  • Hosta( funcia)

    Family lily.

    Herbaceous perennials;leaves long-petioled, ornamental, ovate to shovel-shaped, green, blue, gray or golden-white-mottled;Peduncles are leafless, inflorescences are racemose, usually one-sided, flowers funnel-shaped or funnel-shaped, campanulate;the fruit is a triangular box. Host wavy ♦ Leaves up to 20 cm long, oblong-ovate, very wavy along the rim, with intermittent white and green patches;flowers are light purple.

    Host Zybol'da ♦ Leaves up to 30 cm long, cordate, bluish, peduncles short, flowers pale lilac or light violet. Host of lanceolithia * Leaves up to 25 cm long, oblong-lanceolate, dark green, peduncles high, up to 95 cm, numerous, dark purple or blue-lilac flowers;blooms in July - August. Forms a "pillow" of leaves. Host plantain * Leaves up to 40 cm long, ovoid-rounded, yellowish-greenish, peduncles up to 105 cm tall, flowers almost tubular, white;blooms in August. Forms a large "pillow" of leaves, towering above the flower garden. Host Fortuna * Leaves are golden-variegated, collected in a "pillow", peduncles high, there are various garden forms: the form of Albopikta - irregularly shaped leaves with dark green edges, flowers pale lavender;form of the aureargin - flowers are mauve. Relatively unpretentious( can only grow in temperate latitudes)

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    Humidity requirements: hygrophilous. Requirements for heat and light: frost-resistant, but in winter it needs to cover mulch because of the roots close to the surface, perishes from overheating;it grows better in partial shade and shadow( in the south - only in the shade).

    Requirements for soil: prefers acidic loam;responsive to the application of fertilizers.

    Propagation: by dividing rhizomes( in spring) and by propagation by cuttings( cuttings root with increased humidity).

    Features: durable, in one place can grow up to 10 years, provided soil is sprinkled to avoid stripping rhizomes.

    Use: under tree crowns, in mixborders and curbs, less often - in alpine and stony gardens.