
Treatment of acne on the legs in women: why there are red, watery pimples, treatment options

  • Treatment of acne on the legs in women: why there are red, watery pimples, treatment options

    Treating acne on the legs of women: why do they appear and how can one get rid of this ailment?

    In our time, any woman cares about appearance. Absolutely all men are attracted by a beautiful body. But what if you have to hide the beauty under the trousers, long skirts because of pimples on your legs? Why do acne, small dots and blisters appear on your legs?

    Small pimples are invisible to others, so many simply ignore this problem, but it's not right. As soon as a woman has acne on her legs, treatment should begin immediately, because the problem can worsen and lead to more serious consequences.

    Causes of pimples on the feet

    If acne appears in winter, it is due to winter clothing. Under her skin does not breathe, the pores are clogged with sebum, and also from purulent pimples can occur. In summer, pimples appear due to sweat, dirt, dust, which get on the skin irritated after shaving and epilation.

    Cosmetics can also cause rashes. Gently use creams, scrubs, lotions, gels and even simple ointments from bruises and bruises.

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    Hormonal restructuring in adolescence and premenstrual in women also contributes to the appearance of pimples. Also on the hormonal background is affected by stress.

    Accompanying acne can and various diseases. For example, a dysbacteriosis, a disease of the thyroid gland or internal organs. Taking steroids provokes the appearance of acne.

    Extreme stress for the legs is epilation. The skin becomes red, small hairs "grow" under the skin, ugly tubercles are formed, itch. Carry out epilation with caution.

    What are acne

    Acne can be inflamed and not inflamed. To the non-inflamed carry small black dots and "white pimples", or comedones. To the inflamed carry red pimples, which cause painful sensations even at the slightest pressure, as well as cysts. Most often, cysts are very inflamed and have a lot of pus. They must definitely get rid of!

    Acne is watery, they talk about an allergy or an infectious disease.

    Get rid of forever!

    To begin with, you need a diagnosis that will accurately determine the cause of acne. The doctor-dermatologist will appoint analyzes, Treatment of the reason is necessary, and only then it is necessary to begin struggle against a rash. If acne appeared as a result of an allergy, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines, ointment or tablets for treatment. Complex treatment will be prescribed if the acne appeared as a result of an internal disease. Here already it is necessary to visit also the immunologist, the endocrinologist, the cardiologist, the gastroenterologist.

    Along with this, hygiene is necessary for prevention, in hot season - twice a day. After a bath or shower, you should wipe your feet with a weak solution of salicylic acid. It will dry and disinfect the feet, and then apply salicylic or sulfuric ointment.

    Purulent pimples are treated with antibiotics, but strict instructions must be followed. For wiping, you can use a solution with natural antiseptics - chamomile or calendula. On the affected areas, an ointment is applied from glycerol with acetylsalicylic acid. You can also rub your feet with salt.

    Try to control the room temperature. It should be no more than 24 degrees. Decrease in sweating, which causes clogging of the pores with sebum. Clogged pores prevent the removal of toxins and toxins.

    Acne will not bother anymore, because the skin will self-clean.

    It is worth paying attention to food. During treatment, do not eat sweets. Eat foods containing vitamins A, B, E.

    Means with chlorine can also cause acne. Use hypoallergenic remedies when washing. You can cure pimples on your legs, you just need to choose the right treatment and always follow the doctor's recommendations.

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    In our time, any woman cares about appearance. Absolutely all men are attracted by a beautiful body. But what if you have to hide the beauty under the trousers, long skirts because of pimples on your legs? Why do acne, small dots and blisters appear on your legs?

    Small pimples are invisible to others, so many simply ignore this problem, but it's not right. As soon as a woman has acne on her legs, treatment should begin immediately, because the problem can worsen and lead to more serious consequences.

    Causes of acne on the feet

    If acne appears in winter, it is due to winter clothing. Under her skin does not breathe, the pores are clogged with sebum, and also from purulent pimples can occur. In summer, pimples appear due to sweat, dirt, dust, which get on the skin irritated after shaving and epilation.

    Cosmetic products can also cause rashes. Gently use creams, scrubs, lotions, gels and even simple ointments from bruises and bruises.

    Hormonal restructuring in the adolescent and premenstrual periods in women also contributes to the appearance of pimples. Also on the hormonal background is affected by stress.

    Accompanying acne can and various diseases. For example, a dysbacteriosis, a disease of the thyroid gland or internal organs. Taking steroids provokes the appearance of acne.

    Very great stress for the legs is hair removal. The skin becomes red, small hairs "grow" under the skin, ugly tubercles are formed, itch. Carry out epilation with caution.

    What are acne

    Acne can be inflamed and not inflamed. To the non-inflamed carry small black dots and "white pimples", or comedones. To the inflamed carry red pimples, which cause painful sensations even at the slightest pressure, as well as cysts. Most often, cysts are very inflamed and have a lot of pus. They must definitely get rid of!

    Acne is watery, they talk about an allergy or infectious disease.

    Get rid of forever!

    To begin with, you need a diagnosis that will pinpoint the cause of acne with high accuracy. The doctor-dermatologist will appoint analyzes, Treatment of the reason is necessary, and only then it is necessary to begin struggle against a rash. If acne appeared as a result of an allergy, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines, ointment or tablets for treatment. Complex treatment will be prescribed if the acne appeared as a result of an internal disease. Here already it is necessary to visit also the immunologist, the endocrinologist, the cardiologist, the gastroenterologist.

    Along with this, hygiene is necessary for prevention, in hot season - twice a day. After a bath or shower, you should wipe your feet with a weak solution of salicylic acid. It will dry and disinfect the feet, and then apply salicylic or sulfuric ointment.

    Purulent pimples are treated with antibiotics, but strict instructions must be followed. For wiping, you can use a solution with natural antiseptics - chamomile or calendula. On the affected areas, an ointment is applied from glycerol with acetylsalicylic acid. You can also rub your feet with salt.

    Try to control the room temperature. It should be no more than 24 degrees. Decrease in sweating, which causes clogging of the pores with sebum. Clogged pores prevent the removal of toxins and toxins.

    Acne will not bother anymore, because the skin will self-clean.

    It is worth paying attention to food. During treatment, do not eat sweets. Eat foods containing vitamins A, B, E.

    Means with chlorine can also cause acne. Use hypoallergenic remedies when washing. You can cure pimples on your legs, you just need to choose the right treatment and always follow the doctor's recommendations.

    Interesting article: Cake - the worst enemy of your skin!