  • Detection of the hepatitis virus in

    HBV in the material is normally absent.

    Approximately 5-10% of cases of cirrhosis and other chronic liver diseases are due to chronic HBV.Markers of the activity of such diseases are HBeAg and DNA of the virus in serum.

    PCR allows to determine HBV DNA both qualitatively and quantitatively in the test material( blood, punctate liver).Qualitative determination of HBV in the material allows to confirm the presence of the virus in the patient's body and thereby establishes the pathogenesis of the disease. The quantitative method for determining the content of HBV DNA in the test material provides important information about the intensity of the disease, the effectiveness of treatment and the development of resistance to antiviral drugs. For the diagnosis of viral hepatitis using the PCR method in the serum, test systems are currently used, their sensitivity is 50-100 copies in the sample, which allows the virus to be detected at its concentration of 5x103-104 copies / ml. PCR in viral HBV is certainly necessary for judging about viral replication. Viral DNA in serum is detected in 50% of patients in the absence of HBeAg. The material for detecting HBV DNA can be serum, as well as lymphocytes and hepatobiobaptam. Evaluation of the results of the study on HBV DNA is in many respects similar to that described for HCV.

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    Detection of HBV DNA in the material by PCR is necessary in the following cases:

    ■ resolution of questionable results of serological studies;

    ■ detection of the acute stage of the disease in comparison with the transferred infection or contact;

    ■ monitoring the effectiveness of antiviral treatment.

    There is a relationship between the outcome of acute HBV and the concentration of HBV DNA in the patient's blood. With a low level of viremia( less than 0.5 pg / μl), the process of chronic infection is close to zero, at a concentration of HBV DNA from 0.5 to 2 pg / ml, the process occurs in 25-30% of patients,

    and with a high level of viremiamore than 2 pg / ml) acute HBV often turns into chronic.

    Indications for the treatment of chronic HBV interferon alfa should be considered the presence of markers of active viral replication( detection of HBsAg, HBeAg and HBV DNA in the serum for the previous 6 months).The criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment is the disappearance of HBeAg and HBV DNA in the blood, which is usually accompanied by a normalization of transaminase activity and long-term remission of the disease.