  • Cleansing

    Family of fat. Genus cleansing. Natural climatic conditions: subtropics, latitudes of temperate climate.

    In appearance, representatives of this genus are very different, the stems and leaves of all are fairly fleshy. The most common species in indoor culture are:

    Adolpus cleansing ♦ Stem is thick-hulled, the leaves are elliptical, slightly pointed at the tip, thick, yellowish-green with red edges.

    Purification of Weinberg ♦ Semi-shrub with lodging stems;the leaves are collected in apical loose rosette, elongate-ovoid, pointed at the end, thick, greyish-green. Grown up as an ampel plant.

    Sturgeon purifier ♦ In natural conditions, it lives in colonies, and a group of plants can resemble a pillow in shape;stalks lodging, strongly leafy;leaves small, ovate, slightly pubescent, green with a bluish-violet hue;flowers white.

    Cleansing wax ♦ Stems lodging, thin, reddish;leaves sessile, almost round, grayish-bluish, reddish at the edges;flowers small, pink. Grown up as an ampel plant.

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    Cleansing compact ♦ Ground cover plant;stalk densely bred;leaves are cristate, small, oblong-ovate, gray-green;flowers white, fragrant.

    Purified reddish ♦ Stems lodging, reddish;the leaves are small, roundish, shiny, green with a reddish tip;the flowers are yellow.

    Linseed cleansing ♦ Stems lodging, strongly branching, can take root;leaves are located whorl-some( three), linear-lanceolate, light green;the flowers are yellow.

    Purification of Morgan ♦ Shoots ampel, dense;leaves are small, fusiform, bluish-green. It reproduces very easily.

    Cleansing creeper ♦ Stems lodging, densely bred;leaves oval-triangular, strongly thickened, greenish-bluish;the flowers are yellow. Known in the indoor culture are Palmer's cleansers, thick-leaved cleansers, Treelis purification and Stahl's cleansers.

    Requirement for moisture: moderate watering in winter, somewhat more abundant in summer.

    Temperature mode: winter temperatures are optimal within 14-16 ° C.

    Light mode: sun-loving plant.

    Soil requirement: unpretentious, any sandy, friable and nutritious earth mix, preferably with the addition of brick crumbs, for example from hardwood and turf lands with sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1, is suitable for cultivation. Drainage is mandatory.

    Reproduction: cuttings, bush division, seeds.

    Features: transplant cleaning( especially purification of Morgan) should be very careful - the plants are easy to damage.