שושן העמקים
A low-growing rhizome perennial with wide elliptical leaves and white fragrant flowers with bells bunched in a rare brush.
Lily of the valley was and remains one of the most beloved spring flowers. He was very fond of the composer PI Tchaikovsky and even called him "king of flowers".There are several versions about its name. According to one of them, it comes from the ears of a deer because of the similarity of its leaves with these very ears, hence the affectionate Polish name "Lonushka". . By the way, in Russia it was called "hare ears".According to another version, the name came from the word "gladyshi"( for its smooth leaves), which then was transformed into lilies of the valley. There is also one more version of its name - from the word "palm", for a gentle and pleasant aroma. From time immemorial lilies of the valley were associated with purity and tenderness, faithfulness and love, that is, with the most exalted feelings. In Christians, the lily of the valley is revered as a flower of the Blessed Virgin. According to the Christian parable, tears flowed into the lilies of the valley, hailing from the eyes of the Blessed Virgin, facing the crucified son.
There is also an ancient Greek legend about the short love of the windy goddess of Spring to an earthly youth named Lily of the Valley. When Spring, casually caressing the youth, rushed away further, the Lily of the Valley so grieved over the beloved who had left him, that she moved the goddess, and she turned his tears into white flowers, and the blood of his heart, torn with love, into blood-red berries.
In nature lily of the valley grows on the fringes and clearings of deciduous forests on soil rich in leaf humus, so do not try to plant it under coniferous plants, it will try to escape from there. Blooms in May, 2-3 weeks. There is Variegata variety with white-green striped leaves, Rosea variety with pink flowers, Latifolia variety with double white flowers and many other garden forms.
Preferred fertile, loose, with a high content of leaf humus, moist soils and partial shade. Plant should be according to the scheme 10x10 cm. Has a bad habit of creeping in all directions.
It is easiest to multiply by dividing rhizomes at the end of August. Seeds multiply difficultly because of poor seed germination, and only blossoms for 5-6th year after sowing.