  • Statement of a sister diagnosis

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    For a nurse, an important stage in the nursing diagnosis of the is the classification and presentation of the patient's problems. The patient's problems are divided into two types: existing in real life and potential. Existing problems are those that disturb the patient at present, in real time and require an urgent solution. Potential problems are problems that have not yet arisen, but can be detected within a certain time and require preventive actions by the nurse.

    One patient often has several important problems at once. The nurse must analyze and classify them according to the degree of priority. Priority problems are primary and secondary. Primary - these are those that can in the near future have a negative impact on the life and health of the patient. Secondary are the needs of the patient, not directly related to the disease or prognosis.

    After finding out pathological deviations of the patient, the nurse formulates a sister diagnosis. Currently, there are many definitions of this procedure. Nursing diagnosis is an analysis of the information received about the patient's potential or actual pathology, leading to a formulated conclusion about the patient's health status, which is expressed in medical terminology and corresponds to medical standards. Nursing diagnosis is a patient's condition, which is established by the nurse as a result of the performed examination and requires further intervention, a briefly formulated nurse's conclusion about the patient's condition at the time of the examination, which is expressed in medical terms.

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    The sisters diagnosis differs from the medical diagnosis. The first reflects the pathological reaction of the patient to the disease, and the second describes in detail the pathological state of a particular organ or system. Nursing diagnoses for one patient's disease can be several. They can be established in the form of syndromes( for example: syndrome of syncope, syndrome of rhythm disturbance, syndrome of damage to the abdominal cavity organs).Nursing diagnosis may sound, for example, as follows: "the patient's limited self-care or psychological disorder in the patient's health."