  • Mental Health

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    The emotional sphere of man is one of the secrets of nature. All the negative influences of the environment affect the organism in a complex, but the main cause of the "diseases of civilization" is the various emotional shifts that arise in a person as a result of stress-nerve stresses caused by extreme( extreme) stimuli or circumstances. Stresses can disrupt not only the psyche, but also the work of internal organs.

    Many factors affect the emotional state of a person. After all, the emotional centers that are in the brain, impulses come from the outside( through the senses), and from the inside( from various internal organs).So, bad mood and bad sleep, bad stomach work, and a tasteless breakfast, and a torn stocking can ruin the mood. .. In a word, it's easy to spoil the mood.

    Neuropsychiatric stresses deprive of peace, joy and ultimately lead to the development of neuroses. With neurosis, management of body functions deteriorates. For example, the cardiovascular system is disrupted, and even with a little physical exertion, a person feels pain in the heart area.

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    People with neurosis often complain of headache, insomnia, fatigue, weakness, discomfort in the internal organs. They are irritable, absent-minded, resentful, unhappy with themselves, hypochondriac. The best prevention of neurotic conditions is the correct organization of work, active rest, exercise, auto-training, hardening procedures. It is also important to learn how to "train" your emotions, to treat people kindly, to quench conflict situations, not to attach importance to minor missteps of others, and to critically examine one's own. The adaptive( adaptive) capabilities of the organism are great, therefore, minor deviations arising in the activity of its systems under the influence of stress are easily reversible. But if the nervous tension lasts a long time, then develop such diseases as hypertension, gastric ulcer, diabetes, etc. Prevention of these diseases must begin with the appearance of their predecessors - neuroses.

    The underlying cause of neuroses, as is known, is most often found in stressful situations at work and at home. And how can I avoid them? We often think that we are not guilty in these situations and we can not prevent them. But this is not so. Much, and sometimes everything depends on ourselves.

    Creating a good mood is perhaps the most effective measure for the prevention of neurotic diseases. According to doctors, people are optimistic in their character and are less likely to get sick, and their illnesses are easier. Therefore, the question of the use of laughter is increasingly raised for the promotion of human health and the treatment of diseases. There was even a term "laughter".

    A great way to create a good mood is to engage in any physical activity that, as I.P.Pavlov, gives "muscular joy."The mood of the weather, the color of the surrounding objects( green, blue - soothe, red - excites), music( quiet melodic - soothes, stormy - raises tone), nature( especially recommended tourism and walks), theatrical spectacles, paintings, booksetc.(there is even a term - "estetotherapy" - treatment of beauty).

    To keep good mood and well-being, it is also useful to learn how to switch from one activity to another in time, especially when other activities are related to your favorite pastime - a hobby. It will distract you, calm you, improve your mood. When switching in the cerebral cortex, a new focus of excitement appears, which, as it were, extinguishes, inhibits the old, causing fatigue or negative excitement.

    Famous psychotherapist AB.Alekseev for many years of his activity has accumulated vast experience in developing methods for overcoming stressful situations. And although the principles of this method were prepared for athletes, they are useful to any person who has fallen into a stressful situation.

    Principle one - assemble! This means - be able to fully engage in the business that is to be started, and so completely that there is simply no space left for the stranger in consciousness. Only under this condition all the strengths, both mental and physical, are completely concentrated on the task at hand.

    Unfortunately, the ability to fully focus attention is not true. Moreover, people who are very difficult to concentrate on something are much more often. What to do? Train this feature of attention regularly, daily for several minutes, 5-10 times. The easiest way is to resort to the help of the clock: "tie" the view to the second hand and try not to be distracted by anything extraneous, until it runs through a full circle. If you are distracted, repeat again and so on until you honestly can not say to yourself: "Focused on one thing for a whole minute."It is useful to train at any free moment.

    The second principle - shut down! This skill is back to the previous one, it is also based on a high concentration of attention, but already on all those thoughts that are associated with getting out of tension, with rest. Turning off, we stop wasting energy, and first of all the most expensive - nervous. The same one who for the day, and even 2-3 days before a responsible event, only thinks about him, and being too worried, only "burns" himself. To business, he will begin to be devastated. If the nervous excitement needs to be removed quickly, literally in a few minutes, it is recommended to make several deep squats with an artificially prolonged inspiration at the moment of lowering, then slowly walk around, slowly and sweepingly moving the relaxed arms, legs, neck, whole body. In this case, the exhalations should be short and not very deep, and the exhalations - slow and utterly complete.

    To think at this time follows about something connected with rest. You can imagine yourself, for example, lying on a clean sandy beach under the warm rays of the southern sun. However, only those who develop the ability for high concentration of attention will be able to switch from stress to calmness.

    Principle three - do not be angry! Observations show that there are a lot of people who after some kind of failure or trouble begin to get angry, and, as a rule, not to themselves, but to others. However, anger is most often - an unprofitable emotion, even harmful. Angry, we involuntarily focus not on the causes, but on the consequences of failures, lose the ability to reason and can not quickly overcome the obstacles that gave rise to feelings of anger. All this manifests itself the brighter, the stronger we get angry.

    The principle of the fourth - on any obstacles, difficulties, I respond to any failure only by mobilizing all my forces. Mobilizuyus quickly and ultimately! It is easy to see that this rule is closely related to the previous one. The first reaction to the interference is very much a feeling of anger. But, as already said, this emotion is harmful. Therefore, it is very important to cultivate the ability to respond to any difficulty not with anger, but with the mobilization of forces aimed at overcoming the difficulty. Ability to respond to interferences, troubles, failures, sudden difficulties, rapid mobilization of all their forces must be brought to automatism, so that without further hesitation in the next few seconds be included in the active overcoming of the disturbances. The rule, quoted here as the fourth, should, perhaps, be considered one of the most important laws in sport and in life.

    Principle five - add at the end! This rule is well known in all high-speed sports: without the ability to dramatically accelerate at the finish it is difficult to expect victory. It is in those moments when a person, finishing the case, believes that all the difficulties are already behind, there may be failures. Such and very unfortunate failures are explained simply: in the process of doing this or that business, energy is wasted, which leads to a gradual and often subjective non-

    felt fatigue. First of all, the nervous system is exhausted and the important mental process, such as attention, is given up. And when it weakens, control over the accuracy of movements worsens - hence the error. Having finished the business, not only it is possible, but also it is necessary to fulfill the second rule: switch off. The same who will afford at least a little, even for a second, even for a moment before the end of the event to relax, can fail.

    Before any, and even more important, responsibility it is recommended to look at yourself from the point of view of the above five rules. And if there is a weakness somewhere, it is necessary to take all measures to eliminate it. In some cases, this requires several days or weeks, in others( for example, to master the first or fourth rule), one must improve oneself throughout life. But the game is worth the candle!