  • Purification of the body with silver water( a. Malovichko, g. Minejyan)

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    In recent years, works have appeared in print that provide information on the silver content in human organs and tissues in normal and with various diseases - tuberculosis, myocardial infarction, stomach ulcer, epilepsy, cancer, etc. The changes in silver content observed in these diseasesblood and some organs, apparently, are connected with the redistribution of trace elements in the human body in response to pathological processes.

    that silver salts in small concentrations have no toxic properties, is known since ancient times, and in theory and practice of application it was confirmed in the 20's. XX century. Moreover, some researchers have noticed that in small doses silver has a "rejuvenating" effect on blood and has a beneficial effect on the course of physiological processes in the body.

    According to AV Shcherbin, who studied the morphology of the blood of patients treated with

    with silver nitrate, stimulation of the hematopoietic organs was noted, which manifested itself in the disappearance of young forms of neutrophils and the appearance of eosinophils. The percentage of white blood cells came back to normal due to an increase in the number of lymphocytes

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    and monocytes. Along with this, there was an increase in the number of erythrocytes and the percentage of hemoglobin, as well as a slowing down of the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation. There is always a reaction from the leukocytes, platelets, protein metabolism.

    The idea of ​​PA Ermolaev is of interest, according to which it is advisable to use ammonium silver, since it can freely circulate in the blood, disastrously acting on microorganisms. The experiments of MN Kharitonov and other researchers gave a specific therapeutic dose of ammonium silver: it is about 1 mg per kilogram of live weight when administered intravenously and is well tolerated even with prolonged use.

    S.I. Pavlenko and colleagues found that radioactive silver in patients with malignant tumors is localized at the site of administration, has a tropism to the lymphatic system, while it does not cause changes in the organs and tissues of the body, as a result of natural physiological processes is excreted from the body. Studies of a number of patients 1.5-2 years after treatment with radioactive silver show that it somewhat restores liver function. Of great interest is the question of the influence of silver on the immunity of the organism. For the first time, the idea of ​​the effect of trace elements on the immune responses of the organism was expressed and experimentally confirmed by AI Venchikov. In particular, he developed methods for treating certain infectious and non-infectious diseases with microelement preparations and obtained very good results. Experiments have established that the doses used for decontaminating drinking water( 0.05-2

    mg / L) have a beneficial effect on the body: weight is added( in depleted), growth is accelerated( when it slows down), the protein content in the diet increases slightlyblood, the content of globulins rises( although, the latter is short-lived).Numerous long-term experiments and observations show that silver doses of 0.2-2 mg / l do not have harmful effect on the cells of growing tissue, moreover, they stimulate the body, increase immunity.