
Diet in kidney pyelonephritis: its dependence on the form of pathology

  • Diet in kidney pyelonephritis: its dependence on the form of pathology

    Pyelonephritis is the most common kidney disease. This problem becomes a consequence of the infection, namely, the E. coli, in the renal parenchyma, the reproduction of staphylococci or mixed microflora. More often the infection begins to spread in the human body with the help of blood flow. Diet for kidney pyelonephritis must necessarily refer to the nature of the pathology - acute or chronic form.

    Catering for acute illness

    For the acute form of pyelonephritis is characterized by an increase in body temperature and the development of severe pain in the lumbar region. Basically, in such a situation, patients are urgently hospitalized.

    For the first few days with acute kidney pyelonephritis, the patient will need to consume a lot of fluids, which may also include:

    • Herbal decoctions.
    • Natural juices.
    • Non-basic tea with sugar.
    • Different compotes.

    In addition, you need to include in the diet vegetables and fruits - melons, zucchini, watermelons, etc. They provide a diuretic effect.

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    Then, for seven to ten days, subject to the relief of symptoms, a vegetable-milk diet with a restriction of salt intake is required - a maximum of 4 to 6 grams per day. If the disease is accompanied by hypertensive syndrome, you need to limit the amount of salt to two to four grams.

    It is important to exclude the following foods and dishes from the diet:

    • Snacks, canned food, snacks and pickles. Spices and spicy seasonings.
    • Coffee. Carbonated drinks and alcohol.
    • Boiled meat broth.
    • Beans.
    • Mushrooms.
    • Cakes and various creams.

    Nutrition for pyelonephritis of the kidneys should be organized fractionally. In a complex situation, the disease should be completely removed from the diet. In order to prepare dishes, only gentle methods should be used - cooking, steaming or quenching.

    If pyelonephritis is accompanied by uremia, then the volume of consumption of plant proteins should be reduced to 25 grams per day. In this case, the doctor recommends increasing the intake of sugar and glucose to 150 grams per day.

    Catering for a chronic form of the disease

    A diet for chronic kidney pyelonephritis is required not only to relieve symptoms during exacerbation of the disease, but also in latent flow.

    Exclude from the diet will require the same products as for acute pyelonephritis. At the core of the food should be the following dishes and products:

    • Meat of lean sorts, lean fish, minced meat in boiled form or steamed. Vegetarian and milk soups.
    • Dairy products, sour-milk products, raw cheese.
    • White or gray bread of yesterday's baking, it's better if it is cooked without the addition of salt. Flour dishes.
    • Eggs - 1 piece per day.
    • Cereals.
    • Puddings.
    • Raw and boiled vegetables, except for radish, cauliflower, onion, garlic and radish.
    • Greens, except for sorrel, celery and spinach.
    • Fruits and berries are strawberries, strawberries and other berries enriched with iron.
    • Bahça. Jam, honey, sugar and other sweets.

    It is important to limit the consumption of cream and sour cream, and instead of seasoning it is allowed to use lemon juice, dried herbs and cinnamon. To salt better the already prepared dish, not exceeding the daily norm - no more than 6 grams per day. Products need to grind well, mash or cook until soft. Drinks coincide with the diet for acute pyelonephritis.

    This is important! When consuming meat, it must be boiled, then cut into small slices. The first cooked meat broth should be drained and refilled with meat. Then bring it to readiness. It is also possible to extract extractives completely.

    General rules for nutrition in the development of pathology

    Based on the principles of dietary nutrition for pyelonephritis in medicine, there are special recommendations:

    1. Consume large amounts of fluid, provided there is no swelling. Water helps to remove toxins from the human body, slags that accumulate when the kidneys work incorrectly. In addition, the liquid helps wash out a part of the microbes from the body as it passes through the urinary canals. Water dilutes highly concentrated urine and prevents precipitation of salts. But we must not forget that along with urine, useful substances can also be washed out of the body, so you need food to be nutritious and varied.
    2. It is necessary to exclude marinades, pickles, canned food and other sources of large amount of table salt from the diet, because it contains sodium. The use of salt is limited to about one teaspoon per day.
    3. It is necessary to refrain from spicy, smoked, spicy dishes and products, from mustard, from horseradish, garlic, which contribute to irritation of the channels of urination.
    4. It is necessary to limit the consumption of foods that increase the concentration of uric acid in the bloodstream. In addition to seafood, meat and fish, this includes spinach, mushrooms, beans, cauliflower, celery.
    5. It is required to refuse coffee, alcoholic drinks, strong tea, rich broths from meat and fish, from gravy and sauces.
    6. It is necessary to observe a measure when consuming sweet and fast carbohydrates, since the excess of glucose provokes the formation of an environment that favors the life of microbes.
    7. Cereals are an integral part of dietary nutrition in case of pyelonephritis. They are the main sources of vitamin intake in the body. It is better to give preference to buckwheat and oatmeal. Buckwheat becomes an important source of iron, because meat is forbidden to eat.
    8. You need to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, drink juices, fruit drinks, herbal tea with diuretic effect, actively include watermelons, zucchini, melons and foods enriched with iron and cobalt, namely strawberries, apples and pomegranates.
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