  • Major pests

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    Flower crops are affected by a number of pests that cause serious damage to plants, feeding on their tissues and juices. In addition, pests are often carriers of various infectious diseases, which can cause a real epidemic on the site. Therefore, pest control is an important part of plant care.

    Control measures of with various types of pests have basically the same in common: thorough autumn digging of soil with harvesting of plant residues, loosening of soil, destroying underground pests of pests, destruction of plant remains, alternation of crops, mechanical collection of pests, where possible, the use of traps andbaits for catching pests, spraying with chemical preparations and infusions of insecticidal plants, planting next to the flower crops of repellent plants that repel harmfulof insects. From the soil-wrecking pests basebane is effective, neuron, carbofos, colloidal sulfur, phosphoside are used;against sucking and leaf-eating pests, a spark, a spark of M from caterpillars, a spark of Bio, acarin, karate, carbofos, tsitkor, fiori, phytoverm, sumialph;from the bear - the medvex.

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    Measures to prevent diseases and pests

    In order to grow healthy, full-fledged, well-developed and abundantly flowering ornamental plants, it is not enough to know the ways of their reproduction and the rules of care for planting, it is necessary to create such conditions that would exclude the possibility of mass appearance of pests and diseases. An important role in this is also played by preventive measures.

    Comprehensive improvement of soil condition, increase of its nutritional properties. Removing and burning in autumn all annual plants and dying for the winter shoots


    Affected crops / parts of plants


    Roots and bulbs of various bulbous, tuberous and root-club plants, feeds on their tissues


    and bulbous nematodes

    All bulbous cultures, including onionsand garlic, feeds on the juice of plants


    Rhizome, tuberous, bulbous perennials, bites their roots

    Gladiolus tripe

    Gladiolus, carnations, daffodils, irises, manye other plants during vegetation;corms of gladiolus in the period of storage

    Onion bunny

    Tulips, hyacinths, irises, daffodils, onion

    Root onion mite

    Tulips, daffodils, lilies, rhizomes of irises, tubers of dahlias( outdoors, closed and during storage)

    Common earwig

    Asters, dahlias, carnations, gladioluses, roses, phloxes, chrysanthemums, poppies, etc.

    Meadow bug

    Widely distributed multi-species. Damages asters, dahlias, hydrangeas, chrysanthemums, nasturtiums, roses, etc.

    perennials, as well as diseased and infected plants and their parts, as plant remains serve as a wintering site for pests and a breeding ground for diseases. .. Autumn digging, deep loosening, diggingsoil between bushes. Many pests winter in the soil in the form of larvae, pupae, eggs, in the autumn treatment of the soil, their number decreases sharply, as unfavorable conditions for wintering are created.

    Alternation of cultivated plants and regular replacement of their growing area, since planting of the same species for several years in the same place leads to unilateral depletion of the soil and the accumulation of precisely those pests that this plant species suffers from. Regular careful weeding, removal from the site of weeds and their remains, as many of them are spreaders of diseases.

    ; ;.Uniform uncontaminated planting of plants, not interfering with the full growth of plants. In a thickened planting, plants are more often affected, as they lack sunlight and nutrition. Poor airing of thick plantations creates a damp, stagnant microclimate favorable for the development of diseases and pests. Creation of optimum conditions for cultivation of each concrete culture, promoting its healthy development.- Adding phosphoric( superphosphate - 40 g / m2) and potassium fertilizers( potassium chloride - 20 g / m2), which increases the immunity against fungal diseases.

    K Maintaining the optimum level of soil acidity, as in acidic soils fungi - pathogens of diseases develop intensively, and alkaline soils favor the reproduction of bacteria. Sour soils must be lime.

    Observance of optimal irrigation norms, as excessive dryness significantly weakens plants, making them vulnerable to diseases and pests, and increased humidity creates conditions for the development of pathogens.

    Selection of varieties resistant to species-specific diseases and pests. The use of chemical means of protection, the use of insecticidal plants, mechanical destruction of pests. Planting next to the flowers of onions, garlic, marigolds, nasturtiums, marigolds and other plants that repel harmful insects, heals the soil and prevents the development of diseases.