
How does the kidney rotation manifest itself, what to do if the first signs of the disease appeared

  • How does the kidney rotation manifest itself, what to do if the first signs of the disease appeared

    Nephroptosis is the high mobility of the kidney, rotation of the kidney and its omission. In this case, the kidney begins to move from its bed, its location is disrupted, as it is somewhat lower.

    This is important!

    Simultaneously increases the mobility of the kidney compared with the physiological norm. The most mobility is manifested when a person takes up a vertical posture. Therefore, another name for pathology is the pathological mobility of the organ. In the normal state, the position of the kidney can be displaced during respiration by 2 to 4 cm.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Symptoms of the pathology depend on the degree of its development. With the omission of the kidney not only leaves its bed, it also causes pathological processes - the tension of the vessels and rotation around its axis. In this regard, the blood flow in the organ worsens, the ureter flexes, provoking the formation of stones.

    Depending on the stage of development of the disease, the patient exhibits different signs. At the first stage of the disease, the symptoms are completely absent or there is a slight deterioration in working capacity and general well-being, but there is no pain. In the second stage of the development of the disease, the periodic patient complains of pain in the lumbar region, which manifests itself particularly strongly in the vertical position of the body, and in laboratory examination in the urine high concentration of protein and erythrocytes is detected. At the third stage of the disease, pain increases, and serious changes in kidney function occur. In this case, the patient complains of a severe deterioration in working capacity.

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    Sometimes the pain radiates to the organs of the reproductive system, the patient loses his appetite, complains of constant constipation or diarrhea. Later, deviations in the functioning of the nervous system develop, characterized by increased excitability, neurasthenia, and irritability. Often nephroptosis is observed in women at a young age with a fragile physique, and during pregnancy the condition noticeably worsens.

    With nephroptosis it is often not possible to diagnose a long time or the diagnosis is incorrect. If the kidneys are lowered, they may suspect acute appendicitis, colitis, etc., so improper therapy is organized and the health deteriorates.

    Usually patients visit a doctor in the second stage of the disease, when they begin to disturb the pain in the side and stomach, giving to the lower abdomen. The person is sick and periodically shows a chill. In rare cases, patients complain of pain by the principle of renal colic and an admixture of blood in the urine.

    Treatment of

    disease Modern medicine conducts kidney nephroptosis treatment by implementing both conservative and surgical methods. With conservative therapy, the patient should limit heavy physical activities of a static nature, wear a bandage and perform special exercises of physiotherapy exercises.

    The bandage is required to be worn constantly, putting it on in the morning on exhalation in a horizontal position and taking off only in the evening. Also, special exercises are used to strengthen the muscles of the press, which are performed in the morning for 20 to 30 minutes.

    This is important!

    People with a low weight are recommended to follow a high-calorie diet. Patients with severe omission of the kidney should preferably organize hydrotherapy, namely - compresses, cold showers and bathing. There is also a massage of the abdominal region.

    Surgical intervention is organized provided that the patient's kidney falls more than three vertebrae or a strong clinical picture of the disease. Also, the operation is performed with the development of impairments of blood circulation in the kidney, violations in the work of the kidneys, permanent relapse of the infectious urinary tract. The doctor recommends the operation only if you have a thorough knowledge of the history of the disease and no effect from other methods of treatment.

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