  • Bulbous and tuberous plants

    Bulbous and tuberous plants are not necessarily flowers, they include both onions and garlic. Therefore, the requirements for the cultivation of these crops are the same. What are they? First of all, these plants do not tolerate acidic soils at all. The soil needs to be made slightly alkaline. With the help of dolomite flour, you will not make the soil alkaline. It will only become neutral. Therefore, for deoxidation of soils under bulbous and tuberous plants, lime or ash should be used.

    If you have acidic soils, you should take 1 glass of lime in 10 liters of water in 10 liters and use this solution, watering every square meter of soil, as it is constantly acidified by rains and backwater of acidic acid waters. If there is no lime, then water with a solution of ash. Take 2 cups of ash, because there is less calcium than in lime, pour 1 liter of hot water, let the night stand. Then pour into a bucket so that there is 10 liters of water, stir and pour a square meter of planting. If the summer is rainy, it is better to scatter the ashes under dry landings, but on wet soil, otherwise the first wind will spread ash in all directions. The second requirement for soil for these plants is that it should not be waterlogged, so the area under planting should not be flooded with water in the rains and in spring flood. Surplus moisture is very harmful to the bulb, because it will rot.

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    The soil on which bulbous plants are located should be air-moisture-permeable. Dense clays and heavy loam are not suitable for such plantings. Irrigation should be done in the evening, in a drought - 1 watering can per 1 m2.Mikrodrenazh near the very bulb do with sand. Before planting, dig a trench to the depth and width of the bayonet bayonet, there you can put rotting manure or compost, good organic, because bulbous crops need good nutrition. Until the time of flowering, they take almost nothing from the soil, this is the basis for forcing out bulbous flowers. You can plant in the sand and tulip or narcissus - blossom. Therefore, first, all the plant nutrients are taken from the bulb, and then, when flowering begins, plants need good nutrition, since in addition to flowers they must also renew the bulb or restore the supply of nutrients to the rhizome.

    Directly under the bulb or rhizome, fresh manure can not be introduced, especially pig or cow. Do not put the bulbs directly on the soil. It should be isolated from the soil with sand: moist soil, adhering to the bulb, can also cause its decay. Be sure to pour 2 cm of large river sand under the bottom of the bulbs. It is river, because it does not contain clay particles. Further it is necessary to disintegrate bulbs and after that to fill them with sand. It very quickly passes through the moisture, and around the bulb the soil remains practically dry, that is, a micro-drainage is formed around the bulb. At the top of the bulb, you should fill it with soil( about 2-3 layers of the bulb).This soil can be completely barren, because the plant does not take anything from above. The simplest way is to make such soil from a mixture of peat, sand, ash and chalk. Take a bucket of peat, half a bucket of coarse sand and add either a jar of ash or a glass of chalk and mix it all very well.

    All bulbous cultures tolerate spring frosts to -5 degrees. By the way, it is often recommended to feed bulbous plants, scattering urea directly over the snow. Do not do this! Firstly, it is a waste of money, because the nitrogen contained in it is rapidly destroyed by the sun and snow and practically does not reach the plants. Secondly, nitrogen reduces the frost resistance of plants by about 2 degrees. And thirdly, as already mentioned above, these plants do not need food in the initial period of growth.

    In a region like North-Western, all spring nitrogen fertilizer should be done after the end of spring frosts, that is, in early June. Above bulbous plants, with the exception of lilies( eastern hybrids) and gladioli, no shelter from spring frosts is not necessary.

    . Melkolukovichnye plants can be planted under the canopy of trees and bushes, because they have enough light, until there is a large foliage above them, and then, after flowering, they do not need the sun, because they quickly retire. There is only one problem with them. They( except Hionodox) should be planted every 3 years, because they grow very quickly.