
Vitamins of group B for hair: recommendations on application of each of them

  • Vitamins of group B for hair: recommendations on application of each of them

    The importance of B vitamins can not be overemphasized, as these elements are mainly responsible for the general condition of the hair, as well as a healthy and beautiful appearance of the head of hear.

    To understand how important the B group vitamins are for hair, it is worth considering that each of them can give the hair and what is its role in the growth process of the rods.

    B1 for shine

    Vitamin B1 is one of the elements responsible for fat balance, although it is not the main thing for the life of hair, but thanks to it the head of hear has a healthy and well-groomed appearance. The best use is to rinse your hair with vitamin B-1, so you will get a healthy and lively shine.

    Expect to accelerate hair growth, as some promise, after rinsing is not worth it, but to strengthen the body and the immune system by taking a vitamin inside can. It is clear that this will positively affect the general condition of the head of hear.

    B2 against dryness and brittle hair

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    Vit. B2 - another of the elements that maintains the fat content of the hair is normal. The drawback of this element leads to sad consequences for the appearance. The ends of the hair become very dry, while at the base there is an increased fat content.

    Vitamin B2 is a water-soluble element, therefore it is very quickly excreted from the body, therefore, its stock must be constantly replenished.

    For all the inconvenience of this feature of the element, there is also a positive side - an overdose of this vitamin is practically excluded.

    B3 for gray hair

    In fact, vitamin B3 is needed, of course, not only for gray-haired people, its general purpose is to restore and maintain the pigmentation of the hair. And this has a very positive effect on the structure of the hair, and, therefore, on its strength and elasticity.

    In addition, vitamin B3 together with other stimulates hair growth. The same ability is distinguished by one more vitamin, namely B10, therefore it is recommended to conduct their joint reception.

    B5 for strengthening hair and skin nutrition

    Vit. B5 is a very important element, which, fortunately, is easily obtained from everyday food, so few people suffer from its shortage. The action of vitamin B5 is aimed at strengthening the roots and nourishing the hair follicles. Also, vitamin helps to deliver oxygen to the scalp, which is important for its nutrition.

    It is best to add this element to oil-based masks, which must be rubbed into the roots of the hair. So you increase the effect of both the mask and the use of the vitamin.

    B6 for moisturizing hair and scalp

    Vitamin B6 is responsible for the water balance of both hair and skin. Thanks to this, the Be-6 effectively fights against dandruff, itching and seborrhea.

    Therefore, the use of vitamin externally makes it possible to get a good effect. Since this drug is produced not only in dry form, but also in droplets, it is added for use in masks and shampoos.

    The element is water-soluble, therefore it is necessary to follow it constantly.

    B7 and B8

    Vitamin B7 for hair, in principle, is needed not only for hair, but for the whole organism as well, as it is responsible for the correct metabolism.

    Like Be-7, vitamin B8 for hair is necessary for general gas exchange in the skin, which contributes to its better hydration.

    B9 and B12 for hair growth

    Vitamin B9 for hair is the main growth enhancer due to its effect on cell regeneration, B12 is the main building component for cells.

    It would seem that these two vitamins just need to be taken together. However, this can not be done, since B12 "is not friendly" with other vitamins of its group, with the possible exception of B6.With the simultaneous intake of substances neutralize each other and become absolutely useless. Therefore, it is better to take this isolated vitamin separately in tablets from others.

    Obtain these extremely important elements mainly from products, but due to our accelerated pace of life and a lot of stresses every day, it is increasingly necessary to buy vitamins in the pharmacy. As a rule, vitamins are sold in packs with ampoules for injections, in capsules or tablets.

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