
Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases in men - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases in men - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Under venereal diseases in the Russian-language scientific literature is considered to be a disease that is predominantly transmitted sexually. A separate emphasis should be made on the word "predominantly", since almost all venereal diseases have other mechanisms and ways of transmission. Probably, many know that the origin of such a name originates from ancient Greek mythology, where the name of Venus was worn by the goddess of love and beauty.

    As for representatives of this group of pathologies, historically and to date, there are several diseases that occur more often than others. First, it's all known syphilis, from which not only medieval women of easy behavior suffered, but also representatives of the nobility. Moreover, many famous people have gone to the other world precisely because of this pathology. It remains relevant to this day. Naturally, the number of deaths from syphilis sharply decreased, but the disease is still registered frequently.

    The second most popular is gonorrhea, more popular among the people as a French runny nose or gonorrhea. From this, also historical, the diseases suffer even to our time, albeit in a lesser form.

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    Among other bacterial venereal diseases should be isolated chlamydia and ureaplasmosis, which occur somewhat less frequently than previous forms.

    Quite often the cause of a venereal disease is a viral infection. The most common viruses that are sexually transmitted are the AIDS virus and genital herpes.

    Do not forget that the cause of the venereal disease may be fungi or parasitic organisms. In such cases, the patient is threatened with candidiasis, trichomoniasis or fthyriasis. Less often, sexually transmitted scabies.

    Ways of contracting sexually transmitted diseases

    As one might guess from the definition, the most common way of transmitting these diseases is sexual. With this, the infection can be transmitted during sexual intercourse, which was carried out both naturally and unnaturally. Proof of this can be the high rate of AIDS spread among homosexuals.

    But, be that as it may, it is foolish to think that sexually transmitted diseases can only be transmitted sexually. No less dangerous is the use of general hygiene items, through which the pathogen can also spread. This way of transfer is called contact-household and can be carried out through wet towels, clothes.

    For some diseases, there are special ways of transmission. For example, AIDS can spread from mother to child. This is called vertical transmission. This same disease can be transmitted and during blood transfusion, which in this case is called the parenteral mechanism of transmission of infection.

    Symptoms and signs of sexually transmitted diseases in men

    Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases can be very different and depend on one or another disease. For example, at the very first stage of , syphilis is manifested by the presence of only one ulcerative defect in the skin or mucous membrane. This is called soft chancre. Later, generalized rashes and hard chancre develop, which is manifested by ulcers with margins that have a cartilaginous consistency.

    Syphilitic soft chancre

    The main symptom for of gonorrhea is the discharge of green pus from the urethra. This process is accompanied by severe pain in the penis, which occurs during the act of urination and ejaculation. If at the initial stage the process is not stopped, then development of necrosis of the penis is possible. In addition, do not forget about the possibility of spreading the disease to other organs and connective tissue.

    Genital herpes is manifested by a vesicular rash on the genitals. It has exactly the same character as the eruption on the lips with normal herpes. After the rupture of the transparent capsules, crusts form in their place.

    The most formidable venereal disease to date is the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome( AIDS) , which is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. In connection with the relative youth of the disease and its malignant course, to date, no medicine for AIDS has been invented yet. The clinical picture of this pathology is very diverse and can be manifested by practical any infectious or purulent disease occurring in a particularly severe form.

    Any changes in the genitals, the appearance of a non-characteristic odor or secretion should make you alert and consult a doctor.

    Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases

    In addition to the clinical picture, which almost always makes it possible to accurately determine not only the nature, but also the stage of the disease, such patients often have to take a huge number of other additional tests to finally confirm the diagnosis.

    Perhaps the fastest and simplest method is smear microscopy, which is widely used in syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and other bacterial venereal diseases. In most cases, this method makes it possible to know the exact diagnosis within 20 minutes.

    Smear microscopy consists in examining scraping from the genital organs through a magnifying glass of a light microscope. Thus, it is possible to see the bodies of bacteria that became pathogens of the disease. Unfortunately, the causative agent of a viral disease can not be detected in this way.

    Gonorrheal microscopy

    In a situation where the pathogen can not be detected microscopically or in order to finally make sure of the diagnosis, the culture method is frequently used, which involves planting the pathogen on a nutrient medium, where whole colonies of microbes soon grow. This method is more expensive and it takes much more time to conduct it.

    The following methods, which are quite often used for sexually transmitted diseases, are serological tests. They are aimed at determining the number of antibodies in the blood that have been developed to combat the foreign agent. This method is used rather not even to determine the disease, but to determine the extent of its progression. For this analysis, approximately 5 milliliters of blood is taken from the human vein.

    All listed methods, except the last, can be used exclusively for bacterial pathology. As for the viral etiology of the disease, methods may be needed somewhat more modern. For example, using a polymerase chain reaction from human blood, it is possible to extract DNA or RNA from virtually any virus, which can be confirmed by venereal diseases such as AIDS or genital herpes.

    Symptomatic treatment of venereal diseases

    Symptomatic treatment of this group of diseases is possible only when it is combined with adequate antibacterial or antiviral therapy, that is, with etiologic treatment. If the symptomatic therapy is taken independently, without etiological and pathogenetic treatment, then it can only lead to the development of complications.

    As for combined symptomatic therapy, in its quality, a variety of drugs can be used. For example, if the disease is accompanied by pain and increased body temperature, you can use drugs such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, which very well lower body temperature and at the same time have a wonderful analgesic effect.

    In principle, as for people's treatment, there is no rigid framework that limits its use. If treatment of gonorrhea or syphilis will be accompanied by penis trays of herbs with antiseptic properties, this will have an exceptionally positive effect on the course of the disease. However, if you want to limit yourself to only one folk medication, then this is better not to do, as diseases such as gonorrhea or syphilis very quickly progress without antibiotic therapy.

    Seeking help from an

    specialist From the very first day of the onset of sexually transmitted diseases, they are considered shameful in society, so most of the patients go to treat them not to specialized medical institutions, but to doctors at home or folk healers. It would seem, what difference does it make where the doctor will treat a gonorrhea, in a hospital or at home. It turns out that there is a very big difference, since at home it is very difficult to create all those necessary sterile conditions for adequate treatment of the disease. Quite often, cases of treatment at home turned into cases of serious enough complications.

    As for the popular treatment, there are probably unnecessary additional comments here. Although in the past centuries, many cases of curing sexually transmitted diseases are known in a similar way. This can be explained only by the early stage of seeking help. In addition, all healers use different methods of treatment and it is possible that one of them could use some kind of antiseptic folk substance, which in certain situations can have a positive effect on the course of the disease.

    Now, in the era of modern electronic technology and pharmacological substances, it's just stupid to seek help from traditional healers. At the worst, if you want the fact of your treatment to remain secret, private clinics will gladly make concessions to you. Not free, of course.

    Now, as for the treatment itself. Seeking help is not necessary when the first symptoms of the disease have occurred. This must be done even earlier. A question may arise as to how to determine the disease before the onset of its symptoms. The fact of an unverified sexual intercourse can indicate the fact of infection. Of course, the latter is best avoided, but if the fact has already taken place, then only an immediate trip to the doctor can help. Probably, we should not remind that the problems of such a plan are not only the dermatovenerologist, but also the urologist who, if he can not heal himself, will definitely send to the first one.

    It is clear that it is not always possible to predict infection, especially since it can occur in a public bath. In such a situation, the first clinical symptomatology may become an incentive for addressing a venereologist. As a rule, in the early stages of sexually transmitted diseases itching occurs in the penis, reddening of the skin, secretions of various kinds from the urethra and other unpleasant symptoms.

    Rev.the doctor the urologist, the sexologist-andrologist Plotnikov AN