  • Group plantings, or groups

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    Groups are a common and most commonly used type of planting from annuals and perennials. The size of the group, the height and number of plants planted in it depends on the size of the lawn, lawn, the nature of the location of bushes and trees. A group of one and perennials combines well with both landscape and regular planning. The density of planting in it depends, first of all, on the nature of the plants, on the external conditions and the duration of their stay in one place. To take a great interest in dense plantings should not be, for plants, growing up, start to press each other and less abundantly blossom. For groups suitable for many beautiful flowering annuals, biennials and perennials.

    Groups or arrays form plants of one or two species, having a clear, bright color, giving a bright spot of small size( from 2 m).Such patches of irregular shape are good from most summer pilots - marigolds, asters, marigolds, cosmos, lavaters, rudbeckies, chrysanthemums, ceolosia, zinnias.

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    Beautifully flowering plants with original leaves are planted in loose groups. High plants with monumental leaves are planted 1-2, medium-high - 3-4, perennials of medium height-6-9-12, low-20-25, and dwarf and bulbous-up to 50 plants and more per 1 m2.Groups created from a single species or variety are called simple. They form monochromatic colorful spots in spring, summer or autumn, depending on the period of flowering of plants. For example, a group of muscari will create a bright color spot in April, from bathing suits - in May, from medium varieties of phlox - in August, from late varieties of phlox - in September. For simple groups made up of one species or variety, almost all plants are suitable, especially decorative ones with large double flowers, and the most modest and barely noticeable.

    A special place is occupied by the so-called mixed groups of two plant species with different flowering periods, for example tulips and peonies, roses or phloxes, undersized phloxes and lily regalia. Planting bulbs are produced between plants so as not to damage the root system and arrange the bulbs fairly freely. Between the bushes located close to the paths, crocuses, daffodils, sparrows, low early-flowering tulips, primulas, forget-me-nots are planted. Such planting allows early in the spring to have flowering tulips among peonies, roses, phlox, and among shrubs not yet covered with leaves - crocuses, daffodils, hyacinths, muscari, sparse, primroses, forget-me-nots.

    A group can include one species or variety of plants, forming a monochromatic spot( eg, tuber begonia), or one species, but several varieties that harmonize in color( for example, three varieties of phlox panicle).It is possible to make groups of several plant species, but the variants of combinations can be very different, but all plants must be in harmony in color to look natural against the background of the lawn.

    Many years of experience have shown that tulips planted in groups with good care do not require a transplant for 2 years;the remaining bulbous - for 4-5 years, after which they dig out, large bulbs plant again, and small grow.

    Group plantings are used in both landscape and regular layouts to soften hard lines. Of perennials most often in this way plant peonies, phlox, astilba, krasnodnevy, irises, lupines, aquilegia, lilies, daffodils, nivian, as well as yearly excavated tulips, dahlias, gladiolus. Medium-height annuals and perennials are often used for planting in groups where they usually occupy the central part, and tall plants are placed in the rear rows of group plantings.

    Ordinary plantings

    Ordinary plantings are produced along garden paths from one-, two- or perennial plants. This gives the paths elegance, they become like a kind of flowering alleys. Suitable for such plantings are tall, medium-sized and stunted plants, beautifully flowering and long-lasting decorative form: peonies, lilies, aconites, astilbe, bells, funci, asters, marigolds, gladioluses, dahlias, foxes, dolphins, etc. Great decorative effect inordinary plantings can be achieved by applying plants of two or three species with different periods of flowering, alternating some species with others. Ordinary plantings are located at some distance from the path( by 0.5-1 m), planting one plant or 3-5 pieces per seat( bouquets).Intervals between plantings are done in 1-2 m.

    An original form of ordinary planting is the live flower hedge. With this form of decoration, tall annuals and perennials are planted linearly along the hedge, road, along the wall of the building with the aim of masking it.

    For the creation of living hedges the highest perennials are most suitable: rudbeckia dissected( golden ball), perennial asters, especially New England and New Belgian, high phlox species.

    Among other plants, you can especially note the kohya, space, goldenrod, artemisia and asparagus.

    Flower bed

    A flower bed as a type of flower garden opens an extraordinary space for imagination. It allows the use of any geometric shapes from steep and oval to complex polygon. To decorate the flowerbed, additional decorative elements can be used: beautiful large stones, a statue or a column in the center, a bowl for bowls in the shape of a bowl and much more.

    A flower bed can be simple, that is, it has a simple geometric shape of a circle, an oval, a square or a rectangle, or complex, when the outer bounding line represents a figure.

    The distance between groups of plants in the flowerbed, the number of plants in the group and the distribution of the groups themselves should not be the same and uniform. This will create a monotony and some tension in the perception of the composition of landings.

    When selecting plants for a flower bed, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of a harmonious color combination, as well as the growth pattern and height of individual plants. Well-planned flowerbed has a high degree of decorative and spatial impact. When arranging the flowerbed, it is necessary to take into account the proportion of plant proportions to create a single harmonious composition. It is also very important to avoid monotony of landings, to set a certain rhythm in the flower bed, which is embodied both in color decision and in transitions of height and texture of plants.

    The composition with a clearly expressed dynamics will emphasize the dignity of all the plants involved in it.

    Placement of flower plants in the flower garden can be either monophonic( without a pattern), or heterogeneous( with a pattern).

    Stepped form of the

    flower bed The dynamics of the flower bed elevation go in steps of different heights towards the rear, where the tallest plants are located. In the background, flowerbeds in this case should be located in the back, whose role can be played by a group of trees or bushes, a hedge or a fence. This bed can only be viewed from one side. Low-grown plants in the foreground create a flower bed border, separating it from the lawn or tracks

    Pyramidal shape of the

    flower bed This is the classic, most commonly used form of creating a flower arrangement on a flowerbed, broken on a free, viewed from all directions. The center of the flower bed is created and emphasized by planting tall plants that create the core of the composition. Around it are grouped plants of lesser height, forming a cone with gentle slopes, descending to the edges of the flowerbed. Such a flowerbed can be viewed from all directions

    At the edge of the flowerbed, a small border of the lawn( 10-20 cm) or a border from the bottom of the corroded plants should be made. For casing the edges, sometimes a border of fungia, iris dwarfish, spring primrose, astilba of low-bodied varieties, flox of derny, purgings of marigolds, alissum, Iberis and a number of bulbous ones are used. For the center can be recommended!phlox, aquilegia, peony, delphinium and all luciferous, as well as annual ones - aster, lion marigolds, carnations, undersized dahlias. In the center of the flower bed, regardless of its type;it is necessary to place more tall plants, and closer to the edge - medium and low stalks. In the center of the flower bed, it is recommended to spread flowers more loosely, at the edges - more densely. This way of planting gives the flowerbed a clear shape, rigor and a contribution to better development and more abundant flowering of plants.

    Rhythm of planting

    A specific rhythm of flower arrangement on the flower bed can be specified by special arrangement of plant groups. This principle is used mainly for large-sized flower beds. At the heart of rhythm is the method of repetition, when the main plant, surrounded by accompanying plants, is distributed throughout the flower bed at regular intervals at a certain distance from each other in a repetitive rhythm.

    It is also important to remember that the smaller the plant, the larger the area in the flower bed, they should occupy when planting. Small plants need to plant at least 10-20 pieces, so that they create a counterbalance to higher plants, then proportions will be observed.

    Floating shape of the

    flower bed. This close to natural shape is distinguished by smoothly flowing oscillating contours. To create such a floating structure, different plants of different height are used with different forms of growth. Do not allow sharp transitions in height, creating steps, as this breaks the smoothness of the lines. Plants should be placed so that each species forms a small group, different from others in height and extent. Groups need to be placed with offset so as not to create clear lines and contours

    Accented form of the flower bed

    This is a very effective, though infrequently used, form of the flowerbed. The basis of the composition are groups of stunted and medium-sized plants, over which tall plants rise to a considerable height, creating excellent spatial accents. Accents can be created by single plants or their small groups growing from the lower plan of planting and creating a higher

    plan above the flower bed lines. It is necessary to avoid excessive shredding and complexity of the pattern. Do not make too large flower beds.

    As high-accenting plants that sometimes are called architectonic in decorative gardening, you can use the types of high decorative onions, mullein, delphinium, yucca, verbena, ornamental tall grasses.