
Saline diathesis of the kidneys: causes, treatment, prevention

  • Saline diathesis of the kidneys: causes, treatment, prevention

    Kidneys perform a vital function - regulation and secretion of fluid from the body. Often happens that the consumed liquid exceeds the volume necessary for the body, which fully meets its needs.

    Most often, much more liquid is drunk than the body actually needs. This can lead to kidney disease. Often, due to careless attitude towards health, pyelonephritis, salt diathesis of the kidneys and other dysfunctions of the excretory system of the body can develop.

    Throughout life, the renal pelvis removes fluid from the body. Along with it salts of phosphates, urates, oxalates and their compounds are also derived. In addition, the kidneys remove waste slag and waste products. If an inflammatory process occurs, pyelonephritis develops. As a result, a diathesis of the kidneys is formed.

    Kidneys are such organs that after arose any inflammatory condition even after the process, it would seem, is completely cured, for the whole life become vulnerable. After suffering pyelonephritis, it can not be said that the disease completely disappeared after treatment, even quite successfully. From this point on, the kidneys respond to the slightest change in health or a cold. Often against the background of a common catarrhal disease, exacerbation of previous pyelonephritis is noted.

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    Saline diathesis of the kidneys is often not an independent disease. Usually this is a residual phenomenon after the inflammatory diseases of the kidneys that are transferred to chronic conditions.

    Acute course of the disease occurs when urine appears in urine( urate, oxalate, phosphate).Inflammation of the bladder( cystitis), prostatitis or urethritis can provoke an exacerbation of diathesis of kidneys in adults and children. It happens that the symptomatic picture of these diseases is so similar and has an unclear character that it is rather difficult to determine the root cause of the disease.

    The laboratory methods of research play an important role in the diagnosis. Clinical analysis of urine will help to clarify the picture. Normally, a healthy person in the urine should not be found salt, sand or stones, red blood cells, protein and sugar.

    Why does saline diathesis appear?

    The reasons are often found in the wrong diet and the organization of drinking regimen. Excessive infatuation with mineral waters can lead to the fact that uncontrolled use of mineral water, which is a medicine, can do harm to health.

    Healing mineral water will only benefit if its use occurs strictly according to the purpose of a specialist who will prescribe the dose and duration of intake of specific water.

    Also it should be remembered that in a heat it is necessary to use a sufficient volume of liquid. It is best to drink ordinary clean water. The use of concentrated juices, carbonated beverages is undesirable. The moisture evaporates in large quantities, if it's hot outside. In this case, the density of urine increases, because with a decrease in fluid during its evaporation, the concentration of urine increases, which can lead to the crystallization of the salts contained in it.

    If in the hot season regularly replenish the loss of liquid ordinary water, natural fruit drinks or compotes of dried fruits, the salts in the urine will not accumulate, which will prevent their crystallization.

    The genetic factor influences occurrence of the given disease seldom enough, however the heredity, as having the factor, plays a role at diagnosis.

    The manifestation of the disease

    Usually symptoms of salt diathesis of the kidneys can appear during pregnancy, because during this period the kidneys experience a special strain, because they have to regulate and take out the products of vital activity of two( or more) organisms at once!

    Very often the disease does not make itself felt. Patients do not notice any uncomfortable conditions or complaints. However, over time, there may be anxiety symptoms and signs of salt renal diathesis. Patients report pain in the lower back, during the urination. Often the body temperature rises. Sometimes in the urine there is hematuria.

    The appearance of blood in the urine is a disturbing signal, indicating that the processes of crystallization of salts in the kidneys have already begun in the body. In this case, there can be no question of self-treatment! Often, patients do not even suspect the seriousness of their condition, prescribing a malaise for a cold. A visit to a doctor can not be postponed! The specialist will prescribe a test, after which the type of salts will be identified and appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

    Do not risk your health and try to be treated with the means that helped other patients with a similar picture of the disease! This does not mean that in each specific case the cause is the same. Self-medication or lack of treatment can cause serious damage to health and even life!

    Treatment of

    disease Treatment of renal salt diathesis is prescribed depending on the manifestation of the disease. So, for example, if stones are found in the kidneys, the treatment is directed at their fragmentation and removal. Removal of stones is carried out with the help of a laparoscopic method, laser exposure, surgically( if the stone is too large).

    After completion of crushing stones in the kidneys begin to prescribe diuretics. They also prescribe anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents. In case of infection, antibiotics and sulfonamides are prescribed. In addition to traditional medicines, medicinal herbs with a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect are prescribed.

    For the treatment of renal salt diathesis use:

    • Phytolysin.
    • Kanefron.
    • Biseptol.
    • Sulfadimethoxin.
    • Broth of bear ears, corn stigmas, birch buds, knotweed.

    The correct diet plays a huge role in the successful treatment of salt diathesis of the kidneys.

    Diets for salt diathesis of the kidneys are prescribed by a specialist, depending on what kind of salt is present in the urine. From what type of salt, forming stones and sand, depends on the purpose of treatment and diet.

    In any case, with all types of stones in this case there are general recommendations. Patients with salt diathesis of the kidneys should not eat too fatty, salty foods. Exclude fried, smoked. It is not recommended to use strong meat broth.

    It is necessary to drink more pure water, compotes from dried fruits, fruit drinks. Eat potatoes, cabbage. Food is best cooked steamed or stewed, baked. You can not eat chocolate. Cocoa, coffee and strong tea.

    It is necessary to make sure that the volume of the liquid is at least two liters per day, especially during the hot season. It is also necessary to increase the night diuresis. This is achieved by increasing the drunk fluid before bed.

    Detection of the disease

    Diagnose salt renal diathesis on the basis of laboratory and instrumental methods of research, collection of anamnesis. The analysis of urine general and clinical will allow to have an idea of ​​the presence in the urine of calculi, protein, erythrocytes.

    Echoes of saline diathesis of both kidneys after an ultrasound scan can accurately confirm the presence of this disease and immediately appoint the appropriate treatment. To detect this disease, ultrasound of the kidneys or organs of the abdominal cavity, computerized tomography is performed.

    It should be remembered that timely diagnosis and correct, timely treatment will help to maintain kidney health and prevent the development of complications.

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