
Because of what the echinococcal cyst of the kidney is formed. What is the symptomatology of the disease?

  • Because of what the echinococcal cyst of the kidney is formed. What is the symptomatology of the disease?

    Echinococcal cyst of the kidney is a parasitic pathology, which is provoked by the larva. Man is considered an intermediate master.

    People get infected due to non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene in contact with affected animals.

    When a bacterium enters the human intestine from the eggs of a bacterium, larvae form, which also penetrate along with the blood flow to the kidney, where a cystic tumor is formed. The cyst is a cavity with a liquid, which is the place where larvae live with a favorable environment for them.

    Symptoms and manifestations of the disease in humans

    The disease is characterized by asymptomatic prolonged course, which correlates with the slow growth of the cyst. Often a neoplasm is diagnosed accidentally during a medical examination or an ultrasound of another organ of the genitourinary system.

    This is important! It is important to understand that with this kidney damage, other organ diseases can not develop at the same time. In addition, there is no difference in the frequency of penetration of the pathogen into the right or left kidney.

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    The cyst is round in shape, but occasionally there are irregular contours. The embryos of the pathogenic bacterium enter the organ together with the blood flow or with the current of the lymph. Basically, the cyst is formed in the renal cortical layer, but can also form in the cellulose near the kidney.

    With the growth of education, atrophy of the nearby renal parenchyma develops. Usually. Echinococcal cyst consists of daughter blisters, and with intensive growth it combines with nearby organs.

    At times, a parasitic cystic tumor affects the calyx and the kidney of the kidney, causing the penetration of small cysts and serous fluid into the urinary canals.

    The clinical picture of the pathology is polymorphic and in its course three main stages can be distinguished:

    1. Asymptomatic current - begins from the moment of getting to the bacterium before the first signs of lesion manifestation. Complaints in patients are completely absent. Diagnosed neoplasm completely by accident. In later periods, there may be detection by ultrasound or computed tomography.
    2. Symptomatic stage - the first symptoms of kidney damage and disruption of its functioning are manifested due to the pressure of the cyst on the parenchyma and nearby tissues. To general symptoms should be attributed: strong weight loss, weakness, urticaria, etc. Local symptoms in this case is too weak.
    3. The stage of manifestation of the complication of the pathology - begins suppuration of the echinococcal cyst in the kidney, its calcification and breakthrough into the cavity of the peritoneum or into the pleural cavity. All this is supplemented by severe pain, sometimes anaphylactic shock, the formation of purulent fistula, jaundice, ascites, organ failure, insufficiency of breathing, etc.

    Implementation of the diagnostic measures of the disease

    For the qualitative diagnosis the following methods are used:

    • Computer tomography and MRI.
    • Ultrasound examination.
    • X-ray diagnostics - revealing the presence of shadows of rounded forms with even edges.
    • Clinical blood tests - increasing the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation, eosinophilia.

    Often the diagnosis of the disease is difficult. Recently, in addition to standard clinical diagnostic methods, various contrast methods are used, such as organ scanning with radioactive isotopes, computed tomography, and the like.

    The range of diagnostic measures used for immunodiagnostics is quite extensive. To detect the laboratory reaction of bacteria, the Katsoni reaction is realized, which allows to determine the presence of echinococcus in the kidney in 89 - 90% of cases.

    This is important! There are also various serological reactions to the antigen present in the body, and earlier such reactions as scolexoprecipitation, latexagglutination and others have been used.

    Carrying out of medical actions at defeat of an organism

    Treatment of an echinococcal cyst depends on a state of health of the patient and a site of a cystic tumor.

    The main way of treatment is, of course, a surgical operation. The following types of surgical interventions are implemented:

    1. Enucleation of the cyst - its elimination without compromising the integrity of the
    2. shell. Echinococcectomy - initially cystic formation is punctured, sucked out of the liquid and subsequently injected for a few minutes with a glycerol solution.
    3. Resection of the kidney.
    4. Radical echinococcectomy - elimination of the causative agent of the pathological process together with a fibrous capsule.

    At the opening of a cystic tumor, doctors pay great attention to isolating the tissue cavity and the human body from liquid, in connection with that. That its penetration into the abdominal or thoracic region, to the surface of the wound can serve as the main provoking factor of contamination.

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