  • Oily skin - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Oily skin( sebaceous, seborrheic, tuberous, porous, oily, skin with hypersalic function) is a common problem among adolescents and people under the age of 30.Oily skin is characterized, mainly, by excess of sebum, which is produced in the sebaceous glands. In people with this type of skin can be visible enlargement of the pores or inflammation of the hair follicles, a shiny face. Skin with a hypersalic function requires proper care, otherwise acne( acne) and other inflammatory processes may occur.

    Areas of high fat content are: forehead, nose, chin, back, shoulders and chest. Sebaceous glands are very important for humans and are responsible for many processes in the body. Skin fat protects the skin from external influences and consists of lipid derivatives. The composition and secretion of sebum varies during different periods of life. Skin-synthesized fat is mixed with excretions from the sweat glands and creates a surface layer. It protects the skin from excessive loss of moisture, harmful external factors, softens, exerts antibacterial action, transports vitamin E into the upper layers of the epidermis. Lipids of the skin have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, participate in the excretion of certain xenobiotics( poisons, harmful substances) from the body.

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    Causes of skin fatness

    - hormones affect fat production in the sebaceous glands:
    In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, women have an increased amount of sebum secreted. This is due to the hormonal background.
    Oily skin is more common in men, regardless of age. This is due to the predominance in the body of the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for the production of sebum.
    The problem with increased skin greasiness is common in young women, girls, adolescents, especially over 12 years. This problem occurs in connection with the period of puberty. It is characterized by excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

    - The influence of on environmental factors, stress( especially chronic), cigarette smoke, air pollution.

    - UV aggravates problems with oily skin. The sun's rays dry and thicken the stratum corneum, which prevents the release of sebum and acne( acne, acne).

    - Incorrect food , eating a large amount of fried, fatty, acute strengthens the greasiness of the skin.

    - Non-compliance with hygiene ( regular washing in the morning, treatment of skin areas prone to greasiness) leads to increased fat and inflammation of the skin.

    - Increasing the ambient temperature of increases the secretion of sebum.

    - The amount of secreted skin fat also depends on the area of ​​the body. The largest number of sebaceous glands are located on the face, chest and trunk.

    - The use of substandard cosmetic products , on oily or oily basis, aggravates skin problems.

    - Defects of the immune system contribute to fat, because the skin is a protective layer. If there is a violation of immune processes, a symptom of increased skin fatness may appear.

    Diseases in which a symptom of oily skin can be observed.

    Diabetes mellitus .One of the symptoms can be skin fatness and inflammatory reactions. This is due to the fact that the disease polysystemic( affects all organs and systems).

    Women of reduced nutrition ( cachexia, asthenic type of build).Nutrients are needed to synthesize homons. If, due to diet or poor nutrition, a woman loses them, then there is not enough building material for female sex hormones and in the body men begin to predominate. In this case, the fat content of the skin is defined as a symptom of a high content of male hormones.

    Obesity of ( men and women of increased nutrition).The skin becomes fat as a result of malnutrition, excessive sweating.

    Hormonal imbalance in women may be associated with ovarian dysfunction, abrupt discontinuation of contraceptives, tumors of the reproductive system( the reproductive system that carries the function of reproduction) by menopause and so on. As a result, the level of male sex hormones increases and a characteristic symptom of the fatness of the skin, the appearance of bristly hair, coarsening of the voice, irregular menstrual cycle, sweating. If you do not consult a doctor, infertility, malignant tumors, irreversible changes in appearance can develop. It is recommended to consult an endocrinologist, symptomatic treatment should be performed by a cosmetologist.

    Hyperandrogenism in men - increased content of male sex hormones. Often this complication can be observed in men who are professionally engaged in bodybuilding or athletes, as they often use chemically synthesized testosterone to build muscle mass. But there are cases of genetic predisposition to this phenomenon, with age, the synthesis of hormones will decrease and everything will return to normal. Treatment is associated with the elimination of symptoms. Consultation of the endocrinologist, cosmetologist, valeologist, nutritionist in some cases of a psychiatrist( aggression, jealousy, appearance concern), sexologist( strong sexual desire, illegible sexual relations, rapid ejaculation) is necessary.

    Hypertrichosis ( increased hairiness) in women and men is a disease, in some cases associated with the production of sex hormones and can be accompanied by fatty skin.

    Liver diseases ( hepatitis, fatty liver disease) - the liver is responsible for such functions as the removal of toxins and excess hormones and other substances in the body. If the work of this organ is broken, a symptom of fatty skin in the forehead and nasolabial folds can be observed.

    When you should definitely consult a doctor

    As a result of increased skin fat, inflammatory diseases can develop, as skin fat is a nutrient medium for bacteria. If you find yourself experiencing such complications, you should immediately consult a doctor. This can prevent increased scarring of tissues, the development of septic skin diseases, the spread of infection in the body, avoid many chronic diseases( such as angina, runny nose, decreased immunity).In the inflammatory processes associated with increased skin greasiness, mainly, the bacterium is a golden stafillacoccus, streptococcus and propionobacteria. Infection can spread to other parts of the body or other people. If you do not treat the infectious process, then it can lead to death. Death, as a rule, comes from general intoxication or sepsis. Therefore, it is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner.

    Seborrheic fatty dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease characterized by fatty scaly lesions of red( fresh rashes) or white-gray( dry, old) scalp, hair and face growth lines, folds around the nose and ears, breasts, axillaryhollows( armpits), in the groin. You should get advice from a cosweniologist or beautician.

    Acne - acne, is a common skin disease, in which there are pimples on the face, chest, and back. This occurs when the pores of the skin are clogged with fat, dead skin cells and bacteria. You need treatment from a cosmetologist, with extensive skin lesions - consultation kozhveerologa, nutritionist, endocrinologist.

    Carbuncle( or furuncle) is a deeper skin lesion, sometimes affecting the subcutaneous fat layer. The cause is the infectious process in the hair follicle, pus accumulates next to the hair( abscess).This is directly related to the fat content of the skin. If the sebaceous gland functions improperly, excess fat is released and the infection subsequently joins. You need treatment from a surgeon, then a consultation of an endocrinologist, a kozhvenerologa.

    Necrosis - necrosis of tissues due to deeper penetration of infection.

    Treatment of oily skin

    Treatment of oily skin should be comprehensive. It is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause, and then the symptoms of the disease. Therapy of visible signs without a deeper examination will bring only a temporary result. Most often, experts use a comprehensive approach to solving this problem, which includes examinations( analysis for the content of hormones, blood sugar, general analyzes characterizing the somatic state, revealing pathogenic flora), study genetic predisposition and anamnesis of life( eating habits, habits).The treatment combines salon procedures, hardware techniques and pharmacotherapy.

    Medical treatment of oily skin

    To reduce the fat content of the skin, it is possible to prescribe medications containing the following components:

    • Lactoferrin is a protein with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Beneficially affects the balance of the immune system.
    • Adapalene - is a derivative of vitamin A, prevents the appearance of gums, removes inflammation. Effective combination with antibiotics for the treatment of inflamed skin areas.
    • Benzoyl peroxide - well exfoliates, renews the skin, prevents reproduction of pathogenic flora.
    • Azaleic acid - removes inflammation, lowers the growth of bacteria, exfoliates.
    • Zinc - strong keratolytic( dissolves keratinized epidermis)
    • Copper - regulates the secretion of sebum.
    • Sulfur - affects the work of the sebaceous glands and inhibits their secretion.
    • Isotretinoid - is synthesized in small amounts in the human body, inhibits the production of sebum, lyses( dissolves) the stratum corneum.
    • Bacteriocins and piocyanins are the products of bacterial metabolism( escherichia, enterococcus, streptococcus, pseudomonas) grown on a sterile medium. Increase the immune properties of the skin, promote its rapid regeneration.
    • D-Panthenol - increases the strength of collagen in the skin, normalizes the cellular metabolism. It is necessary to restore the skin after irritating procedures, such as peeling.
    • Vitamin B6 - is involved in the exchange of proteins( eg, lactoferrin) and unsaturated fatty acids. Favorable influence on the functioning of the nervous, hematopoietic and immune systems.
    • Vitamin PP - positively affects the metabolism and normal functioning of the skin.
    • Mineral zinc - a positive effect on the immune system. Zinc protects immune cells from the harmful effects of free radicals and activates the body's defense mechanisms, is essential for skin health.
    • Other drugs that have a beneficial effect on the skin: Selenium, Coenzyme Q10, Nicotinic acid( vitamin PP), folic acid, Vitamin E, Vitamin C.

    Hormone therapy for skin fat loss:

    Drugs for menopause in women - Vero-Danazol, Divina, Finland, Divissek, Individina, Klimodien, Livial.
    For other disorders of the hormonal background: contraceptives with anti-androgenic action - Yarina, Jess, Janine, Belara.

    Antibiotic therapy for oily skin is not prescribed! In order to prevent acne, it is better to use local antiseptics and exfoliating agents. Antibiotics kill useful skin flora, there may be resistance and in case of acute need( eg, for acne and other inflammations) they will not be effective.

    Treatment of oily skin with herbs

    Herbs contain flavonoids, tannins, saponins, silicic acid, plant hormones and trace elements. Plant extracts are often used in cosmetics, as they are characterized by a wide range of effects. These substances stimulate the growth of cells, accelerate the synthesis of DNA, act as antioxidants and delay aging.

    • Chamomile extract cleans, softens. Acting locally, it has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Restores elasticity and smoothness of the skin.
    • Salt medicinal has a bactericidal, soothing, regenerating effect.
    • Calendula officinalis has a healing, regenerative effect on the damaged skin.
    • The bark of oak or birch has antiseptic and tannic properties.
    • The tri-color violet extract cleans, influences the metabolism process and helps to remove harmful substances that accumulate in the body.
    • Green tea extract has antioxidant properties, reduces the impact on the skin of free radicals.
    • Extract from the root of a dandelion strengthens the body's defenses. Supports the proper functioning of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys. Helps in the excretion of metabolic products, which is useful for the skin.

    In addition to daily care at home, oily skin requires additional treatment. It is prescribed by a dermatologist or a cosmetologist. The main methods of treating oily skin are:

    Hardware procedures for oily skin:

    • Laser biostimulation is a laser exposure procedure that causes photochemical changes in the skin. The procedure smoothes, renews and regenerates the skin, improving its elasticity and color;
    • Microdermabrasion - the flow of the smallest particles that painlessly grind the skin( diamond crumb, alumina, etc.) is recommended to remove wrinkles, dilated pores, narrows and reduces stretch marks;
    • Ionophoresis - microcurrents, which are passed through the skin with the help of special nozzles. This increases the flow of blood, improves nutrition and microcirculation. The effect of treatment is the regeneration of the skin, a deeper penetration of nutrients into it.
    • Cavitation peeling( ultrasonic) - is a shock wave that provides a painless cleansing of the skin. Cleaning the face with ultrasound removes excess sebum from the pores of the hair follicles, clears the horny skin;
    • Ultrasound phonophoresis is a specific mechanical vibration that has a massage effect, destroys fibrotic tissues, lymphodrain( removes excess fluids).Treatment prevents clogging of hair follicles with fat, reduces skin rashes and symptoms of local irritation.
    • Darsonvalization is a high-frequency pulse current that is conducted to the skin with the help of vacuum electrodes. It dries the skin, improves nutrition and regenerates tissues.

    Cosmetic procedures for oily skin

    • Scrubs( midal, apricot, hydrochloric, clay, plastic, etc.) - a clever method for smoothing and cleansing the skin.
    • Peelings with acids( milk, fruit, pyruvic, trichloroacetic, glycolic, etc.) - reduce skin pH, which has a bacteriostatic effect. Regulates the secretion of sebum and reduces the greasiness of the skin;
    • Masks( mud, clays, based on seaweed) - disinfect, heal, soothe the skin, remove excess sebum.
    • Manual facial cleansing is the mechanical and most traumatic way to clean the pores of the skin. It is recommended to perform such cleaning only in beauty centers.

    Prevention of diseases of oily skin

    1. When choosing cosmetics, give preference to means:
    - with low lipid content,
    - with antibacterial and antiseptic composition( alcohol not more than 10%! !!),
    - Hypoallergenic( neutral odorants or better odorless),
    - with the content of natural plant extracts.
    - If this is not a specialized certified store in which you are sure, it is better to choose less popular, not expensive brands of cosmetics. There are fewer fakes on them. Make your choice in favor of the domestic manufacturer. They often use plants of our latitude in the production of cosmetics, which are less allergenic.

    2. Once a week, use simple peeling or cleaning your face.
    3. All the year round use sunscreen UVA and UVB.
    4. Go to the sauna.
    5. Do not abuse everyday make-up, provide oxygen to the skin. Always wash off makeup for the night.
    6. Use butylated water to wash your face. Do not wash your face with soap and water, it is best to use a cleansing gel for oily skin.
    7. Avoid contact with the face. Dirty hands carry bacteria.

    Doctor cosmetologist Kondratenko NA