  • Ay, gugu

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    Features of the game and its educational value. This game differs from the previous one only in that the children help each other already individually and on their own motivation.

    Description of the game and its methods. The teacher puts the children on the chairs. Passing from one child to another, he says: "I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'll find my friend!" Then he stops in front of one of the kids."You want to play with me? He asks."Then let's go together."The adult takes the child by the hand, and they go on together, reciting: "Let's go, let's go, let's find a friend!" Gradually the educator gathers all the children into one chain. The last child he asks to stop, not letting go of the neighbor's hands, then comes to him and closes the circle. The adult explains to the children how to play. He reads the text and asks them to repeat the movements behind him, visually explaining the content of the game in this way.

    Words Ai, gugu, gugu, gugu, Do not whirl in the meadow. There's a puddle in the meadow, My head will spin. Oh, the water! Oh, the water! Here is trouble, so much trouble!

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    Movements Children lead to the right and, with the last word, squat slightly.

    Holding hands, go to the left and crouch with the last word.

    Lower your hands, turn your face to the center, grasp your head and shake your head. With the last word they turn their backs to the pool.

    Jump-skok, jump-skok,

    Jump, jump and jump, Straight in the puddle hit!

    Make a few jumps from the center and stop. With the last word, children crouch, "fall into a puddle."

    The teacher approaches any child, takes his hands and helps him to jump out of the puddle. A rescued child can voluntarily help any of the players jump out of the puddle. So the children together with the tutor save everyone, and the game starts first.

    Rules of the game.

    1. Perform traffic in accordance with the text, in time to move from one movement to another.

    2. It is allowed to help anyone you choose.

    Tips for the educator. The original start of the game will help you create a relaxed atmosphere in the group, appeal to each child and invite him to play with everyone. If you repeat the game on the same day, you can omit this entry. However, such an invitation, which sets children up for a common game, is very important, as it makes it possible to feel the child's attention and peer confidence, to understand that he is equal among them.

    Try to play the game lively, fun, at ease. The emotional behavior of the educator should serve as an example for children.