
Balanoposthitis in men - types, treatment, manifestation

  • Balanoposthitis in men - types, treatment, manifestation

    Balanoposthitis in men is a double disease in which inflammation of the head( balanitis) and foreskin( postitis) occurs. The disease is unpleasant, but quite common.

    According to statistics, it annually affects about eleven percent of the male population of the planet.

    A variety of "

    " diseases There are a lot of different "versions", so it's easier to identify the main ones:

    • Acute
    • Simple
    • Erosive balanopostitis
    • Gangrenous
    • Chronic
    • Candidiasis
    • Gonococcal
    • Others

    They differ in some symptoms, effects, but in general the medication from thisdiseases and prevention are about the same.

    Causes and symptoms of the disease

    Often the disease comes during intercourse, with mixed infections( streptococci, yeast fungi, fusospiriple symbiosis).Also, the process of inflammation can be caused by a monoinfection.

    The list of bacteria leading to balanopostosis is quite long: candida, trichomonas, staphylococcus, genital herpes, gardnerella, streptococci, human papillomavirus, enterococci and others.

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    There are such diseases as: diabetes mellitus, anemia, allergy, hypovitaminosis. A person can independently create a positive environment for "infectious agents".To do this, it is enough to forget about the hygiene of the genitals, stop using contraceptives, injure the penis, etc.

    Balanoposthitis Appearance

    The abominable quality that characterizes banapostitis - the symptoms are very different. It always begins with a slight reddening of the head and foreskin. The redness intensifies and simultaneously the inflammatory process begins. Light itching, possible burning of affected areas. Inflammation leads to painful urination.

    The next stage - pain during sexual acts, small cracks on the head. Mucous is covered with a dirty bloom. Under it disappears reddening. There may be swelling. In some cases, ulcers, erosion, narrowing of the foreskin.

    The appearance of these or other symptoms depends on the causes of balanoposthitis, the presence of diseases that occur in parallel.

    Begins with an inspection. If a qualified doctor comes across, he will be able to identify the symptoms of the disease and even its causes. Then a complex of analyzes is assigned. For example - examination of the prostate, prostate, etc.
    Diagnostics establishes the features and stages of the development of the disease, the reaction of the causative agent to medicines.

    How to treat the disease?

    In the initial stage there will be enough regular washing of the genitals with a solution of furacilin or hydrogen peroxide. Useful baths with a low content of potassium permanganate.

    If balanoposthitis in men took a chronic, neglected form, then solutions can not be avoided. Against bacteria, a complex of antibiotics is usually used, which the physician selects for individual manifestations. When narrowing the foreskin, surgical intervention is required. The patient is circumcised. This operation can be carried out using laser technology.

    Possible complications of

    Do not ignore symptoms. The started balanoposthitis threatens with serious consequences:

    1. Sexual organs lose sensitivity.
    2. Decrease in the quality of sexual life, until its termination.
    3. Violation of urination( urethritis).
    4. Malignant tumors are possible.
    5. Phimosis.
    6. Narrowing of the urethra.

    What can cause diseases for women?

    Candida bacteria, often living in a female body, can provoke balanoposthitis in men. And vice versa - male balanoposthitis in women, after sexual intercourse, can lead to an extremely unpleasant disease - candidiasis vulvovaginitis.

    The most asked question is whether this disease is contagious? The answer to it is yes. Sexual contact is the main cause of the onset of the disease. And do not forget that the best treatment is prevention! Just a few tips. First of all, hygiene.

    It will never be superfluous. Secondly - be careful in choosing partners for sex. Use quality contraceptives. Periodically check with your doctor. If you have any symptoms, go to the hospital.

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