
Diet for teenagers 15-16 years: menu and advice on proper nutrition

  • Diet for teenagers 15-16 years: menu and advice on proper nutrition

    A diet for teenagers aged 15-16 is an excellent way to combat adolescent obesity in the modern world - this is a problem that is global in nature.

    The body of a teenager undergoes hormonal reorganization, which affects body weight, modern fashion for fast food, and the sedentary lifestyle of adolescents who spend most of their time at the computer has an effect on the teenager's body. Therefore, the problems of proper nutrition of adolescents are more relevant than ever.

    Proper nutrition for a teenager

    Teenage diet has its own rules. First, the weight of the adolescent should decrease smoothly, without sharp changes. Secondly, a teenager should not feel hungry. And, finally, no adult diets are suitable for teenagers.

    The diet should be balanced, include all kinds of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Decrease in weight occurs due to competent selection of products, refusal from harmful food and decrease in caloric content.

    Before you go on a diet, talk to your doctor. He can prescribe a complex of vitamins and correctly correct your diet.

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    So, we will make the right diet for a teenager.

    Menu options for teens

    Option 1

    Breakfast - skim curd, boiled egg, tea with honey. Before breakfast, it is best to drink a glass of juice.

    Lunch - vegetable soup, white chicken meat, a glass of juice.

    Snack - diet bread with cheese, juice.

    Dinner - vegetable salad, baked lean fish, tea without sugar.

    Option 2

    Breakfast - buckwheat porridge without oil, veal boiled, tea without sugar. Lunch - fish soup, salad from vegetables, juice.

    Snack - fruit salad, broth of wild rose. Dinner - curd casserole, yoghurt. Supper should be two or three hours before bedtime.

    Duration of the

    diet The diet lasts 2-3 weeks. At this time, you should limit sugar and salt. It is not possible to completely refuse salt, but the amount of salt eaten should be reduced.

    Instead of sweets it is better to eat dried apricots, raisins or prunes. Diet in especially difficult cases allows for unloading days on apples 1-2 times a week.

    Video about proper nutrition for teens

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