  • Lily

    Lilies are special plants among bulbous ones, they, unlike other bulbous cultures, do not grow a new bulb in place of the old bulb. And because the old, emaciated bulb should be restored. We love to cut off the lilies to the very bottom, so that the stem was more authentic in the flower. Thus, the bulb does not restore its strength and the next summer blooms badly, and even does not bloom at all. To prevent this from happening, do not cut lilies that have fewer than five buds. These plants are weak, they have a thin bulb. Let her gain strength. In the lilies of the species, eastern hybrids, which blossom late in August, cause the gradual depletion of the bulb also in the fact that in the Northwest at this time rains often occur, and the leaves get sick with botritis. This fungal disease does not pass to the bulb, but completely destroys the leaves, and therefore the bulb can not recover after flowering."Zircon" works well against botrytis.

    To prevent all lilies from the time of emergence regularly, at least 2 times a month, spray "Zircon"( 2 drops per 1 liter of water).And when the first signs of illness appear, increase the dose of "Zircon" to 4-5 drops per 1 liter. Just keep in mind that as the dose increases, the flowers begin to acquire a much brighter and darker color.

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    The weakest point of the lilies is a flower bud, it can freeze, and then you will not get any flowering. Therefore, in the autumn they will have to be sheltered for the winter, falling asleep with peat planting by about 12-15 cm, and early in the spring to unsettle, otherwise they will ascend too quickly, heated by peat, but at the same time it is necessary to install over arched land and close the plants with double lutrasil. The shelter can be removed only after the end of frosts.

    The most dangerous pest of lilies is the red-winged lily beetle lily, which eats rounded grooves at the edges of the leaves, which immediately catches your eye, even if you have not seen the pest. Laying eggs the beetle makes inside the bud, so the flowers are badly damaged. Once you have noticed the damaged leaves, and even more so you saw the beetle itself or its larva on the leaves, immediately treat all plantings of lilies with the drug Sonnet or Aktara. These drugs, by the way, also act against the Colorado beetle.

    Lilies plant and transplanted at the end of August. When transplanting dug bulbs do not dry, but only prune a little roots and immediately transplanted to a new location. Usually plant plants in 5-6 years. Propagate onion bulbs, which are formed on the stem in the uppermost layer of the soil. Some species of lilies reproduce by air bulbs, which are formed throughout the stalk. They are also planted in August. First, small bulbs are planted in a schoolchild to grow in the end of any garden patch, and then a couple of years later they are planted in place. All agrotechnics when growing are the same as for adult bulbs.

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    When buying lily bulbs, pay attention to whether they can grow in the shade.