
What is a wrinkled kidney, how does it manifest and how to treat this pathology?

  • What is a wrinkled kidney, how does it manifest and how to treat this pathology?

    A wrinkled kidney is the outcome of the last stage of chronic pyelonephritis. In describing what a wrinkled kidney is, the kidney parenchyma is replaced by connective tissues, which is why the work of the organ is disrupted.

    In itself, the wrinkling process of the organ develops already in the second stage of the chronic form of pyelonephritis. The disease is characterized by changes in tubules and death of the distal part of nephrons. By its structure, the kidney begins to resemble the thyroid gland. With the passage of time, the process affects the vessels of the kidneys, the desolation of the glomeruli and begins scarring-sclerotic degeneration.

    Thus, the volume of the kidney begins to decrease. After this, the kidney ceases to function normally, gradually dies and requires surgical removal.

    This is important!

    The primary wrinkled kidney and the secondarily wrinkled kidney are different. Primarily wrinkled organ is formed very rarely and causes chronic kidney failure. Such a disease occurs due to the defeat of renal vessels with hypertension.

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    A secondarily wrinkled kidney is formed when the body is infected with inflammation or infection. This kind of pathology is much more common. This condition begins because of damage to the kidney tissue, as a result of glomerulonephritis and other inflammatory diseases.

    This pathology can provoke the development of chronic kidney failure or malignant form of hypertension, and the chances of a full recovery remain small, especially when the disease is actively developing.

    Causes of the disease

    The main causes of the primary wrinkled kidney are injuries of the kidney vessels due to the development of such pathologies as:

    1. Arterial hypertension is a chronic disease of the cardiovascular system, the main manifestation of which is the increase in blood pressure indicators.
    2. Atherosclerosis is a chronic vascular pathology, which is characterized by densification and loss of arterial walls by elasticity, narrowing of the lumen of the vessels due to the formation of sclerotic plaques - the formations that consist of their fats and calcium, from cholesterol.
    3. Kidney infarction is the so-called destruction of the kidney tissue due to an unexpected circulatory disturbance at a particular site.

    The main causes of the secondary wrinkled kidney are various pathologies that cause renal dysfunction:

    • Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory process of the kidneys against the background of their infection with a bacterial infection.
    • Kidney TB is an infectious pathology triggered by tuberculous microbacteria that affect many systems in the body.
    • Nephrolithiasis is the formation of stones in the kidney cavity.
    • Glomerulonephritis is a bilateral form of the immune inflammatory process in the kidneys.
    • Diabetes mellitus is a pathology that correlates with total or partial insulin deficiency in the blood.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Shocked kidney symptoms are as follows:

    • Urine leakage disorders:
    1. polyuria - formation and excretion of urine in volumes exceeding the norm;
    2. nikutriya - prevalence of urination at night;
    3. hematuria is the presence of blood in the urine.
    • Increase in blood pressure indicators.
    • Constantly arising pains of a pulling character in the field of a loin.
    • Changes in laboratory urine, namely:
    1. proteinuria - the presence of protein in the urine;
    2. low specific gravity of urine.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    Initially, the doctor evaluates the patient's complaints and studies the medical history - when she first showed symptoms, how they manifested themselves, whether the patient visited the doctor, whether the studies were conducted and what the results were.

    The doctor also analyzes the history of life - there is a clarification of the presence of chronic lesions of the kidneys, the presence of bad habits, the presence of pathologies of the urinary system, the conditions of work and life of the patient are clarified.

    An analysis of the family history is carried out with the purpose of finding out the presence of oncological diseases in the immediate relatives of the patient.

    This is important!

    Medical examination and palpation of the kidney zone makes it possible to detect pain, changes in the skin in the kidney area, such as rashes or redness.

    Methods of laboratory diagnosis allow to determine the presence of signs of the inflammatory process - an overall blood test, urine and biochemical blood test.

    Diagnostic methods that help to assess the location, size and shape of the kidneys, namely:

    1. Ultrasound examination - examination using high frequency ultrasound waves. A shriveled kidney on uzi is most often detected.
    2. Radiography of the abdominal organs is a way of visualizing the internal organs, which takes as a basis the properties of the X-ray beams to penetrate the human body and be absorbed by the tissues of the organism in various volumes.
    3. Angiography is a method of contrast radiographic examination of blood vessels, which allows to reveal the number and condition of the arteries of the kidney, as well as the vascular structure of the kidney. With shrinkage of the kidney reveals a special symptom - the fracture and narrowing of the branches of the artery of the kidney, as well as the erasure of the pattern of the smallest branches.
    4. MRI is a method of obtaining data on the development of a disease using a physical phenomenon such as nuclear magnetic resonance. This examination does not harm the body.
    5. Computed tomography using a contrast medium is a kind of X-ray examination using contrast, which helps to obtain a layered image of the examined organs on the computer screen.
    6. Conducting a urologist consultation.

    Treatment of a disease

    Treatment of a disease is based on the surgical removal of the kidney. The operation is organized in several ways, and the specific method is chosen by the attending physician:

    • A hollow operation is the removal of the kidney, which is performed by cutting the anterior wall of the peritoneum.
    • Laparoscopic operation - several punctures are made in the front part of the abdominal wall, through which tubes and special instruments are removed to remove the organ.
    • Endoscopic transcutaneous nephrectomy is the removal of an organ by a small puncture in the lumbar region.

    Consequences and possible complications of

    This is important!

    One of the main complications of treatment is nephrogenic hypertension - it is a steady increase in blood pressure indicators.

    Chronic kidney failure is also a complication, a state where the renal cells die, characterized by the gradual deterioration of filtration in the kidneys, namely, filtration of blood plasma through the tubules of the kidneys and the formation of urine. All this provokes disturbances in the vital activity of the human body as a whole.

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