
Origami of paper: video lessons for children and beginners

  • Origami of paper: video lessons for children and beginners

    Origami from paper: video and step-by-step instructions for making a flower and a frog

    Origami is an ancient art of building various figures from paper. The technique of working with paper came from the eastern countries. There, possession of the ability to fold paper figures is considered a good form. At us employment of origami can be used as a way of distraction of children and development of their motor skills. For teaching children how to create various details, you can look at the origami from paper video lessons presented in this article.

    Why is it useful for children to learn this technique

    Adding different shapes from paper contributes to the development of the child's fine motor skills. Many doctors advise the development of the child through the training of ancient Eastern art. Origami also develops fantasy and associative thinking in the child. Children who are actively engaged in this technique are one step ahead of the development of other kids. Therefore, parents teach their children by showing them a video of "origami from paper" for children. Every step of the work is shown in detail there.

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    How to get started with

    To get started with paper, prepare everything you need: paper, ruler and scissors. If you are new to this business, then you will need video lessons. Repeating for the master, you can prepare for work and will be able to create heavier figurines, and then teach your child.

    To perform origami, you can watch the video or use the descriptions of step-by-step instructions in this article. Try to choose an understandable scheme for yourself and your children and start working. If you did not immediately get the desired result - do not worry, it will be the second or third time.

    How to make a flower from paper

    Rose is a noble plant that is admired. But the living flower quickly perishes, leaving behind only memories. But paper flowers will please you until you want it.

    Step-by-step MK with photo

    1. Take paper of the color you want. It can be both bilateral and one-sided. Bend the box first horizontally, then vertically.
    2. The corners of the paper are wrapped in the center. Should get a square. So, you need to do it two more times.
    3. Open the tips by fixing them as shown in the figure( 5, 6, 7 steps).
    4. Fold the corners so that the rose does not decay.

    This scheme is quite simple and is intended for beginner origami masters. Look at the video:

    Doing the frog

    So that the children are interested in doing origami, where you need care and painstakingness, suggest that they make a fairy-tale character or animal.

    Crafts made by the hands of a child differ from adults by origami. Children have a more vivid imagination than their parents, so an ordinary frog of paper in a child is invariably princess.

    Therefore, teach your child to add this inhabitant of the swamp, and he will tell you how to transform it into a beautiful creature:

    1. Take three squares of different sizes: large, slightly smaller and smaller.
    2. Make the frog's body out of the largest square:
    3. Fold the sheet diagonally.
    4. The triangle obtained is bent in half and straightened.
    5. Angles bend to the center, along the fold line. Then extend the tips outwards( steps 3 and 4 in the diagram).
    6. Tail the tail by forming the paws.

    From the middle square we build the head of the princess-frog:

    1. Make a triangle out of the square.
    2. Bend it in half and straighten it. Angles turn away so that they do not connect in the center( 8 step).
    3. Lift the corners of the bent corners and turn the workpiece over.
    4. Poke sharp ears away.

    From the small square the crown will be made:

    1. Fold the triangle.
    2. Corner the corners so that they do not merge into the center.
    3. Wrap the sharp corners of yourself.

    Connect all the details and you will get a real princess frog. To get a more detailed understanding of how to make modular origami animals, you can watch the video "origami-frog from paper" and do it all on it.

    Your children can learn to carry out other pieces of paper. They will be interested in making, and then playing with airplanes, grasshoppers, paper machines. And if you help to make him a boat and fill the tub with water, your baby will go on a long, merry voyage. See the video tutorials for more details.

    Origami is an ancient art of building various pieces of paper. The technique of working with paper came from the eastern countries. There, possession of the ability to fold paper figures is considered a good form. At us employment of origami can be used as a way of distraction of children and development of their motor skills. For teaching children how to create various details, you can look at the origami from paper video lessons presented in this article.

    Why is it useful for children to learn this technique

    Adding different shapes from paper contributes to the development of small child's motor skills. Many doctors advise the development of the child through the training of ancient Eastern art. Origami also develops fantasy and associative thinking in the child. Children who are actively engaged in this technique are one step ahead of the development of other kids. Therefore, parents teach their children by showing them a video of "origami from paper" for children. Every step of the work is shown in detail there.

    How to get started with

    To get started with paper, prepare everything you need: paper, ruler and scissors. If you are new to this business, then you will need video lessons. Repeating for the master, you can prepare for work and will be able to create heavier figurines, and then teach your child.

    To perform origami, you can watch the video or use the descriptions of step-by-step instructions in this article. Try to choose an understandable scheme for yourself and your children and start working. If you did not immediately get the desired result - do not worry, it will be the second or third time.

    How to make a flower from a paper

    Rose is a noble plant that causes admiration. But the living flower quickly perishes, leaving behind only memories. But paper flowers will please you until you want it.

    Step-by-step MK with photo

    1. Take paper of the color you want. It can be both bilateral and one-sided. Bend the box first horizontally, then vertically.
    2. The corners of the paper are wrapped in the center. Should get a square. So, you need to do it two more times.
    3. Open the tips by fixing them as shown in the figure( 5, 6, 7 steps).
    4. Fold the corners so that the rose does not disintegrate.

    This scheme is quite simple and is designed for beginner origami masters. Look at the video:

    Doing the frog

    So that the children are interested in doing origami, where you need attentiveness and painstakingness, suggest that they make a fairy-tale character or animal.

    Crafts made by the hands of a child differ from adults by origami. Children have a more vivid imagination than their parents, so an ordinary frog of paper in a child is invariably princess.

    Therefore, teach your child to add this inhabitant of the swamp, and he will tell you how to transform it into a beautiful creature:

    1. Take three squares of different sizes: large, slightly smaller and smaller.
    2. Make the frog's body out of the largest square:
    3. Fold the sheet diagonally.
    4. The triangle obtained is bent in half and straightened.
    5. Angles bend to the center, along the fold line. Then extend the tips outwards( steps 3 and 4 in the diagram).
    6. Tail the tail by forming the paws.

    From the middle square we build the head of the princess-frog:

    1. Make a triangle out of the square.
    2. Bend it in half and straighten it. Angles turn away so that they do not connect in the center( 8 step).
    3. Lift the corners of the bent corners and turn the workpiece over.
    4. Poke sharp ears away.

    A small square will make the crown:

    1. Fold the triangle.
    2. Corner the corners so that they do not merge into the center.
    3. Wrap the sharp corners of yourself.

    Connect all the details and you will get a real princess frog. To get a more detailed understanding of how to make modular origami animals, you can watch the video "origami-frog from paper" and do it all on it.

    Your children can learn to carry out other pieces of paper. They will be interested in making, and then playing with airplanes, grasshoppers, paper machines. And if you help to make him a boat and fill the tub with water, your baby will go on a long, merry voyage. See the video tutorials for more details.