  • Balanoposthitis in children - what is the reason

    Balanoposthitis in children is an inflammatory disease in which the glans penis and part of the prepuce are involved.

    This disease sometimes occurs in the form of balanitis or postita. In the first case, only the head of the penis is affected, in the second case only the foreskin is affected. Much more often the inflammation is complicated and the disease proceeds in the form of an irrational balanoposthitis.

    Causes of balanoposthitis in children

    Often, balanoposthitis in children occurs because of non-compliance with personal hygiene. The main factor in the development of the disease is the stagnation of the contents of the bag, which is a skin cover. It closes the glans penis.

    It accumulates the remains of urine, the smegma, released from the special glands and the products of its decomposition. Often acute balanoposthitis in children develops in patients with diabetes mellitus. The reason is a high content of sugar in the urine, which causes balanoposthitis.

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    Also the cause of balanoposthitis can be frequent washing of the head with soap, narrowness of the foreskin. The causative agents of the disease are bacteria:

    • streptococci,
    • of staphylococci,
    • E. coli,
    • proteus.

    It is also caused by viruses( herpes), and somewhat less often - yeast fungi - candida.

    Symptoms of balanoposthitis in boys

    Usually balanoposthitis in boys is manifested by the redness and sponginess of the skin in the affected area. Also, the head and foreskin swell, serous or serous-purulent discharge appear. The patient is concerned about the itching in the genital area, he experiences malaise, lymph nodes increase. If in the future the disease progresses, then the appearance of skin erosion and sloughing may occur.

    Treatment and prevention of the disease in children and adolescents

    When the child complains and these symptoms, parents have a question: how to treat such a disease. Of course you need to see a doctor. It is he who will prescribe the treatment.

    Usually prescribe drugs that eliminate inflammation. These drugs, which take inwards, inhibit the activity of pathogenic microbes, and therefore, reduce the inflammatory process.

    Also balanoposthitis at home is treated with folk remedies. Homeopathy includes procedures that are performed with the permission of a doctor. It can be, taken 2-3 times a day of a bath with a solution of potassium permanganate, dioxidine or furatsilina.

    When the procedure is performed, the penis head should be exposed. To the dried body should be attached antiseptic, or gauze pads, moistened in antiseptics. Recommended antiseptic drugs, such as solutions of sodium tetraborate in glycerin, silver nitrate and methylene blue. You can also sprinkle dermatol or talcum powder with tannin or use balanoposthitis cream.

    To prevent boys from getting sick, it is necessary to take preventive measures - to observe the rules of hygiene of the perineum of the genitals, to avoid clumps in the folds of the skin of the organ. For this you need to strip and wash your head daily with warm water without soap. And of course special precautions should be used in phimosis, diabetes and urethritis in children and adolescents.

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