
Treatment of gangrene with different types of disease

  • Treatment of gangrene with different types of disease

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    Even with the current level of medicine development, the emerging gangrene remains a rather serious disease requiring urgent use of medical measures.

    It manifests itself in the necrosis of tissues due to complex changes in cells, and in cases where gangrene is found, treatment using the most modern medicines and remedies and compensating disorders of all metabolic species can save the life of the patient. I must say that most often develops gangrene of limb tissues, less often - of the gallbladder or intestine. The effectiveness of the interventions depends on the timely initiation of treatment, the level and extent of the spread of tissue damage.

    Causes of the development of the disease

    At the heart of the pathogenesis of the gangrenous process is the pronounced hypoxia of the tissue, which develops with acute disruption of blood circulation and nervous regulation. Often, these processes develop with various injuries, when the blood vessels and nerve processes are damaged. At the heart of this disease can also be a blockage of large arteries with thrombi or atherosclerotic plaques.

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    The cause of this disease can also be metabolic disorders, burns, thromboangiitis obliterans, as well as exposure to chemicals, electric current or too high temperatures, which cause one-time tissue death or severe circulatory and innervation disorders. It is proved that in the detection of gangrene, treatment of this disease should be carried out at the initial stages, when there is still no significant intoxication and necrosis of large areas of tissues, which in most cases prevents amputation of limbs and disability of patients.

    Kinds of gangrene

    Depending on the type of necrotic process occurring in the tissues, we distinguish between wet gangrene, its dry form, and also one that is predetermined by anaerobic microflora( the so-called gas).
    Gas gangrene refers to anaerobic infections, has an adverse course and requires specific treatment.

    Dry occurs when the blood supply of tissues suddenly ceases, which then become denser and dark brown or even black( the process of mummification takes place).It is worth noting that this form of gangrene can pass into the wet form of the disease.

    Wet gangrene develops more often with damage to the internal organs, when the affected tissues can not dry out( do not come into contact with external, atmospheric air).I must say that very often dead tissues are infected with various pathogens, as the local immunity mechanism is destroyed in these tissues.

    It should be noted that for the etiologic factor, which provokes the appearance of tissue necrosis, gangrene can be:

    • infectious - provoked by pathogenic microorganisms;
    • traumatic - arising against a background of mechanical damage;
    • allergic - the cause of the cessation of blood circulation is an allergic reaction of an immediate type;
    • toxic - the cause of circulatory disorders is a toxic reaction affecting the walls of blood vessels;
    • mixed.

    How to cure the disease of mixed etiology, you need to determine after eliminating all the provoking factors that cause the development of this disease. In cases where tissues are killed under the influence of pathogenic microflora, a purulent version develops. Sometimes aseptic gangrene develops, when the role of pathogenic flora is excluded - the main cause of tissue damage lies in internal changes in the body, which include the formation of thrombi or vascular sclerosis.

    Separately, mention should be made of the gangrene of the face in which the soft tissues of the area are affected, which is characterized by a severe course. Gas gangrene in the face often develops in wounds, when bacteria enter the wound, which under anaerobic conditions begin to multiply actively and cause the corresponding symptoms of the disease.

    The wound has an unpleasant smell, the clinical manifestations develop rapidly, worsening the general condition of the patient, and necrosis of tissues in the face can go to the neck and even the chest. Quite often gangrene develops with diabetes, which is ischemic in nature - it arises from the inadequacy of blood circulation and the violation of the innervation of blood vessels.

    Clinical manifestations of various types of ailment

    Dry gangrene in most cases affects a separate area of ​​the limb and does not spread further. At first the patient feels a strong pain in the area of ​​necrosis, after which the skin of the affected limb becomes pale, similar to marble and cold to the touch. Characteristic is the absence of pulsation in the affected area.

    I must say that the pain sensations have a fairly long flow, since the subsequent necrosis of nerve fibers occurs at a fairly slow rate. For this form of the disease is not inherent pronounced intoxication and rapid spread of necrosis to adjacent tissues, so first treatment of gangrene without amputation.

    Wet gangrene can occur for the same reasons as its dry form, but it is characterized by the rapid development and progression of circulatory disorders in the tissues. It often develops in full people. This type of disease is not characterized by mummification( there is no complete dehydration of tissues), which contributes to the development of putrefactive process and significant intoxication.

    That's why you should not use folk remedies for gangrene, because with this form of the disease, the products of decomposition of tissues actively enter the body of the patient. Severe intoxication can provoke serious complications, for example, sepsis. It should be noted that antibiotics in the development of this type suppress the process of decay, but it is desirable in the treatment of this pathology also include detoxification and restorative drugs.

    Gas gangrene can develop in different parts of the body, but the upper and lower extremities are more often affected. Most often diagnosed acute and atherosclerotic forms. The disease is manifested with pain and swelling of the affected area. From a wound into which an anaerobic flora has got, a dark liquid with an unpleasant odor begins to be released.

    The skin around the wound acquires a dark color, with its palpation you can hear a characteristic crackle, which is associated with the destruction of gas bubbles, which is formed with this gangrene. I must say that often the drugs from gangrene of this kind do not give the desired effect, so doctors are forced to apply surgical treatment, which consists in the complete removal of the affected area. In severe conditions, an entire limb is amputated along with a pathological focus.

    Treatment with traditional medicine

    Treatment of this pathology must necessarily include the elimination of major diseases that provoked tissue necrosis. In the presence of a moist form, gangrene is attempted to translate it into a dry form, which is characterized by a more favorable prognosis for conservative treatment.

    How to treat gangrene should be determined by the doctor after a thorough examination of the affected areas and the establishment of a clear diagnosis. The choice of methods of treatment should depend not only on the etiology of tissue necrosis, but also on the extent of its spread and the general condition of the patient.

    Conservative methods of treating gangrene include antibiotics, topical agents that have antibacterial, drying and analgesic effects. Prescribe drugs that improve blood supply and rheological properties of blood. If there is no desired effect, amputation of necrotic areas is performed. It should be noted that the treatment of gas gangrene is carried out only with the use of surgical techniques.

    To prevent tissue necrosis that occurs on the background of diabetes, all possible causes of development should be excluded, it is especially important to treat burns, frostbite, various skin lesions in time. With sepsis, blood transfusion is performed, antibiotics and detoxification therapy are also indicated. Treatment of gangrene in diabetes mellitus with significant necrosis of tissues also includes amputation of the affected areas.

    At the heart of the disease prevention is the aseptic treatment of even the most minor injuries of the skin, which helps to avoid wounding of aerobic microorganisms. In addition, it is important to prevent thrombosis or atherosclerosis, which worsens the blood supply of tissues, and avoid exposure to chemicals, burns or other damaging factors that disrupt the integrity of the skin and tissues and can cause gangrene. It should be realized that it is much more difficult to treat gangrene than to prevent its development.

    It must also be remembered that gangrene is a disease with serious consequences. Particular attention must be paid to your health during pregnancy. It does not matter which pathology develops - a simple cold, gangrene or hematoma - in pregnancy, any violation in the body is dangerous not only for the woman, but also for the fetus.

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