
Products useful for the kidneys, their effect on the functioning of the organ

  • Products useful for the kidneys, their effect on the functioning of the organ

    In order to maintain the health of the kidneys, it is necessary to include in the diet foods useful for the kidneys, from which it is possible to cook a large number of tasty and healthy dishes.

    Kidney function

    Kidneys are an organ that removes substances and excess water from the human body. Healthy and properly functioning buds balance the rate of excretion of the substance and the rate of their entry. At the same time, regardless of salt intake, they allow maintaining an acceptable volume of extracellular fluid in the body, are responsible for blood pressure and acid-base balance. This means that this body removes from the body some acids formed during the process of protein digestion.

    Also, kidneys are stimulated by the formation of erythrocytes, form in the human body vitamin D, which contributes to the preservation of phosphorus and calcium in the bones. During fasting, they, as well as the liver, produce glucose.

    This is the work of healthy kidneys, so it is important to carefully treat the food you eat so that it helps you work properly for many years. Foods of proper nutrition can not only be useful. But also very tasty. The most harmful for the kidneys is protein intake and insufficient intake of fat.

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    Useful products

    Many functions of the body depend on the work of the kidneys. To prevent clogging of this body with unnecessary substances, you should eat certain foods, which include greens, fruits and vegetables. Dill helps cleanse the kidneys in the same way as cabbage, cucumber, pumpkin, melon, watermelon, sweet pepper, etc. Good effect on the work of the kidneys is seafood.

    Watermelon juice helps to cleanse the body thanks to substances that mix with consumed food, clean it from harmful chemicals. Thus, the kidneys begin to filter the liquid better.

    When a kidney is affected a person should adhere to a strict diet - to limit the consumption of meat, milk, cottage cheese, calcium and foods high in vitamin C. Cranberry helps to alleviate the course of pathologies, since the juice of these berries contains many bactericides. Which kill the most resistant bacteria.

    In addition, the juice of sweet pomegranate is used to treat kidney pathologies, and the juice of acid garnets perfectly suits the cleavage of stones. Also, cucumbers act - they promote the excretion of sand accumulated in the kidneys.

    To strengthen and prevent body pathologies, it is recommended to consume grapes, as it removes harmful salts and uric acid from the body, reducing the risk of stones formation in the kidneys and in the bladder. When forming stones, it is good to drink a decoction of grape leaves that will purify the kidneys and bladder, but before taking this folk remedy it is better to consult a specialist.

    Vitamin A is also useful. A large proportion of vitamin A, the human body synthesizes from carotene, sources of which are: sweet pepper, carrots, parsley, sea buckthorn, dill, spinach, sorrel, cilantro and onions.

    It is equally useful for kidneys to eat pumpkin - porridge, mashed potatoes, pumpkin juices or with its addition. Pumpkin promotes the activation of urinary processes, without irritating the urinary tract. Virtually the same effect produces a watermelon and a melon of unsweetened varieties. In addition, the use of plums and apples is useful.

    Kidneys begin to function better when a person is in a pose on all fours - it is this position that allows you to normalize the process of excretion of urine from the body. Also, the kidneys begin to work better when driving - ski walks, gymnastics, dances, etc.

    Drinking in diseases of the kidneys

    The human body is 80% water and only if enough fluids are absorbed - about 1.5 - 2 liters per day, you can maintain a normal water-salt balance. This process is very important, both for the kidneys, and for the body as a whole.

    If a person has been diagnosed with kidney pathology, then it is better to stop using alcoholic beverages, as they provoke the development of acute kidney failure, and this condition can endanger human life.

    It's also better not to drink fruit, sweetened drinks, because the substances in their composition irritate the kidneys. Do not abuse a large amount of mineral water without special doctor's testimony. High concentration of any salts in the body can provoke the formation of stones and urinary canals, especially if there are prerequisites for this process - narrowing of the ureters, damage to the bacterial infection and violation of metabolic processes.

    Good work of the kidneys is facilitated by drinking boiled water, milk, cranberry and cranberry mors. They help to remove excess fluid in the body, reduce the concentration of urine and prevent the formation of stones.

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