of recovery.

    The main enemies of the future child: alcohol, smoking, stress, infection, improper nutrition of the future mother, an unfavorable ecological situation.

    Among these risk factors there are those that the mother herself can change if she wants to give birth to a healthy child. Is the year of preliminary efforts more difficult to sustain than the suffering of a sick child, the tears and grief of exhausted parents? Of course, if you ask those parents who had sick children, whether they would agree to "restrictions" the year before conception, if they knew what kind of torment they will have to endure with a sick child, everyone would answer in the affirmative.

    Other things to consider:

    Too early marriages are dangerous, because too young a woman can not tolerate a healthy child.

    It is dangerous when children begin in a state of intoxication.

    It is dangerous when a woman before the birth of the first child makes abortions.

    It is dangerous when( for the first time especially!) A middle-aged woman becomes pregnant, as with age, chromosomal changes in the reproductive cells accumulate, increasing the likelihood of the birth of children with severe pathology, including Down's disease.

    Usually childbearing age is from 18 to 40 years. But now the whole world has a tendency to give birth to children at the age of about 30 years. If you are over 35 years old and you give birth for the first time, do not intimidate yourself with the term "old-timer".You are in a good and growing day by day company: emancipation, study, career - all this is extremely important for modern women. You have your advantages: there is already a profession, and you are financially more advantaged than young people without a penny in your pocket. In addition, modern, educated women are more concerned about maintaining their health.

    But after thinking about the child, calculate how old you will be when he starts "transitional" age: 14-16 years. For this time you will need tremendous physical, and most importantly, emotional forces. And it is very difficult for elderly parents to raise children. In addition, modern grandparents often have to play the role of parents, and this requires a lot of energy and energy. So it is better to give birth to children in their young years and to preserve strength and health for grandchildren!

    If you decide to give birth for the first time after 35 years, you need to prepare more carefully. Treat this with the same diligence as the defense of the thesis. I remember when I was asked 30 years ago, "How, have not you defended your thesis so far?" I showed a picture of my toddler baby: "This is my dissertation!" But modern women manage both, thank God!

    If a child has an abscess, or pus at the end of the finger or around the nail on the arm or leg, or an inflamed cut, or any similar infection, you need to see a doctor. Meanwhile, the child should lie with a raised limb.

    If you can not contact the doctor immediately, the best first aid is to apply a constantly moist bandage. It softens the skin, accelerates the ripening of the abscess, allowing the pus to escape, and does not allow the hole to close too quickly.

    You can prepare a solution by boiling a cup of water and dissolving in it a tablespoon of English or table salt. Tie up the infection site and pour the bandage with salt water so that it gets soaked. When it dries, water every few hours again.

    You can keep the dressing damp longer, especially at night, and at the same time keep clothes and bedding dry if you cover the bandage with a waterproof material, such as plastic bags or wrappers. The material should be large enough to go beyond the edges of the bandage;fix it with adhesive tape.(Do not wrap your arm or leg with a band-aid.)

    If the child has a fever from a skin infection, or if there are red trickles on the arm or leg, or if the lymph glands are swollen and swollen under his arms or in his grointhe infection spreads, and urgent measures should be taken. Immediately take the child to a doctor or hospital, even if you have to go all night for this. To combat such infections, modern means are needed.