  • Baths for eyes

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    Eye baths can be warm or cold.

    Cold eye baths

    Cold baths are used for weak or normal vision, but for healthy eyes. With the regular use of such treatment, weak eyes become stronger, and healthy ones rest better. Cold water not only cleanses the eyes, but also refreshes and relaxes the eye muscles.

    Cold eye bath gives almost the same effect as massage, widely used recently in eye treatment. Water has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, lymph and nerve endings. During the procedure, stagnant deposits in the tissues are displaced into the venous and lymphatic vessels and release the place for the inflow of pure blood.

    Pour in a small basin of cold water, completely lower the face into the water to the roots of the hair. Open your eyes for a few seconds, then raise your head and blink your eyes for 30 seconds. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times, then wipe the face with a towel.

    Warm eye baths

    Warm baths are used to remove pus from the frontal and maxillary sinuses. For such baths, water with a temperature of 24-26 ° C is needed. After the main procedure, a cold bath should be done. In a warm bath you can add a decoction of chamomile or dill. These herbal baths treat the eyes, soothe and relieve fatigue.

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    Warm eye baths also help with allergic conjunctivitis, a disease that every spring, when trees and other plants start to bloom, suffer a lot of people living in industrial areas of big cities. Do such baths, and your eyes will stop watering, and eyelids - itch and swell. Before the procedure begins, dilute iodine in boiled water( 1: 1) and gently( so that the liquid does not get on the eye mucosa), apply this solution to the eyelid edge in the places where the eyelashes grow. Then make a bath: in a glass of warm boiled water squeeze 5-7 drops of aloe juice, stir, pour water into a deep saucer or a plate and dip your face into the water. Open your eyes, blink them.

    A similar bath can be made with dill. Pour 1 tablespoon of dry seed of dill 1 glass of hot water, let it brew for 15-20 minutes, strain and pour into a saucer.

    Positive effect and give a bath with infusion of flowers of blue cornflower. Pour 1 tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, strain.

    Immerse your face in cold water and open your eyes for 15 seconds, then lift your head and after 15-30 seconds again immerse, and so 3-4 times.

    If it is a warm bath, then after it you have to immerse your face in a cold bath.

    To a warm bath mix well a decoction of different plants.

    Cold and warm baths favorably affect weak eyes and strengthen the visual apparatus.