
How to confess to a guy in love, so as not to scare him away

  • How to confess to a guy in love, so as not to scare him away

    Love is a complex feeling, it requires not only self-giving, but courage. You can keep your feelings for yourself for a long time, but there comes a time that requires revelation.

    Here there is a question how to admit to the guy in love.

    Recognition of love is not easy, it requires determination and courage, balance and responsibility. Of course, before taking this step, the girl experiences great tension, fear, excitement, she is overcome by a lot of emotions, besides not the most pleasant.

    However, once the guy forces you to take decisive action, think about it, but should you admit the first in love, is all this worthwhile efforts on your part?

    Young ladies often take a light fancy for deep feelings, they say loud words that they can not live without this young man, breathe and stuff. Often they ask how to admit to love a guy by correspondence. There is nothing more stupid than confessing feelings to a person without knowing him personally for a long time.

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    If there is confidence in its location, then it's up to you to choose an acceptable method. To make it it is necessary romantic and beautiful, then it will be postponed not only in memory, but also in heart.

    The most common way is to create a romantic dinner. The place where you hold it, choose yourself. It all depends on the possibilities and conditions. But the evening itself should not begin with recognition. Everything should be left to the sweet, along with dessert it's good to say and cherished words.

    If the fantasy is developed very well, creativity is so eager, then you can not just pick up words, but also compose a small poem, a poem or put words on the music. Undoubtedly, this will make an indelible impression on the guy. It is not necessary to consider that men are stale and thick-skinned, they are even more romantic than women.

    A declaration of love for a guy can be sent using radio DJ.The main thing is to see to it that the message is heard by the addressee. Modern technical means and abilities allow creating original clips.

    To decide, in the way of a declaration of love, you need to share his hobbies. Recognition can be organized by standing on rollers, skates, making a jump from a height, etc. All this requires preparation, but in life nothing happens simply. Do not be afraid to take the first step, this move will help change your relationship in a completely different direction.

    In the event that the recognition should be made to a guy who does not suspect about your feelings, the main thing is not to scare him with your pressure. It's enough just to find the right moment, at a disco or party. If you receive a refusal or silence in response, do not get scared. There are pluses, no longer need to "die" from love in the unknown. In addition, it often happens that after learning about feelings, the guy begins to think a lot about you and gradually gets carried away.

    How to confess in love to a guy if you are afraid of refusal? Think carefully about the text. Recognition should not be too long and give specific information about your intentions. However, you do not need to say three precious words in the forehead, it can upset and frighten him. Ideally, a small introductory speech, ending with a logical result and, in fact, a confession.

    For example, this may sound like this: "You know, we've known each other for quite some time, and during this time I managed to understand how dear you are to me. Next to you I feel very comfortable, without you - alone. You are so dear, and I love you. But how do you feel about me? "Of course, you should choose the speech exactly for your situation, but you need to be guided by this only rule: all that is said must be true.

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