  • Ascending gonorrhea and features of its manifestation

    Gonorrhea is an infectious disease caused by the gonorrhea. As a rule, gonorrhea is transmitted sexually. Pathogen, getting on the mucous membranes of the body, begins its development and active reproduction.

    Danger to a healthy person is the discharge from the genitals of a sick person( sperm, vaginal discharge and intestines).When infection occurs, infection of the mucous membranes of the genital organs or mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, depending on the nature of the sexual act.

    Ascending gonorrhea in women develops when the infection extends beyond the internal uterine zone, covering the overlying parts of the reproductive system. This process is favored:

    • menstrual cycle, the next after infection;
    • postpartum period;
    • intrauterine intervention;
    • introduction of intrauterine contraceptives.

    In this case, during medical interventions, a disease that has a latent or acute form localized in the lower part of the reproductive apparatus, extends already into the uterine cavity, ovaries, fallopian tubes. At the same time, the severity of the disease is significantly increased, the risk of complications increases, which complicates the general condition of patients and makes it difficult to treat the disease.

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    Detection of ascending gonorrhea

    It should be noted that the gonorrhea of ​​the lower part of the reproductive system can have a latent flow, when the gonococci in the discharge can disappear when the disease passes into a chronic form or ascending gonorrhea.

    In such cases, the provocation method is applied. Careful collection of anamnesis can help with the diagnosis. The presence of characteristic symptoms( discharge, pain with urination, the presence of gonorrhea spots) will reinforce the suspicion of gonococcal infection. We must not forget that the primary infertility and infertility that has occurred after one pregnancy, with the normal development of the genitals, should make us think about the previous gonorrhea. Also, with gonorrheal affection of the appendages, it is most often bilateral.

    Mechanism of development and clinical picture of the disease

    Gonococcal infection covers the uterine cavity, endometrium develops, i.е.inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus. Endometritis can manifest itself as a clinical picture of acute inflammation and deterioration of the general condition, accompanied by the phenomenon of intoxication of the body. Characteristic increase in body temperature to 39 degrees, chills, the appearance of sharp, cutting pains in the lower abdomen, lumbar region, sacrum and legs. Allocations from the vagina become plentiful, purulent, sometimes there appears a draconian detachable.

    There is a violation of the menstrual cycle in the form of long, profuse and painful, appearing before the term, menstruation. With gynecological examination, the uterus is enlarged and painful, which becomes a milder consistency. In the blood there is an increase in ESR, while the number of leukocytes is normal.

    In the chronic form of the disease, complaints are less pronounced. The pain in the lower abdomen is disturbed mainly during movement and during sexual intercourse. Monthly also appear before the term, abundant and contain a purulent secret. Body temperature is normal, but can be subfebrile( up to 38 degrees).With gynecological examination, the uterus is also increased, however, its consistency is more dense.

    Inflammatory process with ascending gonorrhea can also cover the muscular layer of the uterus( myometrium).In this case, the picture of the disease is the same as in the endometrium, but it is expressed more sharply.

    With ascending gonorrhea, a characteristic feature is the rapid spread of infection to the fallopian tubes, ovaries and peritoneum. Salpingoophoritis is most common when the fallopian tubes and ovaries are affected, as the inflammation process encompasses these closely related organs.

    In patients with chronic salpingo-oophoritis caused by gonorrheal infection, patients are concerned about frequent aching, dull pains in the lower abdomen and lumbosacral region. Constipation is noted. Bloating, low sex drive, insomnia and headaches. With advanced disease, if you do not take measures, then the risk of peritonitis is great. In this case, if prompt assistance is not provided in a timely manner, then a fatal outcome may occur.

    Treatment of ascending gonorrhea

    Should be comprehensive, including the following areas:

    • elimination of the pathogen. Antibiotics penicillin and cephalosporin series, macrolides and sulfonamides( if there is intolerance to antibiotics) are prescribed;
    • stimulation of immunological reactivity of the body. The gonovaccine is used. With tuberculosis, anemia, kidney, liver, heart disease, during pregnancy, the use of gonovaccine is contraindicated.
    • is a local treatment for gonorrhea of ​​the lower genital tract. Wash and warm sessile baths with solutions of protargol, potassium permanganate, decoctions of chamomile, calendula are carried out. Also, special vaginal suppositories, intramuscular lubrication with Lugol solution and silver nitrate are used. With proctitis( inflammation of the rectum), microclysters are prescribed with belladonna extract, lubrication of cracks and the use of rectal suppositories with protargol, calendula, etc.

    After the termination of treatment at women smears are undertaken. If there are no gonococci in the study material, then a drug provocation is carried out in a week. After that, swabs from all the foci are taken at intervals of 24 hours three times. If the pathogen is absent, then repeated examinations are carried out within 2-3 months. With a negative result of the study, the woman is considered cured, after which she is removed from the dispensary.

    An important role in preventing the occurrence of gonorrhea is played by health education among women, advocating the use of barrier methods of contraception.

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