
Indications and contraindications for massage

  • Indications and contraindications for massage

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    Massage of children should not be prolonged and vigorous, that is, it is necessary to take into account their reactivity and skin tenderness.

    For certain nosological forms of diseases and injuries, massage is applied only as prescribed by the doctor. The procedure should be strictly differentiated depending on the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical form of the disease, the stage of the process.

    The relative contraindications to are the contraindications to the massage of a specific area of ​​the body. It is extremely difficult to provide for all, let alone give them a characterization. For example, you can not massage the areas where there is skin abrasion, the place of fracture of the tubular bones of the limbs in the first days after the trauma, the belly with hernias, gallstones, bladder and kidney stones, during menstruation and pregnancy.

    Massage is done no earlier than an hour after eating;you should observe the same time interval after the procedure.

    In all doubtful cases, the massage therapist should consult a doctor.

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    Absolute contraindications:

    1) acute feverish conditions;

    2) acute inflammatory process;

    3) bleeding, bleeding, scurvy;

    4) blood diseases;

    5) purulent processes of any localization;

    6) skin diseases( fungal or infectious etiology);

    7) acute inflammation, thrombosis and significant varicose veins with trophic disorders;

    8) endarteritis, complicated by trophic disorders and gangrene;angiitis;

    9) atherosclerosis of peripheral and cerebral vessels, accompanied by cerebral crises;

    10) vascular aneurysms;

    11) inflammation of the lymph nodes;

    12) allergic to hemorrhagic and other rashes, bleeding in the skin;

    13) active form of tuberculosis;

    14) syphilis I and II stages;

    15) diseases of the abdominal cavity organs with inclination I to bleeding;

    16) chronic osteomyelitis;

    17) benign and malignant tumors of different localization;

    18) mental illness with excessive agitation and significantly altered psyche;

    19) Acute pains of various etiologies that require the prescription of drugs;

    20) postoperative period with:

    a) acute cardiovascular insufficiency;B) pulmonary embolism;

    c) renal and hepatic insufficiency;

    d) a common acute skin allergic reaction( urticaria).

    It should be noted that in some cases, contraindications to the massage are temporary, and after an acute inflammatory process, fever, etc., massage can be used, as well as after radical removal of tumors. Along with this, in such conditions as aneurysms of blood vessels, blood diseases, angiitis, massage is contraindicated in all cases.

    In case of skin diseases, such as neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, hardware massage is not contraindicated. With minor skin lesions, varicose veins of the lower limbs, you can massage the area remote from the injury site, for example, the collar zone.