
What is purulent inflammation of the kidney, the mechanism of infection and the possibility of organizing treatment

  • What is purulent inflammation of the kidney, the mechanism of infection and the possibility of organizing treatment

    Jade, accompanied by the formation of purulent foci in the renal parenchyma, is called purulent inflammation of the kidneys.

    Pathological bacteria, formed in the body as a result of inflammation, penetrate into the tissues of the kidney. Subsequently, they provoke the appearance of areas of suppuration, which over time are merged into one whole purulent formation. The infectious agent can be injected with blood, even if the kidney was previously healthy, or may be a worsening of the course of acute nephritis in the absence of the necessary treatment.

    Clinical manifestations of purulent inflammation in the kidneys are supplemented by sharp unbearable pain in the lumbar region, a sharp increase in temperature, a deterioration in overall health. During palpation, there is a sharp pain in the middle of the back. According to the analysis of urine, an increased concentration of leukocytes, proteins and the release of pus along with urine is established.

    Why and how inflammation develops

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    The main cause of the development of an acute inflammatory process is considered to be infection. Mainly bacteria such as Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, etc. Pathogens infectious process penetrate the renal parenchyma in several ways:

    1. with blood flow from other infected foci in the human body - for example, the sources of infection are carious teeth and other organs in which the development of chronic inflammatory processes occurs;
    2. ascending way, that is, on the walls of the urinary tract with the presence of inflammation in this zone, for example, inflammation of the ureters, pelvic inflammation - this method of lesion is typical for the female.

    It has been scientifically established that in an absolutely healthy organ the acute process of inflammation can not develop even in the case of infiltration into the kidneys. To start the formation of purulent inflammation requires the influence of provoking factors, which include the following: poor performance of immunity, hypovitaminosis, improper metabolism, hormonal disorders, neglected liver diseases and others - that is, any pathology that contributes to weakening of the protective forces of the human body.

    What are the signs of the purulent inflammation of

    ? This is important! The purulent inflammatory process begins quite unexpectedly. Initially, the person's body temperature rises, chills, sweating, nausea with vomiting and headache. The patient's place complains of lumbar pain, decrease in the volume of urine due to the fact that a person loses a large volume of fluid along with sweat.

    Secondary form of purulent inflammatory process in the kidneys is even more difficult. In this case, there is always a secretion of pus. Often, the disease is supplemented with apostematous nephritis, kidney abscess or carbuncle. The main feature of secondary purulent inflammation is that its development is preceded by the appearance of renal colic - strong cramping pain sensations provoked by the movement of the stone.

    Correct treatment of acute inflammation

    Basically, an acute inflammatory purulent process gives medication. Also, the patient will be assigned compliance with bed rest, plenty of fluid intake and eating only well-digested food.

    Based on the results of a urinalysis test, the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to antibacterial drugs is established. In this way. The doctor prescribes the administration of certain antibiotics and other antimicrobial medicines. With proper treatment, the patient's condition begins to normalize after seven to ten days, but therapy should last no less than twenty days. Also, a simultaneous reception of fortifying drugs, such as vitamin complexes and other biologically active substances and stimulants of immunity work.

    This is important! The process of treatment of secondary purulent inflammation in the kidneys is based primarily on the resumption of the passage of urine. Simultaneously, a course of restorative and antibacterial treatment is prescribed. If the passage of urine stones in the kidneys is violated, it must be moved or removed. In a situation where this is not possible surgical removal, and with the active development of a purulent process, you may need to remove the kidney.

    Acute purulent inflammation of the kidney - this is a serious pathology, involving a thorough diagnosis and treatment of the patient.

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